A big blood clot came out of my nose

Last time this happened to me was when I was pregnant with my daughter in 2018 but I’m not pregnant this time and it happened out of no where.
My doctors office sucks and won’t have any openings until sometime in February. Any advice or ideas of what it could be may help…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. A big blood clot came out of my nose

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Id go to the hospital if i was that worried. If u have nose bleeds tht is typical. If not then most def get to a hospital

Maybe try to be seen at an urgent care / walk-in clinic. I’d definitely try that before going to the hospital. Less time consuming and less risk of exposure to more serious things.


That’s happened to me a few times. No idea why. Filled an entire t-shirt.

Go to an Urgent care

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It happens to my daughter when she is doing something with her nose piercing like pushing on it do you have one if so it could be something to do with that too??

It’s happened to me before (sinus issues/dry air).


Could be as simple as dry nasal cavity. If it’s really dry in your house that would explain it.


I had it happen too and couldn’t stop nose bleed for hours. Wish I’d been smart enough to go to walk-in and get it cauterized.

You don’t want to go to the hospital right now. There is a spike in covid cases

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It happened to me on both sides once. It was after a sinus infection.

This happens to me when I have a sinus infection. Do you have any other symptoms? Pressure on your head or ears mostly

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Mine was a sinus infection

If you live in a climate where your furnace is on then it’s probably because your nose is dry. Happens during these winter months, unfortunately there’s not really anything that they will do if it’s not continuing to bleed for a certain amount of time. If you can I would run a humidifier to get some moisture into your Air. And the way to stop it if it’s continuing to bleed or if it does it again is to plug the fatter part of your nose where your nasals are where the opening of your nose is. A lot of people think it’s up by the bridge of their nose but the correct place to stop a nosebleed is by plugging the actual nose. They also do have nasal spray that you can use to help moisten your nose. Good luck

get to your hospital now


Sinus issues! It could be the dry air too. My son has them all the time. His Dr. Said to get that AYR Gel to coat the inside of your nose. It helps.

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My son use to get them all the time to point where it would look like a murder scene cause there was blood everywhere and only way we were able to stop it was to get that spot burnt. It was called nasal cauterization and my sons ear nose throat (ent) doctor did it.

Agree urgent care dont wait…

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My 8 year old gets nose bleeds often (at least once a day) and every time he has a huge clot! His nose will bleed like crazy until the clot comes out and then it will start slowing down and eventually stop.
I’ve taken him to the doctor and they believe it’s due to dry air and aren’t concerned about it


My sons get bloody noses often and on a number of occasions him or I have pulled out up to 6 inches of blood clot. Doctor had no concerns


I used to get that I had to have my nose cortorized" don’t think I’m spelling this right" :roll_eyes:

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I use to get nasty ones and both nostrils, if you have a humidifier use that during night time special if you have heat going… And I put a warm wash cloth on my nose and steamy shower… winter dry and allergies do it for me …

I have to get blood clot out everytime or nose won’t stop bleeding I get them when I over heat or dry air but always a blood clot and I’ve filled a tub of water with a bunch of blood and blood clots trying to get it to stop went to er nothing

Urgent care dont Wait for February


I had an over grown blood vessel in my nose and they had to burn it

some times it could be high blood presser


I would definitely be seeking help at an urgent care or something.

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Run a humidifier in your home.

Weather changes can cause that to happen

Its probably dry but you could also have a capillary problem. 1 may need cauterized.

Time out your office doesn’t “suck” because they won’t have openings until February.

We are in the middle of the worst time of year where everyone gets sick with everything.Add the fact that covid is still going strong just strains everyone in the medical field even more.

Most offices have a nurse line or will offer advice over the phone. If they believe it is serious they will get you in or will advise what to do in the meantime. They would also direct you to urgent care or ER if they felt it was serious enough but they were literally to full to get you in. I would call them to ask what they would like you to do.

My husband has large sinuses. ( He has had to have surgery to clear out his sinus cavities from clogging, twice in his life-time ). Dry air causes him to have nose bleeds and clots to release. He uses a humidifier to put himidity back into the air. He uses Afrin ( bought at any store) to stop the bleeding. He wets a Q-tip and gently swabs the inside of proboem nostril. It stops bleeding, most times, but not always. Sometimes he has to visit our doctor. If this does not work, Id visit Urgent Care.

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YDS deals with this. They’ve even done labs and sent him to a pediatric oncology/hematology clinic. Basically it’s just nosebleeds posssibly due to many reasons. Clots can be quite big they look scary. Totally normal. Saline mist at night, humidifier, petroleum jelly etc and keep track of if the nosebleeds on a calendar. Length of time, what you were doing prior to it starting. Was it dry/cold/etc.

Probably from the dry air with the heat on. Try a humidifier.

Have you had covid at all? This happened to me after having covid

Can be sinuses. Try saline nose spray.

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Urgent care, but your nose might be dry. My son used to get nose bleeds from the air being too dry. Our doctor told us to use a qtip and put Vaseline in his nostrils.

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Or hospital like that’s what someone with sense would do


Urgent care. Get it checked out.

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I would go to urgent care.

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Urgent care and switch doctors

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I would be inclined to just move on your life!


Big? One time? Bruising? There needs to be context to this question. It may have been a simple coincidence that a similar thing happened when you were pregnant, after all, a lot can occur during those 40 weeks that have no direct bearing on the pregnancy.
As for not getting into your pcp for a long period, I’m VERY sure you were told to go to urgent care or the ER if your symptoms got worse. You can only schedule so many people in a given day and those options exist for things you consider urgent or an emergency. Good luck.

A common side affect with the jabbed, get to hospital.


Did you have the vax?


I’d give the hospital a call and inform them and see what they say.

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Go to urgent care. Still schedule an appointment with your PCP as if you may need to have a referral to an ENT. But urgent care can get you in and check you out to see if something is going on. If they see something that needs to be addressed urgently they can also help you get into an ENT as well.


Nose bleeds can mean a lot of things you would not expect…keep an eye on that if consistant and for sure see a doctor…

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You need to see if you can get in to urgent care. Call your insurance company and tell them your primary doc is booked until feb 2022 but you have a medical emergency and need to seek medical immediately and if they have any urgent care facilities on your insurance they can recommend. Good luck. Dont wait on this, it can turn serious real quick.:purple_heart:

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Honestly, I wouldn’t worry about it, unless you have a consistent nose bleed. If it’s stopped you should be fine. If you feel no pain, it’s likely just because of weather changes.


What time of day was it? If it was in the morning, there’s a good chance you had a nose bleed during the night that clotted and then it came out in the morning.

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I snot rocketed a pretty big clot the other day too… The air gets a lot drier in the winter & will dry your sinuses. Oftentimes, resulting in nose bleeds and clots. You could try an OTC saline nasal spray & that’ll probably help tremendously. A humidifier in your home, or placing a pan of water near a heat duct & let it evaporate as your furnace kicks on & it’ll put moisture back into the air.


Go to emergency department

My daughter had this happen and it totally freaked me out lol. But it was around this time of year I believe when the air was really dry. I was told it was nothing to worry about and it hasn’t happened again


I use to have horrible nosebleeds as a kid and literally had huge blood clots come out of my nose and even would cough them up. I had to go to the ER a few times. We use to put ice on my nose and don’t tilt your head back, that will cause the blood to leak to your throat and it will clot and you will cough it up. I had to get the artery carterized I think, can’t really remember. Sleep with a humidifier on also or a bowl of water in front of a fan if you don’t have a humidifier. Dry air will cause nosebleeds. I would get it checked just to be safe!

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I would find a new Dr and discuss it with them My grandson used to have bloody noses for no reason and the Dr’s had no answers and he just had to live with it.If it hasn’t happened in 3 yrs I wouldn’t be to worried

Go to a urgent care I would look for a new Dr or speak with the office manager

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Were you having a nose bleed? My son gets them frequently, especially in the winter and sometimes big clots come out. Basically the blood clots up way up in the sinus as it sits then comes out like that. It’s so disturbing lol.

Your doctor sucks why?

Any trauma to your nose, nasal sprays, allergies, sinusitis, weather changes, or a medication can cause this.

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Arm and hammer has an awesome saline spray in a pressurized can. Neti pots help too. Until you can get into the doctor.

Forget about the nose bleeding… No doctors office should “not have any openings until February” that’s unacceptable. Find a new office.


I wouldn’t think a blood clot is any huge concern, unless you have a continuous nose bleed or headache as well. Everyone wants to run to the ER over everything. The ER is for real emergencies. No one with a real emergency should be waiting for someone to be seen for one blood clot. Please do not overuse the ER as people are suggesting. Make an appt with a new Dr. I’m sure it’s just from dry air/sinusitis. I have had them too


Go to urgent care! Not ER
And change your doctor


A baby aspirin daily… should help…as long as it’s not still bleeding…you should be ok…Head cold also…

Why would you use up valuable resources in urgent care or the er for a damn nose bleed. Cmon people. Its dry. Its winter. Get a humidifier, use some saline nose spray and put Vaseline in your nose. Don’t go to urgent care for a bloody nose for the love of God.

I’ve done this all my life dry air can cause vessels to bust and that’s how the come out is the only answer I’ve ever got


Get a new doctor🤷‍♀️

Lots of drs are backed up. I wound up in ER in Oct with ischemic colitis. When I called gastro Dr for followup appointment I was told April was first opening. I took next available with physician assistant and it was still 2 months. The medical profession is just overwhelmed. If you have immediate concerns I would go to urgent care or ER.

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I’m confused as to why you said the doctor sucks? Is it because they’re booked? This is the season for sickness so it’s understandable they may be busy. If it’s a big concern of yours just go to urgent care not sure what they can do. This would be something for am ear nose and throat doctor not a primary. If it happened once I wouldn’t be too worried, could be the change in weather. If it starts reoccurring I would definitely see a ENT doctor.


Might want to get a referral to see a lung doctor that could mean blood clots in the long

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The ignorance is real with some of these comments :eyes:


It is probably from dry air…get some plain saline nose spray or try a neti pot and a cool mist humidifier…also you can put vaseline KY or Auqaphor in your nose that will help…


Contact the out of hours doc

You said the doctor sucks but yet you come on Facebook and ask a bunch of people who are not doctors for advice like really


I had massive nose bleeds and once had multiple clots come out and they told me it was most likely from the weather or my house being dry


It happened to me once and my mom rushed me to the ER thinking i was gonna die lol…the doctor said its because of dry air going inside my nose that it was drying out my nostrils. The doctor told me to use the spray thingy for ur nose

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I have had blood clots come out of my nose on quite a few occasions. The relief was unbelievable, I never went to see a doctor. I just enjoyed being able to breathe.

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Could try a walk in urgent care. But buy a cool mist humidifier. I put one in my room and it helped with the dry air. Dry air can cause nosebleeds. Good luck.

This happen to me and I had an infection in my septum. The clot came out and it was tissue… left a huge hole that a q-tip fit through. I now I have a little prosthetic patch in there. Shine a light up there and look in the mirror. I could clearly see the hole.

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Flonase , dehumidifier, saline spray


You may have nasal polyps. I used to blow them out all the time growing up and my nose would bleed like hell . then i went to the army and we ran 12 miles one morning I blew out a big one and haven’t had one since 11 year or so .

Get you some fluticasone and spray them nostrils :nose::heart: you’ll be okay. Dry air is the worst especially cold dry air. Or even nasal saline spray just to keep them moist

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Google it . Most time from weather being too dry . Get some good saline and use it to clean out your nose . Do not over use or you will cause more problems . Get a better doctor and if nothing hurts go ask a pharmacy place to help guide you to the best nasal out there but you tube shows the best videos for everything now so good luck . Start finding a better doctor . Your supposed to have a doctor you like and we have the freedom to pick more than just one when we do not like the one we got . I have changed three times in my life for good reasons and found one even better every single time of my life to my older age of now . Good luck and I hope it is just the weather causing this . Get a decent humidifier and use baby water and keep them clean as the directions tell you to or the water and the inside gets yuck and slimy.

Try using a humidifier it should help.

Saline, cool mist humidifier and a little bacitracin on a q tip should do it