Am I doing the right thing by walking away from my marriage?

Leave and don’t look back! The more you tell him you know exactly where he was or what he is doing the sneakier he will become! Life is too short to be miserable and once you leave do not go back, he is roping you along with nothing but lies! LEAVE


Then leave, you can see the red flags obviously…

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Am so sorry. He is a cheater and you did the right thing.

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Not wrong by any means. It’s said that once suspicions became part of the relationship it’s not gunna move forward. If at all ANY guy feelings are taking away from what ever is/was there, that IT’S TIME TO WALK. For it will forever be there wether it’s true or not. It’s for the best before the worst does come up. Better to walk with a bit more confidence then let it dwell and get rotten inside for both parties. But whatever you should choose shouldn’t be out of guilt.

Once a cheater always a cheater. I had to walk away from a 20 yr marriage with kids cause of his cheating.

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I am here to tell you that you’re right. He is cheating. Don’t let him gaslight you. Leave!

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Frankly I think you’re doing the right thing.


Walk away honey with your head held high! You are a queen and don’t deserve such treatment!!

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Only you can decide what works for you. But if he’s lying about where he is, chances are good he’s also cheating on you. Good luck and get a good attorney.

If he’s accusing you of cheating then that’s what he’s doing. He’s projecting. Leave and don’t look back.


Throw the whole man away.


Wow that’s big if you don’t have trust you don’t have anything


Throw the whole man away girl. There’s a million other good guys out there, this one’s broken :woman_facepalming:


I dont think it matters at this point if he’s cheating or not. You clearly do not trust him (I wouldn’t either) and are not happy. Reasons enough to walk away IMO.


Almost 20 years is pretty long time. Sorry that you are going through this especially since there are kids involved. Try to talk it out & tell him that you will be asking for a divorce if things don’t change. If he doesn’t want to be with you anymore then he needs to be honest. Sounds like he wants to have his cake & eat it too.

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I think you are right in your assumptions. My first husband cheated on me numerous times, only reason we got married is because I was pregnant, not a good reason at all. Anyway I wish you well in your future, and do what’s best for you and your kids.

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“He’s not one to cheat”…then goes on into great detail of having caught him cheating :joy::joy::joy::joy::roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:
Let that man alone. You aren’t going anywhere.


I have been with my husband 17 years and we are high school sweethearts. I cheated on him physically once and online once ( so total two different guys) when he found out he told me it better not happen again or he will leave so for the last 10 years I straighten up and didn’t do anything to harm our relationship because I wanted it to work. But now for the last 6 years he’s been online cheating and every time I catch him i tell him to stop and he didn’t about a month ago I found out again and I told this is it he begged for one more chance so I gave it to him but this is it next time I will be leaving

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When they say it is you it usually is them trying to put it on you


He’s accusing you is the first flag that he’s doing it. Guilty dog barks first. It will never stop and to be honest he’s probably cheated your entire marriage


Better to be happy then sad leave him


I’m sorry that’s happened to you. It’s definitely time to get out, because his behavior is not how you “fix things” in a relationship.

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Sounds like he is cheating, and lying to try to get away with it; it’s up to you but I’d be done.


I’m so sorry. I hope the transition to being single works out ok for you.

Call and speak with a divorce lawyer immediately. Make sure you include visitation for him with the kids. You are going to need some time to adjust. He should not be allowed to divorce his children. Find out what you will be entitled to for spousal support. Decide what you want to initially do with your home, cars, and possessions. He will have a say, of course, but you should determine what you would like to receive. I think the cost of a divorce may be a huge wake up call but if he just turned 40, he’s likely so focused on himself, he is a lost cause.

Do be careful if you decide to continue to have relations with him. He could give you more than you bargained for. You might consider letting him know you are changing the sleeping arrangement or let him know you will be changing the locks on X day so he needs to get his stuff out by that date.

I wish you all the best, dear.


Yes honey it is more than time…let that trash go and either be happy and content in your freedom or go be with some one who deserves to be with you and treat you accordingly…all this mess is just so unnecessary

If he tries accusing you it’s most likely because he is the one cheating. If he isn’t doing anything wrong then there would be no reason to lie or be secretive about where he is or what he’s doing. I’m sorry you have to go through this.


Bye Greg! But let him keep the kids a good portion of the time that way he will be too busy to cheat unless he hires a sitter. LMAO. J/k let him have the kids so you can have some time to rebuild. 17 years is a long time to be with someone you need time to reflect, mourn and heal from the relationship. You deserve better! F@%k Greg!

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I’m sorry you are going through this but you already know that he is cheating on you with a exgf or coworker if I was you I wouldn’t be living with him for much longer than a minute but it’s just life nobody can tell you to walk away from him or stay with him it’s your choice

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All I’ll say is peace of mind is a serious thing

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Run and never look back. It’s called projection and I threw my liar and cheater out a year ago and never looked back.

Call it a done deal! He’s shady as fuck!

Sounds like lying and cheating to me.

I have learned when a person constantly accuse you of cheating is cheating themselves


Just leave him you will be much happier

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I’d ask him again
But record it but say the girl told you what happend that they had an affair
See what he says then I’d go to the address and confront the girl aswell and if she doesn’t admit it say he has
And see what reaction both give then take it from there xx

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You are not wrong!! Leave him and don’t look back. It’s time to lookout for you.


I don’t even need to keep reading this. He’s looking for a new woman. Leave and take your kids. He accuses you because he’s cheating. It’s called projection. He won’t change. Hold your chin up, get an attorney and walk away! You will be so much happier.


The dishonestly is proving he’s not in the marriage for repair. Can’t believe a story when it begins with hearing busted in a lie. Without trust a relationship is doomed to fail. Trust isn’t easily rebuilt or repaired.


Ask yourself “how happy am I in this marriage now” if you can live with the answer you come up with then you have your answer on how to proceed. He may be cheating he may not but I would not trust a word that comes out of his mouth now. Your situation is effecting the whole family so please consider your children…best of luck

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Leaving is best for your emotional and physical health. You’re doing the right thing even though it hurts.

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Usually when they accuse you they are the ones who are in fact cheating.


Just depends on if you feel you will need closure or not. If you have enough to make the decision with out feeling like you still need answers from him then just leave now. But if you feel you want to know more then start doing a lot of investigating, you could reach out to the lady he visited and tell her you just need the truth so you can move on. Explain he’s been talking to a few different lady’s from his life before you and you want the truth for your healing. I wish you the best in your life moving forward. You deserve so much better after giving your life to someone for so long.

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Well if he’s gotta lie, he’s definitely cheating. It’s up to you to accept it or not. He won’t change.

I left a 10 year toxic relationship and although I did truly love him I now have an amazing husband who treats me with so much love and respect. Do yourself the favor and leave for the mental peace. You shouldn’t have to be guessing and wondering.

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If he isn’t cheating now he is planning on it. I’d walk away, he clearly doesn’t respect you enough to stop when you told him how much it bothers you. You’re doing the right thing.

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You already know, time for the next chapter in your life. You deserve happiness and truth. Leave and never look back :heart:

Leave his ass. It’s not worth living with someone like that. Plus your kids are going to think it’s ok to act like your husband.

The second he started sneaking around and a third party came into play is when it’s done and over.

I could have wrote this myself including the 17 years.
He’s a cheating narcissist.
Leave he’s arse

Yes it won’t be easy but you’ll get there

I would just divorce his ass take him to the cleaners

If he’s accusing you, he’s cheating

He’s cheating. Dump him

Pack his stuff and have it sitting outside

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Why did he start this stuff,

Ya I thought mine would never cheat either. Hate to break it to you all of those women, he is having a emotional affair with. Save yourself the heart ache and go


Don’t leave. Make him leave. Why should you have to leave your home? No ma’am.


I had the same thing happened to me saying the boyfriend was there as it turns out my husband was her boyfriend so he wasn’t lying but yeah you need to stick to your guns honey he’s playing games


Those that accuse others of cheating are often guilty of cheating themselves. My ex was like that. I found out from a friend that he cheated, but he had broken up with me long before, but i didn’t care as i wasn’t goin back to him. Yes if your gut and feelings are correct then its time to split from him.


Yes you’re doing the right thing. Leave


DIDGb you get to fat and hard ti look at. yuo watch to mutch TV, House a mess.VV Shit take 2 ta make a problem BOTH OF YA GET OF YA FAT ASRSE AND FIX YALAZY ARSE PROBLEMS. NOW.

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1st…I’d collect more Evidence and catch him with Someone get pictures of texts and more proof.
2nd…Get a Lawyer and give them all your Evidence ( keep copies for yourself) & Ya’ll make a game plan.
3rd…Get your Self & plan of action together and Drop it on him.
4th…Get your Half of Everything.


Leave him. You don’t deserve the lies. When one accuses another of cheating, it’s usually because they are guilty.

Kick him to the curb.

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I’m so sorry you are going through this.

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:woman_facepalming:t3: The advice here is absurd. First off, get more evidence before assuming anything. I have a friendship with a guy whose wife doesn’t want us hanging out, despite the fact that NOTHING has ever happened and we’ve known each other for 25 years. He offers to help with things, as do my other married male friends. Though their wives don’t care that they hang out with me. If he’s lying, not saying it’s right but it’s common, is it because he knows you’ll make a mountain out of a molehill? That’s why you need to get more proof. If he is cheating then he won’t be able to convince you otherwise when you have proof. If he’s not, then you didn’t just ruin the last 17 years.

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Why stay if you’re not happy? The length has nothing to do with staying


Wait :raised_hand:
He was there to help while the child’s father was there ’ watching the kids’ ?! As if she couldn’t mind the kidd while the father fixes the pool? Red flag

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Follow your gut. He’s only lying because he knows he’s doing something wrong.

If they accusing u, usually it’s them doing it. And u caught him. I’m sorry Hun but it’s time for u to move on and be happy. U deserve it. Ur not a door mat. Good luck to u


He is cheating. Bounce!

I think your doing the right thing but I think HE should leave. (Whoever keeps the kids, keeps the house in my opinion) if he’s been accusing you too, you definitely know what’s going on… I’m so so sorry you have to go through this after 17 years, I know it’s not going to be easy… but you gotta stay strong and stay firm. Know what you want. I believe in this saying that goes “if your not going to leave him, then let him cheat in peace”. This has truly helped me decide…good luck to you mama

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Leave and don’t look back

Definitely curb time

Looks like he needs to be confronted while he is there. Then tell him he gots to go. You stay put with your kids. Let him leave the house.

I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this and I’m not telling you what to do but want to remind you that just because you put in 17 years doesn’t always mean you should keep going. Sometimes it’s just time to let go💚


And your still there?

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DOCUMENT everything, use it in court. Divorce and take the kids


Stay strong. Make sure you save evidence and I suggest that you lawyer up. Have a conversation with your children, and ask him why. If he says nothing then you have to get your own closure and move on hun.

Honey. You had 3 lies facing you that day.

  1. He was at work
  2. Visiting co workers baby
  3. School friend helping with her pool.
    And you’re still wondering if you’re living with a liar and a cheat and if you’re doing the right thing by leaving?
    The truth doesn’t have different versions and places and people. Not small details. Run.

Just went through this with my now ex husband of 17 years, the fact that he lied when you confronted him tells you everything you need to know.


You knew the answer before you made your post! But if you need reassurance send him packing TODAY!!!


Go to the address next time!!


He laying at someone else’s house I’d have someone at his!! Nawww really id tell him to leave tell him his bag is on the porch and I’d put shrimp in the bag in the hot sun and tell him to come get it :rofl:sorry my ex done me so wrong and I did some things like this to him (can’t go into detail lmao)

Don’t just walk, run.


You are doing the right thing!!

Sorry your going through this but think your doing the right thing, you got this your strong, dump his cheating arse and you be happy for you and your children, dont waste more years as it may be the same outcome, listen to your gut instinct its always right x x
Good luck

Change locks… kick him out

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The accuser is usually the guilty one. I went through that with my ex. He always accused me of cheating and it turned out he was the one cheating. Go with your gut and do what’s best for you and your family.

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Leave. You’re worth more.

I believe the one that does the accusing is the guilty one,walk away


Why do you need reassuring from strangers, it’s like this once a cheat always a cheat…you decide

If you caught him lying once he’ll do it again! I hate liars more than I do a murderer! That’s just my thinking! When somebody looks and talks directly to your face and lies . That’s it divorce him!

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if he’s stating he’s not cheating but has changed passwords then He’s cheating. But ask yourself this ‘ do you want to live the rest of your life like this , or have your kids see how unhappy you are, then if you say “no you don’t” then pack his bags & change the locks, put half of the joint $$ accounts into only your account ( open one if you have to - do this just before throwing him out) , if you can live like this then do so & stop complaining


I’am making over $140 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 18956 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>

I’m so sorry for this……
You know what you need to do.


Leave his sorry ass,been there…hes 100% cheating but wants his cake and eat it too.

I Get Paid 0ver $ 107 per hour w0rking from h0me. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 13699 a m0nth doing this and she convinced me to try. The p0ssibility with this is limitles


Bravo for following your instincts!!! Run don’t walk!!


First, never assume that anyone wouldn’t cheat. Secondly, it sounds like he’s up to no good, so you’re justified in leaving if that’s what you feel you need to do.

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Make sure. Have proof