Anyone else get stressed out taking their kids to the store?

I know it’s common for kids to get overstimulated while out shopping, but any other moms feel like screaming when in the store with their kids? I swear it is the absolute most God awful stressful situation in the entire world for no reason


It really helps to start young but at any age this works . Start by letting the kids get the one thing you planned on letting them get tell them when you get to it they can put it in the cart ask they help shop and not play , then (this is the hard part ) be prepared to walk away and leave ( yes even after you spent your only available time to shop and your cart is half full ) tell the kids 2nd warning you leave . Then if you have to, Do It , but on your way home drive thu McDonalds and get yourself and any kid that was good and didn’t argue when you said you were leaving ,a happy meal or whatever. The child that made bad choices gets none and gets a string cheese and water then bed . Tomorrow is a new day. I only had to do this once and both kids learned only one had bad behavior but both learned. Trick is you have to lay the rules down , get everyone on the same mission then stick to what you say .
My kids were so helpful at the store they were great shoppers.

If I go with well behaved kids, I give them things to look for on the aisle we are in and we take turns every aisle as to who pushes the cart and sometimes who gets to stand and ride on the front.

For the crazy kids I take advantage of late night grocery stores hours after they’re asleep or when they’re with someone else.

Some places have those carts with the little car front and steering wheels which can work for 2 kids, or some places have the little kid size carts (but good luck finding more than one at a time) which can help keep kids occupied too.

I take my 5 all the time , the 2yo gets her own mini trolley and gets what I need on the lower shelves the older ones get a list of what to get each , it’s actually pretty easy :person_shrugging:


Yep. You’re not alone there. I swear they like to push your buttons more while there.


I also feel like that when my mom comes with me. More her then I do my 3 year old.

I’m super blessed that my bf keeps the kids whenever I go shopping. I almost never take my kids to the store

My 2yo threw the biggest tantrum in the shops today lol big hugs

Grocery pickup is your friend

Grocery pick up is a life saver!

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I stopped taking mine because they don’t have a a good time.

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That’s why I love Walmart delivery and any grocery store delivery.

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Nope. I had two kids never had any problems with my kids. They do what is expected.

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I’m pretty sure all parents get that feeling where they want to scream…. They can feel your stress so they’re acting out. You need to stop making it stressful for yourself. Print off pictures of things you need like vegetables fruits milk juice etc and laminate the pictures and when you go to the store give some to the kids and tell them to hold them that it’s an important job and when you get to that aisle have them look at their pictures and find it in the aisle. You have to make going to the store more fun for them.

Yes usually I’m okay what’s even worse is taking my husband with his brother to the store because they’re like big kids and act fools and I’m just sitting there pushing the cart like y’all quit y’all quit people are staring at us sometimes I think my kids are better than they do together for example my husband I’m going to steal this and does it front of a Walmart employee and grabs a whole microwave and acts like he’s going to shove it in his shirt of course they know he’s not being serious but I’m like dude stop other people look at us and laugh and I’m just sitting there stressing out like I’m about to lose my shit

If it’s affordable, I say if you are good in the store stay by me and listen and not touch anything we will go down the treat else of their choice and they can pick one thing each to share with the family. Pack of cookies, chips ,sweets ,ice cream… whatever it may be. After you get all the necessary items and they have been good of course yes I know I bribe my child… or is it positive reinforcement for a job well done… :slight_smile: either way it’s helped me.

I dread it all the time and i just have a 4 yr old. I usually can wrangle her in with a promise to get a gumball from the machine or a piece of candy or toy when we’re done. I also usually go an hour or 2 before closing when theres nobody there which helps with her and my own anxiety.

Yep.i refuse to.take my kids shopping lol I.will rather go.without what I need haha


I hate shopping all the way around (with or without the kids with us). The kids are now in their teens. That includes Christmas shopping ect…
All I know is Walmart delivery and amazon make some money off of us.

I go without them if I can. My kids are older and know not to act a fool BUT it’s nice to not have to “worry” about them while shopping. Shopping itself, is stressful to me lol

Shopping with my teenage daughter is painful. She can’t make a simple decision without freaking out for a good 40 mins. She tries on the same thing several times. (It’s easier when it’s not her money). I can’t do the mall with her anymore because I become so stressed out, her step dad and nana will take her. I can do single stores for items. I really believe the desire to fit in as driven a deep root of inability to think and choose for themselves without per approval. It’s really sad, I said often. Do you like it? Do you want it? How do you feel about it? Her response is often, I don’t know. My response is a bit off the over stimulated topic sorry

Any mom that answers no to this question is straight up LYING lol