Back story. Me and my boyfriend have been together for over 7 year. We have a toddler together and another on the way. And he is constantly complaining that I nag on him and he can’t stand me, and has left probably 10 times over the years but I always let him come back. I try and talk things out with him and he always tells me to get away and I always do, but I feel hurt and betrayed he won’t talk to me and actually try and fix things. He yells and isn’t physically aggressive but is mentally and emotionally draining. I feel like he is sucking the life out of me and my kids. I work, and am the only caring for our child, and the house and our daily lives, and he DOES NOTHING. And I am always the bad guy. I just feel like I am at a loss. Do I keep trying? Am I the problem? Am I nagging him to much to help me? It doesn’t help that my parents are always having to save the day when he vanishes, and his parents think im the devil. What do I do?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Am I the problem like my boyfriend says, or I am manipulated and treated like crap by a narcissist
In a word, leave. Is that the example you want for your kid? That is so NOT healthy at all. That is manipulative behavior and he’s gaslighting you. He is a narcissist. I think you know that, which is why you said it. Girl GET OUT!!! Life can be so much better than that…
I have started over with just cloths on my back. It can be done! Cut him out, move on! You can be a better person without him!
If your best friend or little sister read this to you out loud as if it was her, what would you say? You deserve better? Don’t let someone treat you like that! Time to let go. Take your own advice.
Also this is not the way you want your children to see you being treated and grow up to treat someone that way or allow themselves to be treated.
It will be hard but it will be better.
Yes, he is a narcissist! I think u know what to do, but it’s scary for u- which I get! However, u do not want to show your kids how a relationship like this is! You need to leave or better yet make him leave! You have a baby on the way and don’t need his bullsh*t! Good luck!
Take the children & run for the hills!!! He won’t change and you & your kids deserve better. I left a relationship similar to this a year ago when my daughter was 1. Restarting is hard, but I can be done, and you will make it!!
He’s definitely a narcissist. He can’t stand you and his parents think you’re the devil?! LOL! Makes you wonder what kind of stories he’s been putting in their heads. Leave. Don’t ever take him back! Your kids do. Not. Need. To. Experience. This kind of behavior. Otherwise they might think that it’s alright to treat others that way.
Find a way out ; fast! He will wear you down to a lonely, depressed, and alone. Ask yourself , If I’m going to be lonely , would I rather be alone?
Here’s my thing with nagging. You wouldnt have to nag if they did their part. Cause let’s be real we dont like to nag either. Its stressful to have to ask for help all the time. Especially when someone isnt pulling their weight. Set clear expectations and if the other person cant met those expectations then nagging happens. It’s a never ending cycle. If the person isnt willing to do their part to change then a person might feel like nagging is their only resort to get stuff done. Even if it works or not. It’s an cry for help really. A relationship takes two people working towards the same goal. If one person doesnt want to do their part things wont change. So if youre stuck in a cycle of this happening you might want to ask yourself if youre willing to except things for the way they are or make a big change yourself.
You already know the answer if your asking the question. It’s time to move him out for good, he isn’t going to change.
It’s like I’m reading my own relationship story…girl, leave him. I should’ve done it years ago.
Do you want your children to strive for a relationship like yours? If not, leave. You’re showing them this is what “love” is.
You already know the answer. Move on.
Throw the man away, well I should boy
He sounds like a narcissist to me!
Run-fast!!! A tiger can’t change its stripes!!!
You’re exhausted and overwhelmed. Resentful even. He isn’t even putting in 50%. That’s not how relationships work. If you can communicate and support each other, grow together, and have a peaceful home, he needs to go. Life is short. You deserve more.
Girl Run! Don’t walk, RUN!
Do whats best for you and your kids…Kick his ass out; and DON’T let him back in!!!
You already know the answer. You’re doing it all on your own anyway so send him packing. He’ll only steal all the joy from you and your children’s lives. If you have had the strength to withstand this abuse, being a single mom won’t be any harder. Love yourself and children enough to let him go. You deserve it! Prayers and blessings!!!
Leaving would be the best thing for you and your little ones. He sounds like my 2 youngest sons father.
You already know what to do,read your own post and it will be Crystal clear.