Am I over reacting?

Hey all, would it piss you off if your S/O were looking at a picture of a celebrity and saying they wouldn’t f**k her because of whatever reason? Or am I too sensitive? I don’t know, guess I just don’t really like my S/O talking about having sex with anyone else but me? Am I dumb? Please be nice lol.


It’s one thing to say they are pretty or handsome but that’s it

That’s ignorant and disrespectful


Too sensitive…its a celebrity photo…not a photo of your friend. Let it go.


Dumb no… Ridiculous yes.


Is he ever going to meet this celebrity? Probably not… let it go


he’s saying he wouldn’t fuck her tho

Me and my husband always be like that, I dont see anything wrong. It’s a celebrity


Grow up. A celebrity? It’s not that serious.

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It’s a fantasy they have. They know it will never happen.

It wouldn’t bother me but not sure why he said it out loud to you.


I mean if he’s saying why he wouldn’t then I don’t see the issue. Even if he was saying he would…they’re celebrities…it’s never gonna happen anyway. If he was saying he wanted to have sex with someone you know that would be something to get angry about.

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Your feelings are valid. You are allowed to feel your feelings. Sometimes, picking battles is a necessity though. Talking about how you feel with your s/o is healthy as long as your approach is respectful and not coming off as an attack.


Honestly some things you’ve gotta get over because if he doesn’t say it out loud, he is going to think it either way.
And I’ll tell you what when I see Johnny Depp or one of my celebrity crushes you’ll hear me shout HOT DAMN and I don’t care who is around :joy: so I don’t blame my fiance if he does the same thing.

Seriously though you’re too sensitive


There’s a hundred men that I’d love to “fuck”… lmao. But, I’m respectful to not say that in front of my hubby. I’m sure he has a list too… My opinion. Nothing wrong about fantasizing about celebrities but kind of rude to talk about it in front of you in that way.

I wouldn’t tolerate that.

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At least he’s open about it. Get him back with yeah that’s how I feel about _____ lol


You dont have a celebrity you think is hot? I def do but never have a chance in hell hahha it’s normal human attraction. But I can also get why it may have been a blow to you. Chin up he chose you to be with so clearly find you attractive as well!

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It’s disrespectful I don’t care if it were a celebrity a friend or a random person in a grocery store. Communicate your feelings him being your man should cater to how u feel just like he would expect you to if something bothered him


It’s about respect.
You’re not dumb. You’re feeling are valid.
I wouldn’t say things like that, neither would my husband.


Just say “well id f*** her too :sunglasses:”. And yall have a big laugh about it and let it go lol :smirk:

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I openly admit what I’d do to the one or two celebrities on my “list”. It’d be pretty hypocritical of me to get jealous of his interests.

How does this kind of stuff really get posted ?
This is ignorant .
I messaged this page and asked for advice on getting your tubes removed after birth and I got left on read…
Then you post someone who is literally just being jealous … Smh .


Depends on the both of you and what all u have discussed. I personally don’t know a single person who doesn’t have a celebrity list…they all know its not a real thing and no one has ever acted on it. I personally think your being a little sensitive but its your relationship. Talk to your partner.

It wouldn’t bother me.

I don’t care but then again Im blunt. I dont say fuck them but that theyre goodlooking or something. Some people just say that.

It’ll never happen so don’t worry… X


He can feels however the heck he dang pleases as do we all we can’t help that part of being human. However most people know better than to express feelings that could hurt someone they love. Do the same and then point out to him his reaction. This will show you exactly where you both stand with one another.

You feel what you feel :woman_shrugging:. Would I care… NO, but that’s a reflection of me and my relationship with my hubs. So many more important things to worry about in life than why my hubs wouldn’t F a certain celebrity.

Me & my last boyfriend said that about celebrities. I think it’s fantasy & your being to sensitive-

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Tell him how you wanna bone a hot celeb who looks nothing like him :woman_shrugging:t2:


That’s so disrespectful!


Your feelings are valid!!! If that’s how you feel, it’s how you feel. Talk to him. Hey this bothers me. I don’t they are just words, but the words make me feel insecure. I think nowadays people want to be like omg DONT be so insecure. Everyone gets insecure and one point or the other. Don’t fight about it but also be real about it.


That’s the same as watching porn. There not gonna come out of the tv or picture an take your man. Be glad he feel comfortable enough to say it to you…

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My ex use to do it all the time to try and make me “jealous” in the end I stopped reacting and started doing it myself my god did his feelings get hurt :joy::joy::joy:

If he said
“I wouldn’t f*ck her because she’s fat” and you’re also fat then yeah that may be a problem :joy: sorry not sorry


I tell my husband all the time I’d fuck Zac efron and I know a lot of female celebrities that he would too. I guess to us is that we know we will never get the chance so it doesn’t bother us. But maybe address it to him and tell him how it makes you feel.

Say “yeah, i know what you mean, _____ is hot, but _____ ruins it for me with him” make him a lil jelly see how it feels

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I mean I don’t think your s/o should look at you and say “I would fuck celeb mentioned” but I don’t think that him thinking it is necessarily abnormal because a lot of people just have those thoughts because they know it’s not attainable. Idk. I wouldn’t appreciate the mention tho lol

I would not appreciate it either

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its a celeb, someone who 1 doesnt mnow he exists 2 wouldnt lower their standards for him :joy::joy::joy::joy: you need a chill pill

No it’s a celebrity lol but if it was a real person he knew personally hell yeah id be pissed!

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Grab a magazine with hot men n sit next to him quietly. N browse thru it…dont need to say anything…

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We are both always adding celebs onto our “it doesnt count as cheating list” :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
Like if he gets a chance with the big boobed chick from 2 broke girls id actually be mad if he didn’t take it.
And hed feel the same if i didnt bone Flea if given the chance :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Too sensitive. But it’s ok to be sensitive, it’s who you are. Don’t get hurt tho…

It wouldn’t bother me but I told my husband I’d roll him out of bed for Gerard Butler :smiley:


It’s a celebrity not like there’s even a chance of that happening regardless :joy::skull: I think it’s healthy when your husband can be honest with you about things don’t be so jealous it’s not a good look imo :woman_shrugging:t2: just really extra tbh


Lighten up! It’s just fantasy talk…

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Kinda of an odd conversation to have with one’s lover more of a friend thing personally


I say stuff like that all the time so does my hubby :woman_shrugging:


I don’t care personally. But if it offends you then speak on it.

I mean it’s rude I guess. My husband doesn’t do that though

My experiance all men think but few say it do i guess whatever you wanna make of it

I’m convinced the majority of these posts are from 13 year olds. Hopefully, on birth control.


I could care less! I say it to mine…and sometimes its like dang if i was gay id hit that shit up like a champ bc there’s a beautiful women :woman_shrugging::raising_hand_woman:
I’m confident in myself and my relationship.
I think its petty to be upset about something silly like that and it comes from a lack of self esteem (just my opinion).

My partner regularly talks about celebrities he’d bang. I either agree or disagree. And I do the same. :joy: it’s healthy. Just do the same, if he doesn’t like it then he will stop.

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My husband doesn’t do or say or think anything that he wouldn’t want me doing. Respect thing.


I told my husband if i had a chance to sleep with a celebrity i would take it. He said can i? I said damn right. Its a damn dream not a reality

My son says some chicks he wouldn’t be able to get it hard enough even with a pill, lol it’s a man thing. They will grow out of it as soon as the fear it won’t work someday begins

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My boyfriend says Jennifer Aniston is his future ex-wife and it doesn’t bother me.

I do think it’s disrespectful to say it in a mean way or on continually on purpose if he knows it hurts your feelings. Just let him know to keep his fantasy thoughts to himself if it bothers you and hopefully he will respect you enough to oblige.

Personally… I TOTALLY GET IT. I know there is no reality in it, like they don’t have a chance even if they wanted. I just still don’t like it. I don’t make it a fight, but it does make me mad.
People say “but don’t you sometimes think of other guys in that way?..” NOPE. I DON’T. Truly do not. So if my man is thinking of other women in a sexual way it does piss me off and I don’t think it’s wrong to feel that way. I think it’s wrong to think of other women sexually when you’re committed. :woman_shrugging:t2: I think it’s disrespectful.


Nope not a bit .
We do not shame each other for our sexuality, what we do and don’t like, and we know we are faithful to each other.
so we don’t have insecurities about the other looking at other people in print, celebrities, even porn.
There are insecurities that we do have inside ourselves but those are things that we have to work on inside ourselves. We do not rely on our partners actions or words to make up feel bad or good. That’s our job for ourselves to be secure in ourselves.

I think it’s more disrespectful then anything. Why feel the need to speak loudly on an opinion like that to your significant other. Think what you want but be respectful to your partners feelings. Maybe he’s insecure and trying to make you jealous?
Saying a celebrity is attractive is whatever but talking about f*ing one would a little overboard for me. Just weird to say.


Me n my man talk about that… it’s just celebrities…

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Your being too sensitive…jealousy doesn’t look good on anyone. Not to mention he said he would not sleep with her…which makes you being mad even more ridiculous…sorry :woman_shrugging:


Well it sounds like he was talking about NOT having sex with that person lol
You are definitely overreacting.

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I mean that’s kind of a crude way to put it but I think its harmless overall.

My husband has never done this. But if he did i wouldn’t care at all. But the first time i did it in front of him he was seriously offended. So i just don’t say it around him now lol

Well if u have a really good relationship it would go two ways. he would either NOT say this or you would laugh at it when he did. Personally I’d laugh at it. I’d say a lot of these things but I know my husband would be offended lmfao. I make lots of jokes and like to laugh. He’s got a stick in his Butt tho most times and seems to have a fragile Ego. So seems to me that u gotta take into consideration what u know about that other person before u say certain things. It’s called respect. Idk if this helps. Been married 30 plus years so hope I know something. :hugs::thinking::wink:

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A celebrity? No because it’s never going to happen. A random chick or one of your friends? I’d be phased af.


I don’t think if you’re in a relationship you should talk about that it’s disrespectful


Yes it would p*ss me off. I think its totally disrespectfull. Each to their own if other people dont mind it but I personally would. X

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Your feelings are valid. But personally, that stuff doesn’t bother me. We both joke around like that. Acting on it would be a totally different situation though!!

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I would be like sure honey , she wouldn’t even give you a chance but keep wishing


They all think it anyway :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’d rather him just be himself with me its a celebrity not your next door neighbor.

I mean mr. Eminems can hit me up anyday now :expressionless:


do you mean

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Do it to him
Pick a sexy one find a picture of Blake Shelton
then tell him you would like to buy his ass and pray for lockjaw and let him drag you all over town
See how he likes it haha

But usually it’s like a dog chasing tires what the hell is he going to do with it if he actually catches it


This happened to me. My then boyfriend said it in front of me to my then sisters boyfriend. We had one hell of an argument. Its about respect.

I personally find it disrespectful. But I would probably just talk to my husband rather than get upset or cause a scene over it. You feel how you feel and there’s nothing wrong with feeling a certain way. It matters how you act.

You really are overreacting. Being jealous of a celebrity your s/o is saying he >would NoT< have sex with.


You r overreacting. I do it and so does my husband whenever we watch TV or a movie it’s a game with us because there is no chance of ever meeting them we both each other’s choice and reasons why

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My boyfriend and I are always like that. I think you are being a little sensitive. I have 2 celebrity boyfriends and when they come on the tv is he is quick to tell me my boyfriend is on the tv. Lol! I’m the same way with his.


Lol we all have our celebrity crushes. I think you’re being overly sensitive.

LMAO me and my husband talk about celebs male and female there is many times ill show him a pic say this person is pretty or hot and he will give his honest opinion and honestly we would never get with these people lol told my husband the other j lo hot so he starts looking her up and then after the third video he’s like ok yes I see what you mean she has a nice butt lol but that’s us we have trust and love and we are just very open about most things

Yeah you’re dumb for overreacting to this. If you been with him long enough you should secure in your relationship. He even said he wouldn’t do whatever with a celebrity. Geesh. Saying things and doing things are completely different. You’re Definitely Making a big deal of it.

:joy::joy::joy::joy: it’s your own feelings why do you care what other people think, like you need validation for how you feel… you have every right to feel however you want…

We have a open communication policy so we share everything with each other, it wouldn’t bug me but I have my celebrity crushes too. It depends on your relationship on what your comfortable with, just discuss this with him and be open.

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it doesn’t matter if we agree or disagree with how she feels. The important part is how you communicate with your partner your needs and wants.


My husband and I do this all the time :woman_shrugging:t2:


I say this all the time we can be watching a film and I will come out with I would have him any day :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:
It’s not like I stand a hope in hell of bedding Tom Hardy but damn I would give it a shot :joy:
It’s not like he will be running off with one of them, we all have our little celebrity crushes
He is with you for a reason so I wouldnt worry maybe have a chat and explain your feelings but I would say it’s harmless

She didn’t ask if she’s being dumb just over reacting. You shouldn’t need to ask anyone outside your marriage if your over reacting. Talk to him how it makes you feel. You feel this way because of a reason. It’s all about communication and respect.

I wouldn’t care🤷🏽‍♀️

You’re too sensitive. Hes lucky to have you, hes not in their leagues…now if he was saying it about a friend or neighbor. I’d keep my eye in that!

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They can screw the neighbor more than the celebrity. Be realistic with yourself and work on your insecurities as that can be used as your weakness to mess with your mind. Stand tall and be a strong individual. I’m never gonna sleep with Keanu Reeves but I tell everyone he’s my next baby daddy :laughing:


I don’t think others should tell you you are over reacting. If it bothers you, says it does. No matter how trivial others may see it, if it bothers you (or your partner) the respectful thing to do would not to repeat the behavior.

Yep, you’re acting stupid.

That’s just a man being a man :slightly_smiling_face: