Am I overreacting or just hormonal?

Believe me it’s the hormones! My pregnancy hormones made me jealous and insecure about everything as well. The song means nothing and he’s just messing with you.


Ppl are funny saying its just a song it doesn’t mean thats what he wants and in the same breath saying but thats all mens dream anyway. Lol :laughing:. Its a song. And not the kind that I would feel hurt over lol. Its definitely your hormones. If my man was acting emotional over a song that was about lost love or missing someone or never getting over an ex than I’d be hurt but songs are meant to put us in our feelings. Deep down sometimes things come up. I wouldn’t say another thing about this to him. In fact I would apologize for overreacting and then tell him you’re just feeling insecure and emotional right now. Explain to him that thats normal during pregnancy and you hope that he can understand. Then you might want to address the fact that you’ve been feeling that way for awhile and talk to him and ask him if he can ease your mind.


Hunny I think every man’s fantasy is to have a girl on girl its a fantasy babe I wouldn’t read to much into it my husband says shit like this all the time so I called his bluff one day I said ok I get to pick the girl and he was all seriously and I was like yep let’s do it lol well needless to say when push came to shove he really didn’t want that he did but not his wife being the other girl see it’s a fantasy babe let it go hunny I sure would

Why are you so offended at the thought of wanting a girl?? :rofl::rofl:

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This is the most immature post I’ve read!!:rofl:girl grow up its a damn song!

I would say about 99 percent of men like girls that like girls lol doesnt mean they want them. I think maybe the hormones have u on crazy street a bit.

You’re overreacting. Lots of guys have girl on girl fantasies. Doesn’t mean he wants to pursue that as a lifestyle choice. :smiley:


Sweetie, he picked YOU. If that’s what he really wanted he wouldn’t be with YOU. Pregnancy hormones are brutal, so I understand you being upset, but you’re allowing your hormones to let you overthink it. My second pregnancy I got upset about the way my husband rolled his socks. SOCKS!!! I started an argument over fucking socks. I would just let it go, make yourself a nice bath, light some candles and lose yourself in one of those “made for housewives hot stable boys seduces socialite” books.

I’m thinking just insecurities from hormones love! I like the song too with no thoughts of what it means. Try and relax, try and not make issues where there aren’t any. He chose you, and that other stuff is just man stuff! 🫂

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I would look at the lyrics and actually be like look and this and read it… is this actually something you’re okay with? Butttt, you ARE pregnant. HOWEVER super disrespectful towards you. Lastly. Men are men, and some men are like that and some aren’t. You’re 100,000% valid for feeling miffed. But make sure to wait to explain this to him when you’re not so emotional. Like, Look we get it we all like certain certain songs that are catchy and everything, at the end of the day you can just enjoy it, or really be all about it all about it… and that’s when you have to decide if you’re actually paying attention to what the lyrics are saying and if you genuinely agree with it on a moral level sounds like you obviously don’t agree with it for whatever reason because it’s just inappropriate and disrespectful, objectifying , et cetera… but yeah my husband catches me jamming sometimes to songs that frankly I don’t fuqing understand cause I can’t hear well AT ALL. then he’ll be like, “look up those lyrics right quick”… usually I’m caught off guard and I’ll be like, “you right my bad”… but other times I’ll hear it, and now knowing what is being said consciously, I usually make a better assessment of how I choose to jam out to it or change the channel. Anyway. Good luck and just remind him to be sensitive and you remember that things will feel overwhelming at times. Just breathe through it. Also… always try to sleep on something to help be slow to anger. If you’re still upset the next day, chances are its an issue that might take longer than just a quick apology anyway.

Sounds like ur hormonal and making a bigger deal out of something than what it really is

You’re preggo as fuck haha

You are definitely hormonal.
Most guys that I know… Including my man… Likes girls who like girls. And the ones who don’t… Are gay.


Don’t listen to all the “perfect” rude ass girls on here. You are pregnant, it’s sooo understandable to over react about simple things. It’s hard. I hate this group women are so hateful. I never see men bash and say hateful shit like I do women. Just know it’s normal, & you aren’t alone in feeling these things when pregnant. :heart::heart:

You are overreacting! I don’t know any guy that doesn’t fantasize about two girls. Come on, relax your hormones lol

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Pump your breaks lmao

Almost every man I’ve ever met their dream is to see or be with 2 girls that are with each other. Mostly fantasy I will never happen.
I think you’re being a little hormonal right now! Lol

A lot of these responses didn’t have to be brutally mean.


Uh…every guy loves girl on girl.

:joy::joy::joy: Chill tf out. It’s fine.

Hormones are a b****


Its hormones mama. Dont stress. Most guys like the thought of girl on girl. Its just a fantasy (make believe) just cuz he likes it doesnt mean thats what he wants. He obviously loves you enough he wanted to start a family with you. Pregnancy makes us all a little crazy.


Wow :joy: you are overreacting sweetie. It’ll be okay

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Girl your hormonal lol. Your feelings are valid but I honestly don’t think he meant much by it. I’m pregnant and I’ve over reacted with things with my husband and ita definitely hormones!

It’s literally one of the most popular albums right now. Chill out lol

It’s just a song. It doesn’t mean anything. He loves you. It’s the hormones.

Every person has fantasies. Whether you’re with someone who will act out those fantasies for you or not, the fantasy will always be there. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. It doesn’t mean he would rather be with a girl that likes girls. It just means it’s something he finds sexy. He’s entitled to finding things sexy even if they’re something you wouldn’t do.

Man I overreact when I’m not pregnant your feelings are valid and much love :two_hearts:


It’s just a song for gods sake

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When I was pregnant with my daughter and the andy grammar song honey im good came on and my spouse even entertained it I felt like killing him. It’s hormones love, let it go :notes:

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Oooft those hormones are real.


Yeah you’re definitely in the wrong

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Mama, go eat a snickers and chill out


:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:you’re being ridiculous


Lol men have fantasies about woman together. You’re hormonal baby girl.this too shall pass

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Your hormonal! I think that most men would think that’s hot.

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Grow up!!! Hormonal??? Getting mad over a song he likes. Geez

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You’re totally hormonal

Hormones calm down hon almost all guys have that fantasy and it’s just that a fantasy

Girl. Go take a nap and wake up when you’re in a better mood. :joy::joy:


Woahhh… I think you need to listen to some of the songs you like and see if they could offend him?
Hormones :sweat_smile:

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It’s your hormones and if he knew what was good for him he wouldn’t listen to that song until after you have the baby :rofl:


You’re definitely overreacting. All men and I mean ALL like girl on girl stuff.

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It’s just a song. You’re being hormonal. This feeling will pass :upside_down_face:

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Just hormones, take a breather and try not to think of it

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All that over a song?! I’d hate to see what else y’all argue about.


You can try to blame it on hormones or whatever, but you’re totally overreacting. For one…it’s a song…who cares if he likes it and you don’t…is a song really that big of a deal? For another, I’m pretty sure that most every guy finds girl on girl action hot.


i promise it doesn’t mean he isn’t attracted to you or anything like that lol don’t worry

You’re overreacting all guys like girls that like girls it’s in their blood ! If he’s not acting on it let him have his fantasy


It’s just a song :musical_note: What happens if his favourite musician are an all girls group​:woman_facepalming:t4:

Go for a nice walk.

It’s just a song :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Def hormones :roll_eyes: I listen to music that talks about ass shaking, getting hoes and selling drugs. I can’t do any of those

Oh my word. You are so overreacting. :rofl: Chill out.


Men are gonna fantasize

Erm, if he finds a girl who likes girls … he will get nowhere?! … they aren’t going to want him :woman_shrugging::rofl:


Hormones. It’s just a song. I know those hormones be crazy so no judgement lol but that doesn’t mean he wants to be with a girl who likes other girls. It doesn’t mean you’re not good enough at all. He just likes the song. Lol.

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You’re definitely overreacting. Hormones for sure. yikes. Give the guy a break :sweat_smile:

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Find a straight man who wouldn’t be turned on by women together. There’s not many lol. It’s fantasy. If he’s given you no reason to distrust him so far, don’t use this. It’s in his head and it’s just a song.


I woulda replied “oh yeah? Except yo mama. She ugly.” :joy: Every guy has those thoughts. Even my husband makes comments after 12 years and 3 kids.

Thats every guys fantasy!

Woooosah I didn’t think hormones would make a lady go that overboard
It’s a song! My dad is super into Bad Guy by Billie Eilish right now - does that mean he wants Billie eilish to seduce him? -.- no

Let yourself chill out

Actually feel urbpain I think you’ve worded it wrong but he should only think about his girls now who’s gonna hit me up saying am controlling

That’s pregnancy hormones. Lol

Oh girl, you are majorly overthinking this. :joy::woman_facepalming:t3:

Girl you’re over reacting. Most males like some form of girl on girl thing. It’s just a song and it’s not like he wrote it :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Definitely overreacting js lol

Hormones. Definitely hormones.

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Yep you’re overthinking it :rofl:
I’m also pregnant so completely understand how overboard emotions can be! Haha

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I remember my hormones while pregnant. They’re no joke. But with that said, yeah you’re being hormonal lol it happens.

Unfortunately men do not take feelings into consideration when suggesting that girl on girl is what they like. It’s disrespectful and distasteful to anyone that doesn’t like it but hey they just say it like they’re asking to pass the salt and by the looks of the comments a lot of woman allow it.
Men can have the fantasy, doesn’t mean they can disrespect their partners along the way.


Your overreacting x1,000 girl. It’s a song and 2 girls together is like every guys fantasy. Even though they wouldn’t know what to do if they had 2 girls. You sound super crazy. He’s allowed to like what ever music he wants. Your not going to agree on everything. :woman_facepalming:

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I wish Drake would make a song about Ham. You probably wouldn’t be upset at your boyfriend if he liked a Drake song that was about HAM!


I mean he didn’t say he wants it he said he likes it.

Its a mans fantasy and that is all it is. X


Congratulations, yeppers it is your hormones… just breathe Mama.

As someone who has been pregnant, I gotta say girl this just sounds like hormones talking. (That being said I can’t stand drake :joy::joy:)


Overreaction much? :joy: screams insecure

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Pregnancy hormones are the devil. Be calm Mumma he loves you!

You’re being emotional. Ignore it

Hormones…lol. Hang in there

What male doesn’t enjoy that thought :woman_shrugging:

It’s a song.

Chalk it up to pregnancy hormones and let it gooooo

Oh man… hahaha… those pregnancy hormones got you going!

I think it’s just the hormones hun . Don’t take it to heart just just a song . :slightly_smiling_face:

Unless he’s cheating or doing extra shit to fulfill his fantasy then I would leave it be. I think your feeling a little insecure (which is normal especially when pregnant) so maybe talk to him about making sure your sex life is still fulfilling and active.
I think you should def talk to him about how you’ve been feeling tho and shit tell him the song bugs you and he should respect it, not saying he shouldn’t listen to it, but at least don’t play it when your are around. Regardless if he doesn’t agree. There’s some songs my bf listens to that makes me feel a little insecure (yes it’s only a song but sometimes when your man singing it it makes you feel some type of way) he knows how I don’t like it so he usually changes it no biggie. Always respect your partner. Even if you don’t fully understand their issue.

You’re hormonal. Just shush before you make this man think you’re crazy. :rofl::see_no_evil:


Hahaha its just a song lol but I wouldn’t look too hard into it my hormones have me tripping over small stuff too lol🤣

Male fantasy just ignore it

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:joy::joy::joy: this has to be a joke

You’re too hormonal. Be a sport. Don’t stress. Play opposite music that deals with males; such as boys on boys/men on men, all boys orgy train banging, male strippers, boy toys etc. While thinking your in the middle being center attention of being pleasure. Girl can dream, too!!!:joy::joy::joy:

I’m not trying to be harsh AT ALL, but it’s definitely your hormones.

Why would he go find a girl that likes other girls, she wouldn’t want him then, she would want another GIRL LOL.

Trust me, I totally get the hormones, they SUCK.

I’m trying to put myself in your shoes on if my boyfriend said something like this to me and if it would bother me. And I probably would be like “wtf dude that was weird”. But guys are just freaking weird sometimes, I swear I have no idea what goes on in their minds, sometimes they’re just weird lol.

Just breathe, you got this! :white_heart:

This has to be a troll. It’s a song. I just can’t.

Hormones hun, you’re ok.

Your hormones are making you cray cray lol. Be like Elsa and Let It Go!!! Haha


Well, what if he liked “where the boys are”, or, "like a rolling stone’? You could read all kinds of things into nothing! So he likes a song, so what? You are fine. Don’t worry.


some dudes really want a girlfriend who want a girlfriend :woman_facepalming:
its poly
some dudes aint cut for planned families either.
especially listening to dumb ass drake
and 2 years aint shit babygirl. thats just the beginning of the relationship- now is the time to ask if you gay inside bc eventually he gonna wanna see you with another female - or hes gonna find one that will - bc hes a male - and thats how they roll nowadays

Its a song, your over reacting.

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Relax! It’s just a song!

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I so feel you!! I was so hormonal i cried my whole pregnancy I questioned everything about my relationship I felt so ugly compared to other girls I would get mad when my man would even look at another girl…and so on it was awful!! But now have baby and I feel back to normal .!! Your not alone ! Just tell him how u feel and if he can be a lil more sensible towards u until pregnancy is over

girl it’s just a song. definitely your pregnancy hormones