Am I Being Irrationally Angry Over My MIL Opening All of My Son's Gifts?

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"Today was my baby’s first birthday party. He got a lot of presents so because I had the rest of my kids in the car, my mother in law took the presents home. She opened every.single.present. Without me or the baby around. She called my husband to come get the presents and they were all heaped together with no cards even! My husband thinks I’m overreacting for being so mad. I can’t even send thank you cards! Am I in the wrong?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"I would be upset, those are not her presents to open. She is not the child or you (a parent). She can be involved with the party or get together of the baby opening them but she doesn’t have a right to just open them on her own, especially without asking you. Also the fact that now you can’t send thank you cards is pretty messed up."

"Not at all, she overstepped her boundaries"

"No way I’d be pretty furious! They weren’t her gifts or her own kids for that matter. I loved spending time with my baby’s helping them open their own presents, ripping the paper is half the fun for the little one. Not only that but I also like to personally thank people for their gifts or send photos of the child playing with the toys or wearing the clothes to them which you can’t do unless you ask everyone individually what they bought now that they are all muddled together"

"Probably looking for money in the cards. I’d flip my shit. I’d publicly shame her to every guest that attended, & let them know that you don’t know who gave what, so you can’t offer proper thanks. People will likely say what they gifted without you actually having to ask. Then you can make sure it’s all accounted for."

"Wow! She just took the fun family time right out of that… I would be furious!"

"Why would a person even do that. That seems like a purposeful action. Not an honest mistake and I would be so upset."

"That is ridiculous and really rude of her and over stepping boundaries. That is a memory with your child you won’t get back…. I’m sorry but your not over reacting"

"I can’t imagine why she would take away a child’s chance at happiness. I would ask her just that. “How? Why? You took away a joyful moment of Precious Memories that we all would have cherished.” She is trying to hurt you by hurting him. I can’t imagine. So wrong."

"I’d be pissed too it’s your kids first bday that’s childish af on her part."

"What kind of monster opens someone else’s birthday presents? Who tf raised her? Wolves?"

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