My husband is in the military, and he only has about six months left of his contract. Well, yesterday, he mentioned to me that he is getting promoted today. The family usually attends promotions, but he didn’t tell me to go. So I decided to ask him if my son and I were invited and he said that due to COVID, they weren’t letting family attend promotion ceremonies. His friend got promoted during lockdown (April), and his wife was there, and I have seen several pictures of people taking their families to promotions/reenlistments. Well, he has not spoken to me since I confronted him yesterday. I’m thinking he is either embarrassed by me or he’s messing around with someone in his platoon. I need advice!!! Am I overreacting, and is it really not a big deal, or is it fishy that he doesn’t want me and his son to attend?
Honestly a lot has changed since April… so I wouldn’t be shocked if it was true
if he’s not talking to you because you asked a simple question, that’s concerning.
I’d call and ask for myself…then go from there
My honest first thought was someone else
It really depends which state you are in. My husband is military and we’re in MS and things have changed completely. I dont think they’re allowing families at promotion ceremonies. I didn’t go to all of my husbands promotion ceremonies. Sometimes they literally do them at lunch then go on about there day.
Call and ask procedures change daily due to covid
My daughter’s boyfriend really want us and his family there so bad but due of covid19 are around and they are trying to keep their base healthy and clean not get contagious from covid19 but his area are doing the live video for them to graduate we can watch. After they are completely done they can come home we will celebrate in safe way. He has been writing a lot of letter to my daughter.
Different guidelines/procedures for different places. Way diff than back in April. Don’t fret over it. And don’t call behind his back, that will just piss him off. Either you trust him or you don’t. That seems to be the issue, here.
Maybe he’s upset because he wishes u were there and knows there’s nothing he can do and doesn’t know how to express that to you.
I’d call them myself and ask what the policy is first. Then if he’s lying, you’ll know something is going on. That seems very odd to me.
Promote yourself by finding the info on your own and making the informed decision from there. Good luck.
Yes I would call and find out time of ceremony then show up and try not to be seen just to see what’s what. Fishy sounding to me. Also do not take son just incase you see something upsetting.
Call his Command and ask yourself. You can keep it simple and just in general ask if family is currently allowed at promotion ceremonies without disclosing who you are. With all going on no one may be allowed.
It could be true. Maybe it’s not really a big deal to him. If it was me I’d try to talk again and tell him how you feel and see what he says. Only you two really know what’s going on in your relationship.
Call and ask!!! Lol
I would say due to covid.
Just go there and not tell him. Then you’ll know. Might want to not take your son just in case something goes down.
First off, I’m sensing some distrust and some insecurity. He mentioned the promotion to you, told you that family isn’t attending due to covid, and your first thoughts are an affair or embarrassment?
Heck, I wouldn’t even call to “check if it’s true” and just take his word. If you don’t trust him, that’s a conversation for the 2 of you to have privately. Just be mindful that if he is being truthful, you’re calling his character into question and he will react negatively to that.
Me and my husband are both military, his command didn’t authorize me or the kids to go to his promotion due to covid, and when my command advanced 4 guys in my shop they were also not authorized to have family/spouse attend. There are a lot of factors involved and things differ from command to command and state to state. I would not reccomend contacting his command and being “that spouse”, it wouldn’t look good for you or him, it’s likely that right now it’s not allowed, but if there is a civilian liaison that helps communicate between those attached to the command and their families then definitely reach out to them and ask the question! Also you could also ask your husband to see if someone can video the promotion so you can still see it later, that’s what one of his coworkers did for me
I would just show jo
You are way over reacting. It’s just a promotion ceremony it’s not the end of the world. With covid things are a lot stricter now especially on base. Keep your family and those that are serving safe by not making a big deal out of it and potentially putting anyone at risk.
There’s a woman at work he fancies or is already sleeping with
Call and ask. If it’s a yes then go but don’t bring your son. There isn’t many reasons someone would lie about that thing unless what you’re thinking is true. You only get one life, dont waste your time, find out the truth.
You have the right to contact his military and ask yourself that why he isnt inviting and most likely he is cheating on you. He probably will have someone else there. I’d go and make a scene if I were you lol
Honestly he probably doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it especially since he’s almost to the end of his contract… My husband hates doing the promotion ceremony a d would rather not have them.
It could also very well be due to covid also… I swear the military is changing their rules every day on this stuff
Bc hes sleeping with someone else
They are only allowing the family to view the ceremony online here at Nellis. My husband said that’s pretty much what they are doing all across the Air Force. If you call his command, they will tell him you called and it will be embarrassing for him. Is your marriage worth losing over a promotion ceremony?
I’m in the military and have been promoted a handful of times- I’ve never had family attend Typically promotion ceremonies are 5 minutes or less and to me, it seems silly to invite people just for that.
The whole “messing around with someone” in his platoon stuff gets old. No one wants your crusty husband.
Seems weird but you never know. Call the command and just ask if it families are allowed at promotions.
It depends on your husband’s state, base, unit, all of that.
My husband’s previous unit (we JUST PCSed) allowed my son and I to go to pretty much everything. A friend of mine’s husband’s unit wouldn’t let her attend almost anything- His promotion included. You could probably get a hold of his command yourself but honestly, that shouldn’t be necessary. Have a serious discussion with him about how you feel, and trust that he isn’t lying to you. You’re married, you should be able to trust what he says. If not, there’s a deeper issue than him simply not wanting you there.
If you can’t trust your husband to tell you the truth you need to fix that before you try to go around him and mess with his career. It can potentially cause trouble for him if you start calling people behind his back over something like a promotion ceremony.
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If it were something simple like he’s not allowed to invite anyone, why the silent treatment? People only get defensive when they have something to hide. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be reacting this way.
I would call his unit commander or if you have a family support group on base ask them if families are allowed. Procedures change day to day. A promotion ceremony that would allow family in April might not today. Especially with most places having a 2nd wave of Covid hitting
My brother is in the Army he had a ceremony in July in NC. We weren’t invited to attend. But did get to watch it on FB live.
Why do majority of the ladies here comment “he is cheating?”
Why all so negative about it? The lady is already upset and now you putting thoughts in her head that could potentially break their relationship up and could be just a simple thing as “he is protecting his family so they don’t get the virus” or “he doesn’t want his family there cause it’s just a ceremony he feels isn’t that important in his career”
Talk to your husband. Don’t be calling to try and check up on him or going uninvited that can and may get him in trouble with his CO. The actions of the spouses can reflect on the enlisted and get them in trouble.
My husband didn’t care for them and we only went to one we also took our little and she ran in and I felt like an asshole
Get over it! He is a full grown man who feels he doesnt “need” his hand held to receive the promotion… Stay home with your son an dont worry about what his daddy is out doing or not doing…
My god you are ignorant. I’m an army vet. No one wants your dusty ass husband. No one gives a shit about his crusty dick. Sorry to be vulgar but ffs grow tf up. You can’t handle missing a promotion ceremony. How the ever loving fuck will you handle a deployment? Shit or get off the pot poobah, I ain’t got time for your fuckery.
I’ve never been to any of my husband’s promotion ceremonies .
Personally, I wouldn’t call his commander or get anyone involved. It’s not their job to settle an argument with your husband or prove him wrong. I’m sorry if he’s hurting your feelings, but I’d sit down and have a very blunt conversation together about it and tell him what you just wrote here. He might be trying to save you the hassle, especially if he doesn’t see it as a big deal.
My friends son just became the commander of chief of an navy fighting vessel. It’s a pretty huge promotion . Usually family is included for the ceremony that took place in Washington DC. No guests were allowed because of Covid.
If you can’t trust what your husband is saying, I think you already know the answer…
Most are not allowing it now. Personally I would not call or show up. Because eaiter way it will embarrass you both regardless if he’s cheating or not.
I’m not making an ass out of myself for no man!!
If you are automatically jumping to cheating had he ever given you any reason to mistrust him?
If not your overreacting.
If so then don’t stay with him. Trust is essential to a healthy relationship.
I would simply talk to your husband about your feelings.
It’s not that far fetched to believe they said no extra people/civilians at the ceremony. Rules are changing daily & the military is being very strict.
I would not give my name but I would call someone that would know.
I think right now it is safer for you and your son to stay home. My son is a Marine and I understand. But talk to him and let him know you are hurt
Military people all sleep together, it’s pretty well known
Don’t jump to conclusions unless there has been unresolved trust issues to make you think that way. Instead make his favorite meal and set up the table super cute tidy up and light a candle. Take a bath and put on some cute undergarments that you wouldn’t usually walk around in on a normal night at home. Put the kids if any to bed early and celebrate his accomplishment with him❤️
As a previous service member and to your second point, if he is messing around with someone in the platoon, they probably already know you and y’alls son exist. To your first point… maybe it is the commander’s discretion as to if family members can attend, and those rules change with the situation.
Talk to him all a few more questions try figuring out more then make your call
Some of y’all don’t know how the military works and it shows she would’ve been better off posting in a military support group …
It does sound like something is off. I would say that it sounds normal due to Covid but if he’s now acting strange I guess that would be a bit of a red flag.
My husband didn’t even get a promotion ceremony.
Maybe talk to him not facebook
Im mean express yourself to him without attacking. But the whole COVID thing is probably the reason its closed to family currently. steps and precautions are changed daily.
It only sounds weird to me because he didn’t mention that they weren’t letting family attend until you asked. If it’s the norm and you always attend promotions, he should’ve said something when he informed you about it. Then again Covid has made everything normal, not normal. But I also wouldn’t jump to conclusions right away, Just talk to him and feel him out. Certainly hope that’s not the case. Good luck!
Sounds to me there is either distrust on one or both sides that is causing communication issues, or you just are not strong enough to be a military wife. Not trying to be harsh, it just takes a certain person.
With a lot of area’s getting a second wave of covid. It’s more then likely the case. I would just explain to him that you’ve felt a bit unwanted, and insecure lately, that you’ve been missing him alot and it’s something you’d hoped to still of been able to go to, as you’re proud of him.
If he gets defensive or gives the silent treatment, then there’s more too it. If not, then hopefully he’ll reassure you and ask someone to film it, so you can watch it with all your family at a later date.
From my time in the military usually you would have to extend the contract if getting promoted.
Go any way I would don’t tell .Show up
They def aren’t allowing spouses at this installation. I just double checked with the hubster and he literally showed me a screenshot of the email sent to him. It was allowed since covid started but now the military is taking it more seriously and there’s more restrictions over all.
Call a wife or girlfriend from his platoon and ask her what she’s wearing to the ceremony because you’re having a hard time deciding…see what she says. If she says family isn’t invited just say oh yeah…I forgot
But policies change all the time do it is possible
Just go. He is clearly lying and if it was really innocent as in him not wanting to be making a big deal about it, he would say it, and not lie and then not talk to you
Some of y’all are crazy paranoid and it shows
Mine never wanted me to come to any of the ceremonies. He wouldn’t have went if they didn’t make him.
I dont know the ins and outs with any service but I will say follow your gut!
I am not allowed at my son’s swear in nor his graduation from boot camp. His recruiter warned us in advance
My husband got promoted last month and he wasnt aloud to have anyone come for it. They didnt want civilians there due to covid
You’re overthinking it.
Isn’t there severe consequences to cheating military spouses with colleagues
Its a big deal. My husband is currently serving and i would be devastated to not be apart of such an important day.
During lockdown ive seen so many ceremonies with family members attending along as they are masked and keeping safe distance there is absolutely no reason you can’t be there heck ive seen some do it vie video so there children can pin them. Ask him hun just sit down and get to the bottom of it.he could just be extremely stressed by his new position
If he has not spoken to you since you confronted him about it, that’s pretty suspicious. But you two need to learn how to communicate like adults.
Go! I would. Surprise hunny
My husband said if they’re promoting him, depending on his rank, he may be re-enlisting and doesn’t want you to know. I’d be pissed he hasn’t discussed it with me. Not okay. But yes, definitely weird. Also, certain companies can say no people can attend. Totally depends.
That’s not over reacting your gut is right …
Our base is on restriction. They FB Lived the ceremonies that were going on last weekend.
Back in April things weren’t considered quite as bad as they are now as far as COVID is concerned. That’s probably why his friend’s wife got to go to his. It’s all up to the base/unit and their procedures concerning all this. It probably has nothing to do with him hiding anything from you.
Maybe your overthinking it but I was able to attend a company picnic party, with our kids, last month. So it really depends on what the company decides.
Please don’t just show up. I don’t want to sound rude but you are likely to embarrass the both of you. Unless your husband has given you a solid proven reason to not trust him, it’s important for you too trust what he’s telling you. a lot of changes with regard to covet. Been fluid from most people implementing them because things change on the day-to-day so it’s very likely that they did let the other families attend in April but not now. Perhaps you could ask if you and virtually or if someone might record it for you.
That would be way to out of character for me and I would go
Ask him honestly. If you don’t have communication and trust then you don’t have anything.
Contact the promotion ceremony and ask if that’s true. If it’s not, then your two guesses are right
I dont think he is lying. Starting a few weeks ago the base my friend is at went into a lockdown. No civilian is allowed anywhere except housing and stores.
Sounds suspicious to me. Why would a man who has nothing to hide not want his wife and child to attend his promotion ceremony?
Call and ask. If they say family is allowed then I would go from there. If he is cheating, you can report him to his commanding officer and he’ll get in trouble. You already obviously suspect him of cheating since you threw that out there as a possibility.
The RED FLAG here is that he’s not sharing his life with you. If Covid is the genuine reason, then that’s not a problem. THE problem is that he didn’t mention it to you until the day before his ceremony. And he’s made no effort to include you, even if by FT or FB Live. It all seems very detached and that would make me uneasy as his wife. On that note; If this was my husband- I’d simply call his commander to seek answers to my questions or concerns.
Side note; I was raised military and married military- first husband- huge mistake. Haha. But I have NEVER heard of someone being promoted on the way out. So weird.
Maam i living quite in Trinidad and i could smell sumthing ain’t rite…
I’m active duty, he’s probably telling the truth about nobody being allowed. I know my base is only allowing mission essential members entrance, and only for mission essential reasons. Dependents are only allowed access to go to housing or the commissary or hospital. I would just sit and talk to him about it. Honestly don’t understand why people don’t trust their partner though. Why marry or stay married to a person that you don’t trust?
Sad not to want you & son there
Y’all are some paranoid ass wives. Damn. Covid-19 is keeping tons of wives and families away during these times. Military wife here🙋🏽♀️ My husband on 2 different accounts has told me THE MORNING OF “oh by the way, my promotions today” Promotions are not that big of a deal. Congratulate your spouse and take him to dinner. Not being able to go isn’t the end of the world. Talk to him and be open on how you feel. If he’s still being shady ask your fellow military spouse for help. Lord knows they can find dirt on anyone in 5 minutes or less😆
DO NOT CALL his commander. So many women saying call. Dont. If you wouldn’t call his normal boss in the civilian world, then don’t call his commander in the military world. You won’t be taken seriously and your husband will get so much shit from his leadership.
It seems fishy to me, if he is being promoted and you cannt attend because of Covid 19 then why didn’t he just tell you that in the 1st place,2nd why would he wAit u til the day before to tell you about a promotion? I hope you got to the bottom of this matter, let us know what you find out
I know people always assume the worst case scenario but if it was me I would call and make sure that’s true now if they tell you that you’re allowed to go I would show up and I would hide and I wouldn’t tell him and see what’s going on
I think you may be over reacting a bit considering that covid is affecting basically everything. You should try having a conversation with him about how your feeling and why you don’t trust him. Don’t contact his job they wouldn’t want to hear about your guys relationship problems. The only problems I can see in this situation is obviously you don’t trust him and he likes walking away from/ignoring problems and that’s not good for the both of you.
I dont think you’re overreacting
Grow up it’s just a ceremony if he doesn’t feel need to take you then he doesn’t have to but however explain to him that this is something that would make his son proud of him
We couldn’t even attend my nephews graduation from boot camp / something in army…(i didnt pay much attention since couldn’t go)
My grandson is a marine and was promoted about 2 months ago and no family was allowed.
Maybe he just does not want anybody there. I was in the Marine Corps for 12 years and not one time was my wife there at my promotion or award ceremony cause i did not want her there. It was not cause i was cheating or embarrassed but its cause it was not that important. I would not jump to conclusions and talk to him. Dont even call his command cause you will make it worse…the one thing Commands hate are wives and husbands calling them and they will make sure they have a talking with your husband and that will be the end of his trust for you. I bet he is not cheating, we know the consequences and would not dare try it, he probably thinks its not important enough for his family to go.