Am I being controlling?

I was told there is different Levels of cheating he says I only talked her I’m making a big deal for nothing

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If you’re in competition with another girl for a man, let her win. Byeeee :wave:t3:


Yeah no!!! You don’t send sexual stuff to no others when your in a relationship

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Let her have him and sure as shit he will do it to her as well

I have lots of guy friends who would NEVER cross that line. If your BF has been sexting her, they are NOT just friends. Leave him.


Break up with this dumbdude and let them have eachother


Onto the next. Don’t go through the hassle. Hell just start really going behind your back

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Sounds like you need to block him from your life.

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Block both of em in real life

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Um… honey you should leave. That’s called cheating. He will do it again.

I wouldn’t waste my time. You need to block him and move on. :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl:


Oh yeah sure his “best friend”… best friend my ass :sweat_smile:

:woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:fantasy or not, you don’t talk sexual to someone when you’re in a relationship! That is cheating in my book. Whether anything physically happened or not, he apparently wanted it to, or he never would have sent those kinds of messages. You don’t text sexual things to someone unless you have at least thought about doing said things with them. Period. Regardless, it was disrespectful to you. If you want to work things out, that’s your decision, but if you do, I would absolutely cut all ties with that girl. The fact that she also sees nothing wrong with it is an issue. I wouldn’t want my husband to talk to anyone who disrespected our relationship, male or female. He has a few “friends” I kind of wish would just disappear because they are disrespectful to our marriage, it gets old, and you begin to become resentful :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4: You really shouldn’t have to “make” him stop talking to anyone that’s hindering your relationship, he should want to really.


If he really wants to work it out and isn’t just stringing you along he’d have blocked her no questions asked

I would leave. It’s not controlling if he was talking sexual or inappropriately. And he’s not gonna stop because he thinks you are in the wrong not him.

He’s fantasizing about her??? Blocking her is going to make him want her more. Do you want him thinking of her when he’s with you? Cut your losses and move on!!!

Respect yourself walk away

Cheese and rice. Block him. It isn’t the girls fault he decided to entertain her. That’s a choice he made all on his own.

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Throw him in the trash and get a new one.

3 months!? Girl hes cheating!


There’s a fine line between being controlling and protecting yourself, your emotions, and your relationship. Cheating starts with conversations, definitely don’t think you’re in the wrong. However if this is how he’s acting, it won’t change, it will only get worse, id leave before you get caught up too far


Smh I’d drop him. Him even tryna say that means he still wants her in his life and eventually, I feel, they’ll hook up. Esp if y’all break up.


Give him to her…u dont want him.


Not controlling but it’s weird you have him block her since you should have just dumped him and let them have each other. They’ll just communicate another way and then you’ll have to catch onto that and…. Block her again? Seems a lot easier to just get rid of the dude who’s essentially been cheating on you for 3 months.


If you have to ask him to block another female, he’s not the one sis


I busted My ex husband and best friend sexting… twice ! Get rid of him !!

No. Leave. Let him have whoever he thinks he’s winning with.

My cheating ex-husband would act like this. You are way more intelligent than you are giving yourself credit. Trust your gut. Let him have her. Remove yourself as an option for him.

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If he couldn’t block her himself I wouldn’t bother. He clearly wants to keep her around

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Having him block her accomplishes literally nothing. He’s not committed to you, period. Blocking her doesn’t change that, and he’ll figure out how to communicate with her behind your back.

You can either learn to adapt to being with a man who needs a non-monogamous relationship, or you can leave and focus on developing self respect instead of staying with a man who betrays you rather than communicating his needs. There’s nothing wrong with non-monogamy, but there’s everything wrong with betrayal.


As a person who is poly… if it’s a boundary you placed then no. Even in a poly situation that would be cheating unless discussed otherwise. That is disrespectful.

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You need to get out now!

You not being controlling, but if he been doing it for 3 months why would you wanna stay with a guy like that :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


They will still figure out a way to communicate, if they want to. The best way to put out that fire is to have him add you to that conversation…

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I’d do more then having him block her ! I’d leave him if he wants to talk to her he’ll find another way

Theyre playing you for a fool, just leave him.


He may stop but only temporarily. It usually doesn’t stop there. You can’t tell him you feel disrespected by it because he already knew that and did it anyway. But you can remove yourself and prevent him from doing it to YOU.


You’re not wrong for expecting them to cease contact to effectively work on your relationship. But, you must understand that since they both see nothing wrong with this and are fighting to continue contact there is something more to it amd they will find a way to keep it going. Even if you did successfully cut her out could you ever really trust he won’t do this again? He has demonstrated a long standing history of disrespect toward you, has justified the behavior, and what he did is a form of cheating. When one is satisfied in a relationship they don’t do things like this. Respect yourself enough to see the bigger problem and move on. I’m willing to bet you give more than you get from this guy and you wouldn’t stand to lose much but your self esteem and self respect.


I’m a “dude”, and even I will tell you that you are not being controlling and that he significantly and stupidly violated some serious boundaries and is clearly sloppy/messy as all get out! Let’s even take him at his word … “It was all Fantasy”… Okay, well if he is having fantasies about this person, then he either needed to clearly communicate that with you to make sure you were okay with it; for those who have a more open type relationship or even an honest one at that, or not let it go there in the first place… Or, break it off with you and go pursue that fantasy…

He sounds very basic, but you chose him for some reason.


Shame on them both. Imagine you texting a guy mate for 3 months sexually. He wouldn’t approve either.

If your heart feels betrayed, then he was cheating even if it was not physical. If you feel like a female is an actual threat to your relationship, then is it really worth being with him?
I think you know what to do.

Yea no. You’re not controlling but are being toyed with. They both want it


Sounds like he is hers and I’d definitely kick him to the curb 3 whole months of talking sexually, thats cheating and obviously the are having a hard time staying away from each other…


That’s not a female best friend, that’s cheating, I have a dude best friend who was dating someone and we’ve never talked sexually! He’s respectful and same. (They broke up but not because of me)

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Oh my goodness F the both of them smh! Don’t be naive. A fantasy??? He was probably imaging her the entire time y’all were doing it.


Sounds like he needs some control…how would he like it if you were doing that?

You two deserve each other…


I’m sorry you are going through this!

Also, that’s not being controlling. First of all, you’re both adults I assume. You shouldn’t have to explain to a grown man what is acceptable and what isn’t when in a relationship. He’s grown. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He just didn’t think he would get caught and for you to forgive him and forgive him, that only teaches him that he can continue doing this and you’ll stay with him. Basically it sends him the message that it’s acceptable.

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You deserve better…know your worth…move on

:joy: controlling…no. stupid for staying and trusting him…yup.


Lol men are so manipulative. Not controlling. I’d leave tbh.


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Why are you even still wasting your time with him

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Yeap. Because you should have NEVER had to ask. He should of done it. Then again he shouldn’t of cheated so there’s that.

This ain’t bird box! Take the blindfold off sis! He definitely either already hit that or he’s going to. Leave him .


I have 2 male best friends. We’ve been friends for over 20 years. We’ve seen each other nude, I can’t even begin to tell you how many times. They’ve even taken care of me, and helped me bathe after countless surgeries. As I’ve done the same for them. Went and corraled each other running stark naked piss ass drunk down the road, etc… Yeah, we may sexually harass each other all the time. However, not once has it ever went outside of the platonic friendship that it is. Whether it be verbal, writing, or in person. Never. & They don’t tolerate anyone disrespecting me or any of our other friends either. We also tell each other that we love each other all the time. However, never with a sexual intent. If it were a situation such as that, it probably wouldn’t raise flags. However, your situation does. I don’t feel the boundaries your setting are uncalled for. However, yeah… it’s shitty of her and downright disrespectful towards you to feed into it. Ultimately he chose to engage in that conversation with her. SHE doesn’t owe you any loyalty, she isn’t your friend, she’s his. However, if it were me in that situation- she better start practicing swallowing teeth for her disrespect. Also, nobody can make decisions for you… you’ll know when you’ve had enough & realize what you are and aren’t willing to tolerate. Boundaries that protect your peace are necessary.

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I understand why you would want to have him do that. But forcing someone to do something will only cause resentment against you. What you should do instead is create boundaries and say “if you do this then this will happen” for example if I find you being inappropriate with her I will leave you.


That’s not controlling at all honestly if it was a best friend female and none of that shit was said then I would say maybe a little bit but sexting is def s form or cheating in my opinion

That’s still cheating. You have your evidence, just leave.

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Why are you with him?!?!!

He’s trying to control conditions that made you feel comfortable after he cheated on you? Absolutely not. I don’t know how old you are or what has been done to make you feel this way, but absolutely do not waste any more time on this guy. Something DID happen between them, it’s literally called sexting and then he wants to continue communication? I don’t think he has any actual remorse for what he has done and I would just :wastebasket:

Well yeah, youre controlling what hes allowed to do by insisting he block her . It’s not your job to create an environment where he “can’t” cheat…it’s his job not to do it to begin with reguardless of what hes doing or who he is speaking to. Do you want someone you have to babysit… or an actual partner?


Why would he stop the disrespectful behavior when you forgive him every time? He’s having his cake and eating it too. He gets to still disrespect you and know that you’ll stay anyway. I would have already been gone but that’s just me.
Be careful what you tolerate. You’re teaching him how to treat you.

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I think you’re the one being controlled. :woozy_face: time for him to go.

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You’re being absurd by staying in the relationship :rofl::rofl:

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He’s lucky you ain’t making her kill her :joy::joy::joy::joy:

I sure wouldn’t stay with him.

Pfft. These are child’s games,right here. Seriously. She isn’t a friend,and he is being a player and a jerk.

And this my friends is what we call gaslighting

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Ummm they are both a holes if that was going on. I wouldn’t say your controlling lol

Yes. You are controlling.


So why did he run tell her you made him block her. More going on than meets the eye. Kick him to the curb now, cause it won’t end.


You should totally block her…and him! Then skip away happily in real life while they play out the rest of their days in their little fantasy world.

Leave sweetie. They deserve each other.

Not controlling but naive. Blocking her isn’t going to stop anything. They can create infinite phone numbers & social media accounts that you are unaware of. He can buy another phone & you’ll never know it. Just leave him.

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You aren’t controlling but you’re crazy for putting up with that

If you can’t trust him (and you clearly cant.) Then you need to break up.

Having him block her isn’t the answer.

I stopped reading after the first sentence. Leave him now. Don’t put up with that.


Why are you still with him? Hit the road. Do it once, he gonna do it again.


Soooo the first thing he does is tell her what you said, let her talk smack about it AND made sure you knew what she thought about it…. And why are you trying to stay with him again?


Just let them be together. Leave.


Eh… just get out while you’re ahead.


Block him out of your life :flushed:

Eww just leave. There’s never gonna be full trust after that


Block him and leave him. He is the problem, not her. He’s lying to you and gaslighting you’re and making you look stupid.

Run run as fast as you can, don’t look back he’s a narcissist man!


Honestly not worth keeping the relationship . He did something wrong and betrayed you, yet when he had to cut her off he can’t even take responsibility and handle consequences…

Go find a guy best friend and have some fun, maybe pick one of his :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Well let’s say he does block her, how many girls does he have to block before you’re out? I’m sure she won’t be the only one he messages like that where he sees no issue with it. He’s the problem not her.


Let her have him…if he had any respect for you he wouldn’t have done that in the first place.


A fantasy? Let him have her. He’s just gonna do it again or with someone else.

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I think you should both be single


You just need to leave now.

You should NEVER force your significant other to cut anyone out of their lives. You express to your significant other what is bothering you and why. It’s up to them to handle it from there.

If their relationship makes you uncomfortable (as it should with them sexting), you make that known to him and let him take it from there. If he continues to do what he’s doing, he has clearly showed you what you mean to him and it’s time for you to move on.

Doesn’t matter if it’s her or some other girl, if he’s sexting and flirting, he has zero respect for you and you deserve better.


First, don’t take advice from the person who he is involved with. Second, if he doesn’t understand why this is incredibly inappropriate, leave. Really, just leave.


If you are asking us then I think you want validation. Leave him


Nobody needs a friend like that…NOBODY !!!

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So you need to leave and block both of them from your life, that’s a probem if he’s doing it to not just her

For THEM to work stuff out?? Well you did not take him to raise. He is not your prisoner. Id make his ( obviously ) mixed up mind for him. Tell him to go back to her! Then YOU go find someone who is not attached. Someone you deserve, that deserves you!

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Block her?! How about leave him!!!


Of course the girl best friend is going to tell boyfriend your being controlling. She’s trying to manipulate him to get him to break up with you because she wants him and he probably wants her back. Just leave already. You’ve got all your evidence don’t try and make excuses for him and just leave