ADVICE before beginning sleep training on our 4 month old (almost 5 months old)?

I never did rice in bottle but I would spoon feed a very runny mixture about 8 and warm bath after slept til at 2-4 am that way

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Sleep training your baby is just training them to self soothe without you. Torture. Especially at 4 months.


Nikole Marie Taylor, you right about that. My babies all slept through the night. Even when they just came out the hospital. Not getting up a night for me.

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If she’s waking up to eat she’s probably hungry đŸ€· maybe try feeding her way closer to bedtime so her tummy is full. Or right before bed give her the bottle after her “dinner”. Like a bedtime snack type of thing

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Please anyone, before using the “cry it out method” do your OWN research on the phycological effects of that. Yes I know many people have used it for years, but it’s really important to use the research and studies they have done on that method.


Guessing your in the 4 month regression
which is going to be tougher
I can’t imagine sleep training is a good idea about now

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I feed my baby she after getting rid of the bottle if she did wake up I would give her milk an she would drink it In cuppy an go back to sleep I did this till she was 3 an started school preschool after that she never woke up for a cup at night cuz she was so tired from school

All I can say is change doctor asap. I have never ever heard a pediatrician that’s ok with rice in bottle. By the way could the way you’re over feeding that poor baby be the issue?!! My oldest was an over eater and even her didn’t eat every 2 hours


At six months they go through growth spurts. I would not recommend trying to not feed your child all night. Maybe give a oatmeal or rice bottle before bed to help sleep longer. I’m not sure how long your pediatrician been in practice but I believe it’s around 12 months when it’s ok to not feed them during the night as they should be good from the solid foods throughout the day. You have to remember the baby has only been without constant feeding through umbilical for four months now. It’s pretty selfish to not want to feed your child because their waking throughout the night. Maybe you need to have your tubes tied so it doesn’t happen again.


change your pediatrician. :woman_facepalming:t2:


Rice has no nutritional value and babies don’t overeat. You have unrealistic expectations


Cry it out is an AWFUL METHOD and you’re a failure as a parent if you do it. Babies cry because their needs are not being met.


Rice cereal
 in a bottle


My daughter let her kids self soothe for the same reason. It was hell for the first while on mom because he would have a temper but once he realized he was getting nowhere things changed. Not only did he sleep all night he just kept himself entertained until she got him in the morning. She wouldn’t leave him long but it was nice to wake up to baby goo in the morning instead of screaming. Go for it and good luck

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drop off baby at my house .


It’s the 4 month sleep regression. And don’t Google it because they’re all stupid too :neutral_face: I’m shocked that sleep training is the recommendation I just found in multiple articles from reputable sources. I’m usually so aligned with the most up to date information and recommendations for all safety things but that’s stupid and I don’t think anyone should be leaving their 4month old to cry it out. The US is the only country where this is a standing recc, every other country encourages you to go to your baby when they cry đŸ€Š


My oldest woke every 3 hours until she was 2. & then one day she just stopped & started sleeping through the night. Did you tell your dr about putting rice in their bottle? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: & If you did & they’re fine with it, you should find another pediatrician. Look it up. If they’re spitting up, adjust the bottle, talk to the pediatrician about reflux
 whatever, but if your baby is hungry, let him eat! Your baby will tell you what he needs! Now we did sleep train, but we did it at 6 months & just sleeping without us wise
 not food wise. They do have to get used to not being with you, & some find that harder than others. With my oldest, we did every 3 minutes come in & soothe, then every 5 minutes & try again
 she realized we might have been gone but we weren’t really gone. It took 2 nights & then she was perfectly fine.


Michelle Mann advice?

Y I K E S. You first of all NEED to get a new pediatrician because those rice bottles are bad for the baby and its probably WHY that baby is spitting up. You likely stretched their tummy, poor thing.

Also 4m sleep regression is a thing. And babies do tend to wake at night. Its normal. You should know if u already have a kid. 5m is far too young to sleep train.


NEVER, and I do mean NEVER allow ANY child to cry it out regardless of their age. As the parent, think about when you’re having a rough day and need consoling. Or, think about when your hungry, do you eat? Do you cry yourself until you puke? That’s what the cry it out method is :rage::weary:


PLEASE don’t leave your sweet babe that young to cry. Please don’t leave your baby at any age to cry. If they’re waking up, they need you. Whether they’re hungry, scared or just need you to hold them. And get a new pediatrician. Holy :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::weary: and kids don’t learn to sleep when left, they learn that you’re not responding to their needs so they give up. :broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:


I started sleep training at 3months, I never left the bottle with them and I only let them cry for 2-3 min before going back in. I slowly tapered the amount of formula down in the bottle in the middle of the night until they didn’t need it anymore. I also used rice/ oatmeal in there bottle during the day. Which was all cleared by our pediatrician. I have 3 healthy boys and trust our pediatrician whole heartedly.


I feel like 4 months is still too young for sleep training. But that’s just my opinion. I usually started sleep training around 8-9 months. But I guess I really hated hearing my babies cry and so I wanted to wait until I felt they were very ready for it. Always making sure they have been fed, changed, and the room is a good temperature before attempting to sleep train. I also always chose a gentle approach. Not flat out sticking them in the crib and letting them scream. I would usually rock them until they were almost asleep and then put them down. I would then immediately step out of the room and sit or stand outside the door and listen to them cry for about two minutes and then go in and pick them back up. I would just do this over and over until they fell asleep. But I feel like you gotta keep in mind how long it’s taking. If it’s taking an hour and they are still crying I would probably give in and rock them completely to sleep. Because I don’t want my baby to be stressed and overtired. It usually takes time. You’ll see progress and then sometimes they just wont be into it. That can be discouraging for the parent but I felt it was more important that my kiddo felt safe and got much needed sleep. So on nights they struggled with it I felt it was better to let my baby take the lead and just do whatever they needed at that time. My kiddos were usually sleep trained in about a month or less using this method. It depends on so many factors so you also really gotta listen to your instinct. Every kiddo is different. I found out that I had to listen to my kiddo rather than outside sources. Obviously keeping them in mind but putting my kid first. Things went smoother when I followed my own natural instincts. My first child was difficult to sleep train, whereas my second was easy, and my third was again difficult. But they each needed a somewhat similar yet different approach.

My kids were good sleepers. I never had to train them. But here is why i think that might be and maybe it will help you. Bed time for baby was “bed time” for everybody. Once baby went to bed, it was time to relax and be quiet. No chores were done then or hustle and bustle. It was time to quietly relax, which meant no disturbances for baby.
Having everything done meant bed time routine was just the last thing to “do” and allowed me to do it peacefully. Babies sense mommy’s stressed out tenseness. If youre stressed while trying to get baby to relax, it doesnt work. You have to be calm and settled too.
Baby needs lots of stimation while shes awake, not right before bedtime. And lots of cuddles through out the day. She needs to know you are ALWAYS there, so when she goes to sleep its doesnt create a fear that she wont be taken care of.
Be mindful that changes are happening with baby, and sometimes those physical and mental changes are actually painful and scary. She needs the comfort and security of her person. She NEEDS you - and isnt it beautiful that someone needs you to be there for them. Try to keep the things you are doing for baby in a positive frame of refference when you are doing them. Im not a supporter of toxic positivity by any means, but trying to stay happy and relaxed, are at least playful (not sarcastic or ironic) helps keep babies moods in check along with your own.
If baby is eating a lot at night, she may need a more nourishing dinner to fill her up before bed. Try the rice cereal seperate from the bottle as a meal (mix it with the milk some its very runny, but not enough to go through a nipple, and spoon feed her). And then give her a full bottle without the cereal and let her top off with what she needs.
Also, look into sleep regressions and try to be patient with baby and yourself. It really does get easier momma, it just takes some time to get there. You’re doing great!


I put rice in my son’s night time bottle at 5 months. He did just fine. Some babies just eat more. That’s when he started sleeping 4/6 hours at a time in his own crib. We did not want to do the whole family bed thing.

Sleep Training a 5 month old baby? Seriously?


4 months old and a post like this??? Poor baby!!


You’re kidding right? My kid is 11 months and takes a bottle. Your pediatrician sounds like a quack. Every kid is different


I had a pediatrician tell me the same thing one time. My son was 6 months, still waking up every night. But in my heart, I just couldn’t do it. I couldn’t let him cry it out or scream. I am not judging, and trust me I get the sleep deprivation! But just tell yourself this isn’t going to be “forever.” It’s just a stage, and some babies need that extra feeding or 2 in the middle of the night. Not all babies are the same. Eventually baby will sleep through the night! Maybe it’s just taking longer. It doesn’t mean you have to eventually cosleep either like with your 1st child. 2 of my kids were around 18 months when they finally slept all night. They were also on the small end
born at 6 lbs, and 5 lbs. They definitely needed that extra food, even though my pediatrician at the time but a label “By 6 months, they don’t need it.” Well at 6 months, my kids were barely 10 lbs. That definitely had a lot to do with it.


It sounds so weird to talk about children like you can “train” them
 they aren’t a pet


My son is 3 and just now sometimes finally sleeps through the night

You need a new pediatrician. And 8 plus ounces through the night is not over eating.


My baby wakes through the night wanting a bottle I’m going to give him a bottle. Wtf is wrong with your pediatrician?


I have some questions to ask so that I can give better advice
if OP could send a PM. Kind of sucks that there are so many people being rude.

Old school here
 My son was like this. I did a spoon feeding with formula and oatmeal mix at night. I started this about 3-4 months old. After he ate I gave 4 oz bottle. I sang and rocked to sleep. He usually didn’t wake back up till 5-6 am. He would play then back to sleep for nap. Bed time was 7 pm. Ate around 6pm bath after then 4oz bottle. Let cry for only 5 mins at a time. But in order to sleep train you have to let a child cry alittle. I never let mine cry over 5-10 mins. If they started settling self down then I wouldn’t go back in. I did have a camera night monitor so I could keep eye on him.


They are supposed to wake in the night to eat


If your child is hungry, why would you not feed them? If you were hungry and someone denied you food, how would you feel? Now put that feeling into a little body that doesn’t understand emotions/how to process them or the situation they are in. They won’t understand that you want to get some sleep, they will just know that they are hungry and screaming and crying and the one person they count on isn’t coming to their aid. Your child cannot openly communicate to say they are hungry or not. My son would occasionally spit up during the night due to getting 8 ounces, I dropped it down to 6-7 and there was no more spit up. Especially when a baby is falling asleep they will continue to suck on the bottle even if they are full, drop the intake a little and get a new pediatricians opinion! :))

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a 4 month old baby waking through the night to be fed. Honestly, I’m surprised your pediatrician feels otherwise. If you want to reduce the number of overnight feedings maybe try some cereal before bed, like spoon feeding. Both of my girls were eating cereal at 4 months and started baby food at 5-6 months. Every doctor I’ve talked to highly recommends you don’t put cereal in a bottle as it can be a choking hazard. I highly doubt, at 4/5 months, you’re going to eliminate night feedings completely though, regardless of what you do.


Babies aren’t pets, you don’t train them. They’re dependent, helpless, and rely on you 100% to comfort, feed, protect and etc as their parent. 8oz through the night is not over eating. They’re crying because they want the comfort of mom/dad. Babies eat through the night. Sorry, but they absolutely do, they shouldn’t be crammed full of food and be expected to sleep 8 to 10 or 12 hours with no problems. A 4 month old should be bottlefed every 4 to 6 hours. Max. Breastfed is even less time.


You should have gotten a puppy instead of a baby. Actually, you should have gotten a goldfish. Puppies deserve better more nurturing parents than you.


Check out the baby sleep doctor on Instagram.

Are you feeding the baby enough throughout the day? I feed my 4 month old every other hour or when he wakes from his nap as long as it’s been 2 hours. I do that because he needed to gain and he grew used to it. He eats about 30-35 oz a day.

Since you stated she’s waking every two hours: are you waking her or is she naturally waking? If you’re waking him, DO NOT. have you tried a swaddle (arms out) ? I’ve heard the nested bean is a good option for baby’s who roll and wake themselves.

At this point a pacifier wouldn’t do you any good because they’re recommended to only use til about 6 months but okay if you you continue after that point.

Perhaps the baby is uncomfortable or teething? Did you ask about that at all? Can Tylenol help?

I would not recommend this age for them to cry it out. I know your ped said so, but I don’t think this young they will calm down much. I know you’re seeking relief so I understand how exhausting and frustrated you are, but I would see if you can find someone who specializes in sleep therapy. Maybe upping the oz fed during the day can help, or only feeding cereal before bed could help?

You could also break your habits. Rock them less, and lay your hand on the belly as they lay there instead of picking her up.

Ever think bubs is not settled due to the fact you are giving rice in a bottle? A babies tummy isn’t ready to take food prior to 6 months as recommended by the world health organisation. Your pediatrician needs to be reported.
As for waking up, it’s biologically normal and a way to prevent sudden infant death syndrome. Sleep training a 4 month old is just torture


everything about this post and the advice given is wrong :100:


Give that baby a bottle the pediatrician your seeing must be dumb. 4 months? Wtf smh poor baby


Where did your paediatrician get their medical degree from? A baby is supposed to wake at night for feeds. Ever wondered that the rice might be to heavy & causing some gut issues hence the more frequent wake ups?


Most kids will still wake up during the night to feed at least once or twice until they’re about 8-9 months old. At 4 months old you should not be “letting them cry it out” at 4 months old a baby is crying because they have a need and you need to figure out how to meet it, not just leave her there by herself to cry until the point of exhaustion. At any age really we cry because we need something, your baby is not old enough to help herself at all. It may be exhausting for you now, but you chose to have a baby who you knew would be completely dependant on you for a while
 She won’t be a baby for very long, so let her be a baby and tend to her needs. Babies don’t really care about a sleep schedule you put them on because all babies are different & they will need to wake up to eat and be changed based on each of their own individual bodies or needs. But the cry it out method should not be used and that has been proven. You’re wanting to sleep train for yourself but that doesn’t mean it’s what’s right for your baby. And you need a new pediatrician because I’ve been told not to sleep train and let the baby take their time to get there on their own when they’re ready, all of this is new to your baby, she’s trying to figure you out, figure the world out, and figure herself out, & it’s a huge adjustment. Think about it- 9 months inside the womb, constantly with mom, close to mom’s heart, warm, safe, and able to eat whenever
 Then going to being out in this big world surrounded by all this open space and all these new faces and new places, having to cry to get food when she needs it, having to cry to be able to be held, it’s a huge change. I see it as it took them 9 months in the womb, so it’ll take about the same amount of time for them to adjust out in the world. Be patient with your baby.


I have 6 kids and so far none of my kids slept all night untill age 3! I’m currently up with 2 of my kids a night and still sometimes my just 4 year old he wakes up for a water or bathroom. I’m lucky to get 4 hours a night


Its hard, it breaks your heart, I cried with my daughter and grandson (helped daughter thru it) but nothing else worked. It may take a few nights but you both can do it. I set alarm for 5 minutes and did not go in there before (unless of course something was different). Id walk in and lay her back down, tell her goodnight and i loved her and walk back out. Next 10 minutes etc. Good luck Mommy, stay strong

Lol stop taking advice from your paediatrician :joy::joy:

All babies are different.
Mines almost 6 months and still has 2 bottles over night.
Also my 3 year old still wakes overnight

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Well my oldest never slept through the night, But we didn’t realize it wasn’t normal. Anyway, she’s an insomniac now. My middle child started sleeping through the night at 4 months old!! She is autistic, and fortunately sleeps pretty good. My son, well I told him at 5 months old, that he had 1 month to get his shit together!! :rofl: Coincidentally, he started sleeping through the night at 6 months! :rofl:Oh, but he’s now 2, and lately been waking us up. :woman_facepalming:t2:

This comment section is the most disgusting thing I’ve read all day. It is proof that mom’s in fact tear each other down more than actually support. So many of you should be ashamed of yourselves! This post is clearly a cry for help for a mom desperate for help and support. I wouldn’t put it past her to also be struggling with PPD.


This toxicity from other so called “moms” shouldn’t be allowed.

I’d find a different pediatrician honestly. You don’t “sleep train” a baby. A baby will sleep through the night if they’re ready to. My son drank 8+ oz at a time (with a small amount of oat cereal in his night bottle only) around the same age, was waking through the night but that all stopped on his own time. He was probably like 5 months old when he’d sleep through the night. My pediatrician also told me he was eating too much but I KNEW better, he was not over weight and was not actively spitting up so I told her no he’s not. She ultimately agreed after I explained but it was just the nerve when I am with him 24/7. He was a bigger baby too and is now a healthy and tall 5 year old. Every baby is different but no baby should be “sleep trained”.


Baby’s wake up often you need to find a new pediatrician


Please don’t put rice in a bottle, keep trying the pacifier
 babies will always take the dummies. Don’t force the sleep training let her be a baby she is meant to wake up throughout the night. Babies don’t over eat so if she is eating 8 ounces she is hungry not over eating.


I feel so sorry for your baby
are you Fucking kidding me???a 5month baby is SUPPOSED to wake up to eat at night
my baby is 1 year and 5 months and sometimes wakes up 7 or 8 times at night and I gladly feed him

My daughter is a month old and she has slept all night sense 11 days old she doesn’t take a pacifier either

Read this book! ITS AMAZING! All my kids slept from 6Ms on by themself and sleep through the night. We love the no tears approach

First of all rice cereal has no nutritional value.

Second of all, what 4 months cry it out. are you nuts? Babies cry and thats to cry. Just because you want your sleep. Wow


I don’t think your supposed to put baby cereal in a bottle. Isn’t that really dangerous :flushed:


My baby slept through the night starting at 3mo and would only wake up if she pooped or had tummy pains from gas. As a toddler we had to do sleep training around 15 months because she fought bedtime and wanted a drink before bed (big no no). We laid her down after our routine, let her cry for 5m, went back in to lay her down again, let her cry for 8m, etc increasing increments to 15m. Typically by 30-45m she would figure it out that crying wasn’t going to get her out of bed and she’d settle in and fall asleep.
Rice in the bottle is really bad for infants, if I remember right. You may need to feed the baby more during the day

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Just because they are a ped doesn’t mean they are right. They make mistakes and tbh it sounds like they are reading from a book and haven’t considered that all babies aren’t the same but different. One thing might work for one Bub but not the other.


Cry it our does NOT work. I tried it. Rice in bottle is choking hazard. 4 months should NOT get baby food! :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Get a new pediatrician


if co-sleeping works for your child, then co-sleep. It is good for everyone’s sleep in the long run. Have sex in the shower if you are worried about that. Good luck. :pray:

your pediatrician sounds like an idiot. Time to find a new one. No parent should be letting their infants “cry it out.” Babies cry to let us know the need something. They can’t just say “Mom, I need ____” :roll_eyes: ALL babies need to de fed multiple times a night. Not just human babies. Kittens and puppies both nurse on their moms constantly throughout the night. In fact if anyone ever has to foster a bottle baby, they tell you to set an alarm to wake up and feed them every couple of hours. It is vital for their development.


The baby is 4 months old. Wake up with your baby.


You shouldn’t be doing rice cereal. It has arsenic. Our pediatrician told us specifically not to use it and to do the other kind.


Sleep training is TRAUMATIC. Why would you do that??? Letting them “cry it out” only teaches them that you’re not gonna be there for them in time of need. Shame on you.


Rice in a bottle is so dangerous, I can’t understand why people have babies when they don’t want to care for them properly


Sleep train I have never heard of such a thing - sounds like concentration camp :woozy_face:


Just enjoy the cuddles and rocking, the baby phases passes so quick. I’d love the be able to get up and rock and feed my babies still.


I didn’t pay attention to my pediatrician, my mother is from PR & she showed me how to take care of him. 44 years later is still doing great :blush:
Thanks mom :heart::pray:

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I’ll probably get persecuted for saying this but I did sleep training with my 2 boys and put rice cereal in their bottles from maybe 2 or 3 months. There’s a book called Save our Sleep and also Baby Wise. I stuck to a schedule for the most part and I think that the dream feeds were important. My kids also slept in sleep sacks from a company called “love to dream” and they helped my kids self soothe. The crying it out didn’t last long. My boys are well adjusted loving boys. That being said my youngest actually had acid reflux so I couldn’t lie him flat on his back straight after feeding. I would have to hold him for about 20min upright after so he didn’t spew it up.
These are the hardest years of our lives I reckon do what works for you and your babies xx


CIO just conditions them to stop crying out for help, but it doesn’t actually give them more sleep. They still have needs (hunger, wet diaper, gas, comfort), so they still wake up, they’re just silent so the caregiver thinks they slept through the night. Babies are not supposed to sleep through the night anyway. Waking constantly not only reduces SIDS but it helps to ensure they are getting a steady supply of nutrients for their rapidly growing brain. Rice cereal in a bottle is a choking hazard and can create digestive issues, which in turn makes their sleep worse, so I’m going to assume this doctor is of an older age because their advice is really outdated.


Have you considered teething? Babies aren’t always hungry. Overfeeding can lead to tummy troubles. Teething can cause cold symptoms along with mouth pain. It hurts and theres not much that can be done.
Sometimes babies just want to be held.
All babies are different but I will tell you right now, from birth to almost 1 years old I didnt sleep through the night too often. Teething was rough and it can last for awhile.


First of all, ignore all the Facebook experts with the rude and negative comments. If your baby is having no issues with weight gain, then ignore those telling you to just keep feeding her all night- you are right, it is not necessary. Second- I wish I had more useful suggestions, but all I can offer is to get a nightlight and sound machine, and to try the Nested Bean weighted sleep sacks. Best of luck!!

My daughter never slept through the night till she was 3 years old good luck all babies will sleep on their own schedule not your schedule
 You knew what you were getting into when you got pregnant if you wanted to sleep you should’ve got pregnant
And I would get a new paediatrician because they sound like an idiot if they recommend rice cereal in the bottle what a choking hazard


I am at a total loss for words right now
 1st baby is 4 mon old so a feeding is definitely needed before bed and if they wake up hungry you freaking feed then sorry you wanna sleep but that’s part of parenthood. 2nd find a different doctor.


First of all rice in bottles is a very outdated practice and a major choking hazard! Rice cereal is also got absolutely no nutritional value and is just a filler! Being a parent especially to infants and toddlers is incredibly exhausting and your going to loose sleep trust me! I haven’t had good sleep in 14 months that is how old my son is and he’s getting a lot better but it comes with a the territory! There’s several sleep training techniques that don’t involve leaving a small infant to cry themselves too sleep!!! There’s even sleep specialist who are certified in helping infants sleep. Your child your choice but for me I don’t believe in leaving my son to cry all night because I tried it twice and he literally cried for a long period of time even after I came in and got him he kept crying he was so upset, he also puked from crying and I said to myself never ever again! You have to have a lot of patience and experiment with what works-best for your child!


My 22 month old still wakes up!


My kids ( 9 mth apart ) never “cried it out” 
 they went to bed at 7pm . Woke up every 2-3 hr when newborn , and I got up with them, fed changed rocked and by 3 mths slept through the night 7pm-5am (when hubby alarm went off lol 
 woke up bum change , fed and back to bed 2 hrs 
 I have baby from birth (adopted) and he is by far easiest yet
 he slept through the night since few weeks old. He is 8 mths and sleeps 7pm -7am with 2 naps daytime. He has rarely cried . He is very content and happy. I couldn’t imagine leaving him cry till he passed out. That’s not parenting
 or showing your meeting their needs


I have 2 kids of my own who both slept through the night from 7 weeks & 11 weeks.
Im just going to say this
YOU do what is best for you and your baby, your the mother so follow your gut instinct.
Ignore ALL of these judgemental comments as they are no help to you whatsoever!
Youll get there x


Get a new paed, this one sounds like an idiot.


Babies aren’t supposed to sleep all night. Stop trying to force babies to sleep like an adult. It’s completely selfish. If you can’t handle losing a little sleep don’t have children. My youngest is almost 13 months and she still wakes at night. My five year old still wakes at night. Why would you want to ignore your hungry baby? Just so you can sleep


6 mos is too old to have a bottle wtf


I would get a new pediatrician. This is terrible advice. 4-6 months is way too early to sleep train. Babies are supposed to wake up at night. It reduces Sids. Also, rice cereal should not go in the bottle. It is to be spoon fed. Losing sleep is part of being a parent.


Some may not agree, I dont give a shit if they do, but I did CIO with all 3 of mine. They did the same thing you are describing with yours with, waking up about every hour or so, even though they were not hungry, overeating and then throwing up and keeping me up, there was nights I may have got 3 hours broken up in 30 min segments of sleep for months on end& yes it took a toll on my already fragile mental health, as I was the only one doing anything in the house, breastfeeding, taking care of animals, kids and any and everything else, and I was breastfeeding as well, I couldnt do it anymore.
I started with nap times and once we had naptime down without a fight, I did bedtimes, a specific routine, bath. Dinner,bottle, bed
i let them cry and did go in to check and reassure them and then by about the 3rd or 4th night, I no longer had to. Now all of my kids including my 12 month old sleep in their own beds, through the night.
It hurts us to hear them cry but if you know they arent sick, are dry/clean and not hungry, theyll be fine

Please don’t do CIO method. And please please do your research about sleep training. I’m going to say this in hopes you will rethink bc babies, all babies are supposed to wake up every 2/3 hours to either eat, change,& feel your presence. Yes some babies may sleep thru the night and my son did from newborn till that 4 month sleep regression and has been up since 1-2 times a night for maybe 20 mins.
I honestly think the paediatrician gave some inaccurate information to suggest a baby doesn’t need to be fed during the night


Idk how safe sleep strict you are but it was a game changer when I put down a very nice memory foam mattress topper on my sons crib mattress. But my son was in a slightly inclined bassinet with a memory foam dockatot inside it until he was 6 months old. I never laid him flat without anything in the bassinet or crib - he would of never slept!

I also had the zippadee zip (swaddle transition) on him starting around 5 months old. But he still woke up two or three times at night for a bottle until he was about 7 months old.

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We can’t sleep normal especially during night if you have a baby, mostly they love to sleep during day time, play with him/her if wake up after an a hour they sleep again njoy being a parent don’t be tired easily.


We gave my daughter a little doll and she is now 18 months old and loves to sleep with her baby or dog

Shoot my daughter was around 3 years old before she would sleep all thru the night. And I still got up and worked my 12 hour shifts at the hospital. You do whatever you gotta do for your child. Period


I keep seeing about rice and drs needing to be reported. Some babies have Reflux and it’s recommended to add cereal to their formula to thicken it. Everyone parents how ever they need or want. She just wanted 1st born woke every 2 hours til she was 1, my second baby as Reflux and I add cereal to her bottle and she sleeps through the night. Shes 4 months going on 5. Not all babies are the same

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I had my daughter in out room with a lamp on during the night. I’d feed her. Change her and put her back into bed. Even if she was awake. Id often sleep with my hand in the cradle so she knew I was there . She would put herself eventually to sleep. Sometimes I fell asleep first but I knew she was ok and safe.

I’d suggest making sure bubs is staying warm. No cold drafts . I’d ask the doctor about reflux or silent reflux as that will wake a baby multiple times a night crying as its painful. The milk would be soothing so that may be y they want it more during the night. 8 ounces isn’t bad either. That’s roughly 240mls which is good for a 5mth old.

My daughter is 13yrs old now so I don’t know if things have changed but I’d also suggest putting 2 large pavers under the top end legs of the cot . U want to raise the whole top end of the cot to about 45 degrees to help reflux. It must be the top end of the cot and not just the mattress as the mattress bends after a but causing all kinds of issues.

We also used infants friend to relieve the symptoms and instead of rice cereal we used karicare food thickener. We found the food thickener worked better.

If this does help once bubs has drank enough milk through the night try offering water. It could be a comfort thing. My daughter was much older but we found that the excessive milk bottles was a comfort thing. We started giving her water ( she was closer to 18mths I think) instead. She quickly stopped waking as much. She still doesn’t sleep through the night at 13yrs old.

I this helps in some way.


Sleep training doesn’t exist. All you’re doing is teaching your child that no matter how much they cry, no one is coming to help them. There are plenty of studies that show CIO method causes irreversible damage.

Adding rice to a bottle does absolutely nothing besides create a choking hazard.

Babies should not have solid food until they are 6 months old. There stomachs are not able to handle foods until this age. It can cause issues as well. They do not have the proper bacteria in their gut to handle anything besides breastmilk or formula.

Babies are not meant to sleep through the night. Most adults don’t even sleep through the night.

Babies are meant to eat during the night. Their bellies are small.

Your baby’s cries are to signal a need. Whether it is for food, comfort, etc you are supposed to be there to supply that need and soothe them. Your baby is not old enough to self soothe yet.

The type of parenting you’re speaking of hurts my heart.


It’s hit and miss lol I raised 3 now in their 50’s

My daughter is about to turn one and she’s finally only waking once through out the night. Sometimes she doesn’t wake up to feed at all. From newborn to like 2 months she would sleep all night and that made me nervous all the time. But then after that she’d wake up every 3 hours then it went to 2 feeding a night and now just one. I just lay her in her crib I don’t rock her or anything. When I know she’s getting sleeping I put her down. She might cry for 5 minutes but eventually falls asleep. I do that with her nap too she will take a 2 hour nap. All babies are different. I don’t think there is a certain way to get them to sleep through the night.

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This post is all wrong, you’re a little nuts I think :thinking: this is a baby :baby:normal to wake up and feed as well as need a new nappie. The fuck is wrong with that huh. And your pedestrian sounds like a moron as well. That poor baby. My heart feels sad reading this.
Baby’s spir up because you’re to lazy to burp as well and feed it food that it isn’t even close to being ready for.
Um perhaps do yourself a favor and never have another baby k.
Anyways dumb and dumber.
Yikes that’s all.

I could not do the “ cry it out “ . My first one got up six times a night for a year . Second and third slept all night at six weeks . I think it just depends on the child . Also , they grow up very fast . You’ll give your right arm to get to rock that baby again one day . Trust me - I feel that way .