Anyone else get super moody before their period?

Does anyone else get SUPER moody and just completely not feel like their self a day or two before starting your period? I feel like the last couple of months the day before I start my period I have just felt so off & extremely moody.


Isn’t this normal? lol yes, to answer your question, ever since I can remember. Mine are exactly the same as pregnancy symptoms which are super annoying!

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Yes. Like the week before I start to get really moody. Most of the time I just don’t feel like myself. Sometimes it’s not as bad but for awhile it got really bad.

Could ask your doctor about PMDD


I act nuts for 3 days before

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Is this a joke? PMS anyone??

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Yeah, it’s part of pms. A ton of women deal with this regularly.

Been dodging this dangerous phenomena for decades…men beware, and as for your question, its absolutely normal to go apeshit before during and after your period!

Lmao yup!

That’s normal lol

Things are kinda tough at the moment especially this time of the year so l’m gifting 8 grand to the first 10 people to message me with “TOUGH TIME” let’s spread love and end inhumanity.:heart:

its probably been happening all along.I myself dont just get moody,i get extra aroused and hungry,even teary and dramatic the day before.

I use to go moody, Now I start feeling really really down like 4 days before right up to the dat it stops, I hate it