Am I Wrong to Want Mother's Day Without My Mom?

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"I have hosted Mother’s Day for about 5 years. My parents, brother, uncle aunt and cousins. I did not mind this before I was a mom myself. Now that I have a child, my wife and want to spend the day with just us and the kid. Not entertaining the family. Cooking and cleaning all day. My mother had a fit last night when I told her that we could do a BBQ with her and my step father and my wife’s parents and then she could spend Mother’s Day with my brother. She stated that “that’s not what I want” and pretty much hung up on me because she can’t be with both of her children on Mother’s Day. I explained to her that I’m a mother now and I’m not going to entertain everyone or run around to other peoples houses. Am I wrong? Is it weird to want to have a quiet day with just my wife and kid?"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"Not wrong at all! She should consider your feelings as well."

"You’re not wrong. She should understand now that you’re a mom Mother’s Day is about you as well."

"You only have one mother. Just because your a mother now doesn’t mean you do not celebrate your mother. She is also now a grandmother."

"It’s your day as a momma if you wanna spend it relaxing with your babies then that is your choice ! Don’t feel bad … we don’t celebrate with my mother in law either (it actually floored me because when I was younger my mom and I would go to lunch or do something she wanted ) but each person is different ."

"You’re allowed to want time to celebrate your wife being a mother without anyone else there and she should understand that."

"Because mothers day means a lot to you, think about it. It means a lot to your mother too . I feel the same way though sometimes, but always try to include her as well"

"Your feelings are not wrong, but she is grandma too. Just take both into consideration."

"She needs to respect that you have a family"

"It’s not wrong to what time with just your family. Your mum needs to respect your choice. She needs to understand that you’re a mum also now and wanting time to relax and enjoy mother’s Day is totally understandable and you deserve it. Ask your siblings to take over this year, why should it always be your responsibility? You deserve 5 years off now."

"Why not have the day with your child and wife, and then do dinner or something in the evening with your mum? Get a take away saves cooking?."

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