Am I Raising My Kids Wrong?

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"So my kids are 9, 8 and 7. My oldest is mature but he is the class clown. He is goofy, makes noises, constant joking and i have noticed he doesnt have that many friends and he is being called gay, weird etc. He is hurt by it and i can tell even if he says he doesnt care. A neighbor said i need to tell him not to be so annoying. i dont understand, i think he is just a regular 9 year old boy ( yes he has adhd) how do you handle this stuff?Next my youngest is into anime, loves to wear costumes (i keep their halloween costumes out all year for dress up) goes outside and is harry potter, batman, naruto etc.Some kids tease him as well in the neighborhood saying why are you dressed like that? Your so weird.This breaks my heart. Do kids not play like this anymore? Am i doing something wrong? What do i do?Please and thank you!"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Love your children the way they are celebrate their differences and embrace their uniqueness"

"No kids are just mean! You’re doing a great job!"

"Teach them that it’s okay to be different and to love who they are"

"There’s nothing wrong with your parenting. Seems like theirs something wrong with the way the other children are being parented. I’ve taught my son it’s not okay to bully other children and everybody is different, it doesn’t mean you treat them different."

"my 11 year son is weird too and yep adhd and mild autism, I think it’s just boys. I put karate and it has helped alot. I have learned to embrace his weirdness lol and im teaching him to also. kids are mean, I told mine he is gonna have to have a tough skin, and try to ignore it. your doing great!"

"Your neighbor sounds off. Glad you allow your kids to be themselves. You are doing great. They will have to learn to be around other kids- and hopefully they find like minded kids to be kids with."

"Your kids are fine. The other parents are just raising bullies."

"I pulled my oldest (unique, goofy) child from public school… We recently went to a park. The kids in his age group were there. Horrible little tweens. Screaming f*** and other words among littles. My son stated he didn’t want to be around those tweens. Your son really doesn’t need to fit in. Kids suck."

"Kids are dicks. You’re either a bully or get bullied unfortunately. You’re doing fine just let them know not to let what others say get to them"

"No people are just jerks and end up raising little brats who think the same way they do. Let your kids be kids and everyone else can suck it."

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