Am I wrong for thinking kids shouldn't be cussing?

I’ve caught my 8 year old cussing and told her she’s to young. Kids are gonna cuss when they’re with their friends and not around their parents. I started cussing as a teenager and still do. Here I am 34 and only say certain cuss words around my parents

Every kid can’t be how YOU want them to be 🤷

They’re just words. Any word can be deemed a “bad word”.


I have teens & they go to different schools…. They both tell me how it’s ok to curse in class. They all curse nowadays.



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My teens all swear. I mean I swear like a sailor so I can’t tell them not to. Doesn’t make them disrespectful kids, they are actually quite amazing. They even know not to swear around their new little sister.


As long as they are using it to express themselves and in the right context then it’s just a word, no cussing to hurt people though such as name calling


Words are words. They only have the power you give them. There are bigger things to worry about in this life.


I tell my son that those are adult words. If you want to talk like an adult, you’re going to be treated like an adult. Then I made him buy toilet paper with his own money :woman_shrugging: criticize all you want. Sorry, NOT sorry


I do not allow my kiddo to cuss. When you become an adult you can use adult words. :woman_shrugging: Regardless there is a time and place. I teach 8th graders and they do not understand a time and place. I was raised that it was disrespectful in some circumstances.


I’m so offended you are offended :joy:

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It’s sad the language that is being used they days.


I say, mind your business if it isn’t directly affecting you. You’ll be much happier :blush:


Mine don’t swear… they’re 17, almost 15, and 5. They don’t even say “stupid”… I’ve never heard them swear other then the 17 year old while in his room playing online games with his friends, I’ve heard him say shit lol but I hate swearing, I think it’s trashy.

Hear me out - they’re just words. Just because YOU find it “disrespectful” does not mean that it is in fact disrespectful. I’m not saying “let your kid cuss you out”, I’m saying “let them use their words appropriately” and if that means throwing a curse word in - who cares. There are bigger things that I worry about than my kids cussing here and there. :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl:


No ma’am… None of us should cuss… But kids will repeat what they hear and are around… Teach your kids right and when they’re old they won’t depart from that teaching…


Not wrong. They don’t need to be cussing.

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Kids cuss especially around their friends. You can’t tell me you weren’t dropping a couple F Bombs with your bestie when your parents weren’t around.
My older children are allowed to swear but they have a clear understanding that we aren’t sailors,you don’t cuss at me, you don’t cuss at adults and surely we aren’t disrespectful.
I don’t let my kids walk around cussing every single day all day but if an occasional “shit” or “fk” pops out, they won’t be reprimanded. Now if every other word was a cuss word or it was all day every day we would have a problem.

They are just words. Stop the stigma :joy::joy::joy:


“Cuss” words are just words it was some person who decided that they was “cuss words” if anything teach them that they are adult words but for us we could care less as long as they don’t use them in school my kids are 10,8,4,3


They’re only bad if you make them bad


Worry about your own kid and not other kids lmao. It’s literally just a word, sucks you’re that offended by it and let it have the power to ruin your day :joy: parent your own kid and tell them not to use the word if you don’t like it, but mind your business on what other people allow their kids to do.


Honestly I’ll never be made at my kids over using a word. Is it appropriate? Probably not. But is it really hurting anyone? No. Therefor it’s truly not that big of a concern for me and it shouldn’t be for you either. Worry about things that actual matter.


U aren’t wrong at all!!! It’s disgusting


Careful when preaching from your high horse :love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture::love_you_gesture:
Do better


I believe that they are just words. I don’t believe that they should be used against other people however.


Better question why are we teaching kids words to describe something or call it what it is is a bad words? My kids don’t “curse” but that doesn’t mean i think every word we teach are “bad” words are! Parents are free to teach their children what they want who are you to judge? You may not want your child using the words so teach them like others do not to but don’t knock how others parent!

My kids are allowed to within reason. Never at someone and only within context.
They’re just words. You take the power out of them and the appeal is lost.


Swear words are adult words not bad words :ok_hand:t2:


stop worrying about other people’s kids, not your deal to worry about… there is no way to escape cussing, its literally EVERYWHERE… :woman_shrugging: pick your battles, not every battle is worth the fight

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My son says oh shit all the time… hes 3… I dont think his disrespectful… and im definitely not raising my kid wrong cause I find it hilariously cute…
Drops toy. Oh shit…
Stubbs toe… oh shit…
Spills drink…oh shit.

Nothing wrong with it .

I spoke to my first grade best friend for the first time since then recently (I’m 30) and she asked me if I still swear all the time :joy:
My kids are 4&6 and swear if it’s in songs, or they’re allowed to swear if they hurt themselves. They know they can’t use the words towards anyone and I think that’s what matters :woman_shrugging:t3:


Yes, you are wrong. Curse words are just words so stop giving them any power. Your kids are going to hear them anywhere and everywhere - school, outside, tv, movies, their friends, etc. Instead of shielding them and pretending like it doesn’t exist. TALK to your kids about it. It’s okay to establish boundaries with it (only at home, not at school - etc) - so talk to your kids! :slight_smile:


They really are! I have heard my nephew swearing and I’ve been hearing him do that since he was 12 and he just turned 13 but I know somebody that has a 13 year old boy that swears all the time too and I have a 13 year old son myself. He has never said a swear word around me so I have no idea if he actually swears when he’s not around me. But yes there are kids that are swear words a lot younger these days. When I was a kid probably like 10 years old I used to say swear words with my younger sister and we would only when we were together alone we didn’t say swear words around our mother. But I do have a brother that is a couple years older than me and I remember hearing him and his best friend swearing when they were probably like 12 or 13. So I don’t know what younger is to you but most of the time now I will hear kids as young as 12 swearing. When I used to live at this complex there are a lot of kids that were as young as like six or seven swearing all the time it was just awful! It was also a low income housing complex with a lot of families that didn’t really pay attention to their children so those kids were bad sometimes but I got out of that place

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My 11 year old daughter came home from school yesterday telling me all about how her teacher and a couple other teachers cuss all the time telling them to get in their damn seats and quit being a shit I cuss worse than any sailor im that big f bomb dropping mom lol but my daughters no not to repeat period learned very young they are putting on a play Shrek Jr and guess what lots of potty mouth words in this play my daughter turned down the leading role because it had to many potty words in it she is now a woodland creature that only sings songs so its hard to keep them from cussing when everyone around them are doing it when I was in school we had teachers like June cleaver lol not these days these teachers say worse than most of us at home do

My kids are still toddlers, so they’re still adult words that they shouldn’t say. But if they’re older, probably middle school age, and having a hard day and need to vent then I’m all for it. If that means throwing a cuss word in there to get the feelings out, cool. Just don’t direct them at anyone. :woman_shrugging:t2: They’re just words, and I cuss like a sailor so it’s not too surprising that they would too.


I don’t like it. I wasn’t allowed to in front of my parents and only did once I was grown and moved out and things would slip and I’d apologize. I’m 40 now and I’ll use descriptives and still apologize. My biggest thing is my partners 15 year old thinking she can tell me to F off or use it as she wishes. I didn’t allow my oldest to, I won’t allow my youngest to. When she did that to me I straight stopped doing anything for a good three weeks because it’s disrespectful and she lied to her grandparents saying I said it. I don’t play little kid games, and they should know better that I wouldn’t say that to a child. Her dad even told me not to do anything for her for talking to me like that, because I’ve been nothing but respectful to her. I don’t need my autistic non verbal 5 year old who is finally speaking to use cuss words as his first words. The fact that she has no respect for her little brother really upsets me.

Sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

Do better at teaching your child this.

I grew up in the 90’s, adults said the same thing about our generation.

Nothing has changed apart from your attiude and your age.

:joy: they’re just words. Stop letting yourself be offended by them. If a kid saying a “bad word” upsets you you’re weak.


I personally am not really concerned as long as it’s appropriate for the situation. They are just words.

Technically it’s a sign of a healthy brain and it’s proven to reduce stress lol but yeah no it’s definitely not a good thing for sure I mean my kids slip a word here or their like many three time like at the perfect moment I try to sold them while obviously laughing that’s my two cents on it they absolutely know time and place though

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So many children today are not taught good manners or behavioral patterns they grow up in the streets and act like thugs and no one ever sees their parents.


My daughter is 10. She’s not allowed to cuss. My adult kids cuss and now my 3 year old grandson says a few cuss words. We always tell him that’s not nice. We are trying so hard to clean up our language and set a good example.


They’re just words, don’t let your kids say them if you don’t like it but don’t harp on people for letting their kids.


I let my kids say “hell” and “damn”, but those other words are not allowed to be said until they are at least older teenagers.

I think it isn’t great but you shouldn’t give so much power to them. The way things are now, cursing is much more involved in conversations and accepted by the majority. We just need to teach our kids accordingly

We allow swearing however have rules when it comes to it. No swearing in public, use them correctly or not at all, and never ever around any of his grandparents other than maybe my parents :woman_shrugging:

I agree with you so so so much
It’s hard to believe parents are ok with something so ugly coming out of something so precious :frowning:

I taught my kids we have house/car words but we respect other people’s spaces

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I think it’s trashy and makes them sound like little idiots.

They probably think they sound “cool”, though.


I’m shocked at how many parents curse in front of their children. I swore once around my mom and I was an ADULT at the time and she flipped out. Never did that again! lol


No discipline
No consequences


My ex and I felt comfortable with our son cussing around the house around 13. Now if he was cussing just willy nilly every other word we’d tell him to watch his language but some situations like hitting your toe really hard deserves a f-bomb. Our thing was we were mainly concerned about teaching him about the audience. Knowing when its appropriate and when not. We had an extremely open style of raising him and it eventually lead to him being 17 and texting us when his friends and him were out and about and wanted to smoke weed. He texted to weigh the pros and cons with the people he was most comfortable with and decided not to do it after we were totally open with the conversation and let him know he could do it but needed to know the risks of doing so. Now I know the topic isn’t about something like weed but I do believe our open style of teaching and guidance allowed for him to be more open with us in the future. Just my opinion on it.

Biggest thing is age and learning audience in which they use the language. Home should be an open environment to everything. Occasional cussing is no biggie to me


I agree ppl don’t understand respect anymore. I had a potty mouth as a teenager but never around adults or children. My parents taught me respect.


I can’t believe some of these comments! I can’t AGREE with you more!


no they should not be

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The main question is, are they using it in context?


There is no way I would allow my children to use fowl language.
As for at school the teachers are there to teach the children. Most professions do not allow foul language as an every day conversation. Children should get used to sounding professional and more educated


I agree, I don’t like hearing kids swear, and the kids that I’m around don’t cuss in front of me, it’s a respect thing that their parents failed to teach them… All my kids (my son is a junior & plays 3 sports so if their on the team they’re my kids, I’m the team mom) know not to swear in front of me and if they slip they instantly apologize to me…


Your kid will hear worse at school, get a grip


Every child every where, ever, all over the world cuss when there isn’t adult supervision. Chill out, this should be the least of your concerns about things your child will observe.


Who made them bad words ? But also just teach your child the words are bad


At the end of the day….we all parent differently and THATS OKAY!
When parents stop judging other parents, is when the world will become easier for parents and kids alike.


Sadly when they start school that’s life. I have to threaten to put soap in my kids mouths if they swear. Someone in my girls school (she’s 7 and attends a posh place!!) was excluded for swearing…! You only have to go to a play centre or walk down the street and everyone’s swearing. You will not be able to shield your kids but teaching them not to say it and there’s a consequence if they do is what you will have to do

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I don’t believe in the “bad word” concept. How can a word be bad? It’s simply a word. Who decided what words are bad and what are good? Is there a committee? A worldwide vote? The ONLY word I won’t allow around me is the N word unless it is said by a black person I don’t think it’s okay but that is because of the history of that word and the hate behind it.

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My older boy is 17… to this day he will not curse in front of me or any other adult…


“Bad” words in my house are ugly, stupid, re****, etc. I don’t give a fuck if they say “cuss words “ as long as it’s not negative or derogatory toward anyone

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My nephews came home saying they heard kids talking about having sex and asked what a blow job was. But yeah sure let’s be mad about cuss words. :roll_eyes:

I agree with you mama!! If children are young enough to be playing at a park they are definitely to young to be using profanity…to each their own otherwise… but I personally wasn’t raised that children should speak that way… but boy have times changed…

Kids just aren’t raised with respect anymore, it’s the new normal to be ur child’s friend instead of there parent.


We see swearing as a way to express feelings. But we teach our kids there is appropriate and in appropriate places to use the language. Like they can swear at home around mom & dad, but they can’t use that language at nanas house or around nana or at daycare/ school, etc


You must be a bummer to have as a parent. The more you tell them not to the more they are going to want to. It’s about teaching them to properly use these words with respect. Why are you concerned if it’s not your child doing? :thinking:

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My oldest kid went to kindergarten for a month and learned every swear word and what theiddle finger means. Now, I allow my children to curse but with rules. It can only be at home around immediate family and they can’t swear at someone in anger. They get it out of their system and it for the most part they choose not to swear because we’ve taken the fun out of it by allowing it.
Part of why kids want to curse is because it’s forbidden. It’s fun to say what you’re not allowed to.


Words only have meaning when you give them power. It’s the only reason we find “bad words” offensive. So yes I let my kids cuss but only in my home and they use it in the right context usually when they got hurt or are really upset


Please tell me that the S word isn’t “sucks” because you sound like the type of person that considers that a swear. :sob::joy:


This may start something but here goes…All you can do is teach your kids that some words are not tolerated around you or any adults. The main thing you want to teach your kids is respect. If they go anywhere. Respect other peoples property. The thing is the kids need to learn to respect themselves and then respect others. Lay some ground rules in your house… no cursing… then if kids ask why tell them that is a sign of respect and it doesn’t cost them a thing to show it. If your kid comes home cussing explain to him/her that is not allowed and tell them why. If you want respect…you have to show respect. That’s how I taught my kids and they know now they are all over 30 that respect is something that you learn and you earn. Good luck


Be a good example instead of a controlling whiney B-ahhhch

My kids are allowed to swear at home and have to ask for permission out in public.


FOUL guys, not fowl.

That is all.


I personally do not think it’s okay either just because it is or can be very disrespectful even coming from an adult. I’m not saying I don’t swear or my husband doesn’t. But we don’t around or at our kids. I grew up being sworn at and called those names and I still remember many things I was called and told. I won’t put my kids through that. It’s just a good idea to teach your kids respect for others from the start. Don’t have the mindset of “you respect me, I respect you”. That never works in anyone’s favor bc let’s be honest, someone has to maintain their respect for people even if they aren’t respecting you (this varies situation to situation however.) That will say more about your and their character. Good luck and hope any advice helps!

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I’m absolutely with you, cussing should not be a part of a child vocabulary by no means.
We do better when we understand why we need to do better. The negativity of cussing should be enough to want to keep your kids and yourself from it.


When the time comes, my kids only be able to cuss what the game their playing or a show like I do :joy: no my kids doesn’t mock me. I’ve went over why they don’t say it and how old they are able to only at home and when they leave the house I don’t care as long as they are using it properly.

Plus from my experience being a child once upon a time, I was cussing at the age of 13-14-15. Only when I wasn’t around my parents or at school…like walking home from school. If you know how to use them and when to.

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I’ve always let my children cuss. It’s a form of expression. They are just words. When they’re little just teach them to know when and where those words aren’t appropriate.


My child is only 3 now but the way I see it, if we teach our children what words are bad why they are bad, and the proper context and times these words can be appropriately used, then it’s not an issue. I’m not going to get mad when my child stubbs his toes and yells “oh shit” or “fuck” because I do the same thing. But I won’t tolerate things like using these words to hurt or demean someone. There are places and times these kind of words are OK and in my home my child will feel safe expressing himself even if it means a few “bad words” sometimes.

Because a lot of adults using it like normal and it’s nott that’s why

Lol. We have a don’t say that at school or around Nana policy. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Moms that lets small children cuss :face_vomiting:


I hate to hear kids cussing or anyone else for the most part! But kids repeat what they hear from their parents and other friends and family members. Some how they think it’s funny to hear a toddler saying cuss words and dirty words. Lord help us all to be better parents and grandparents :cry:

They’re cussing weather you hear it or not, just like you were when you were younger, because it’s “cool” and they wanna be “cool” with their friends.

My girls are almost 19. One of them cusses. The other doesn’t. My son is 13. He asked for permission to cuss, which I gave him, with stipulations. He doesn’t cuss AT anyone. Just when he’s playing video games or a casual “what the hell”. When I first gave him permission, it was ALL THE TIME. He got it out of his system and now uses the language when appropriate. He just isn’t allowed to drop the F Bomb.


I allow my son to use cuss words in the right situation . He knows not to cuss at me or towards others. But if he gets hurt he can cuss, he can cuss at his game as long as hes not screaming the words or being too vulgar. There’s a time and a place for the words. Teach your kids that so that when they hit 11, 12, 13 they don’t feel the need to overly use the words and use then to hurt others


I’m not ready for my kids to sound like sailors yet.


Swearing is actually a sign of intelligence.


There’s a time and place for everything.


You can only control your actions and the way you react to others actions.


I cursed loud in king soopers at my friend and didnt see a mom and toddler. I turned around an apologized for my foul language and I’m an adult with a 14 year old son

Because the parents use those words everyday so the kids do not better.

We all did it… I thought Lol. We just knew not to do it around adults.


My parents used a few curse words. I think I use more as an old woman than I ever did before. Just didn’t see the need