Tell him what poop is…and why its innapropriate ? That its not funny…esp when outside of the house
.n maybe its okay to joke around when home ?
He’s 4 she needs to let him be a child x
If the world wasn’t into slime and poop like toys or poop pillows or poop everything kids would probably be more normal… I have 4 girls and it’s poop all the time
Welcome to the world of having a child in school. Teachers spend 90% of their time nitpicking on frivolous stuff. They will stress you & your child out.
I taught my kids before going to school what is and isn’t appropriate outside of the house
He’s 4, it’s the perfect time to teach time and place. There is always a time and place to be funny, make jokes and be a little goofy. I send my child to school to learn, not listen to other kids say things like poopoo because “boys think poop is funny”. You can tell him that school is a place to learn and it’s not fair to the other kids that are there to learn and he’s taking that away by distracting them and that’s not okay. It’s okay to have rules. Trust when I say your 4 year old is smart enough to understand them if you teach him. I have 5 boys, most of the jokes in our house circle around all things gross, disgusting and not polite for public conversation and that’s okay because they are home. When they walk out of our door, they have consideration for others. Not everyone needs to be subjected to their humor just because they are boys. Do not make the excuse, “boys will be boys” … That’s a pretty lame way to justify certain behaviors.
I would set up a chart at home and give him a sticker per day if he goes the day without saying it at school. Tell him you will be calling/texting his teacher to find out how he did and you can’t wait to fill up the chart each week with one sticker per day. Hype him up! If he gets 5 stickers he can earn a small prize or money to spend at the dollar store. And also it’s important to explain why he should not be saying that in a classroom setting. If the teacher has said it’s an issue, believe her! She’s dealing with too many children to be “overreacting” because all it takes is one child to be out of line for the other children to follow.
Simply tell him there’s a time and place for goofing and school isn’t it.
As a paraprofessional in kindergarten, I can just picture the class reaction every time he says it. Nothing is getting done for at least 5 minutes because the other kids are laughing,repeating him, and just completely losing their composure over it. If this is happening multiple times throughout the day, that is inappropriate and the child will definitely be losing play time over it. If it continues, it will probably mean the teacher has to get the principal and/or school counselor involved. Teaching him when it is and isn’t ok to say the word would go a long way towards helping the class and your son because it will not go well if he starts kindergarten still doing it.
Kinda. Like you gotta teach your kids to not be a distraction to the class. It’s not fair to other kids
My 6 y/o nephew likes to talk about his penis all the time. He used the correct word, but still.
u teach ur kid its not appropriate to say, hes probably distracting in class.
His teacher is poopoo!! Hes a little kid and he likes the worddd. Most kids its shit soo she should be thankful…
“He’s a boy so….” Is the dumbest excuse ever!!
Teach him manners. We are raising respectful members of society.
That “Boys will be Boys” stuff is dead.
Your 4yr olds teacher is correct.
Pre-K and kindergarten will have you feeling like you’re the worst parent ever to be raising children, especially over this kinda thing . You’re not the asshole, and at least the 4yr old isn’t saying the word SHIT…
Okay so … lets teach young kids about gender changing? But lets get offended by poop
What in the hell is this world coming too
Yee lots of people wont like my comment … good thing i only came to give my two cents and not give a crap if someone agrees or not
The society now adays is fked how about that!!!