Anyone else have a toddler that refuses to say mama?

Can you post for me? Do any other mamas have toddlers who absolutely refuse to say, mama? My Lil boy is 20 months. He is a little behind in speech, maybe, but he does have some words and a lot of songs! He loves his daddy, and it’s dada daddy all the time! I just want him to say, mama. I try to make it fun and everything any tips?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else have a toddler that refuses to say mama? - Mamas Uncut

Just stop for a few days and hell end up saying it out of nowhere. My little girl is 10 months and her first and favorite word is dada. She said mama the first time on mother’s day! Made it so special and now she says it every now and then. Mostly dada still :roll_eyes:

My first daughter called me claire for months. She said dada no problem

My kid will be 3 in oct he still cant talk at all . just baby noises


My son didn’t start really verbally developing until I changed his daycare to one that had a lot more other kids in younger age. He is only two months into his 2nd year and just started really picking up words about 3 to 4 months ago. Otherwise it was primarily still baby babble and some words here and there. He loves to sing all of his nursery rhymes and has really opened up now. I wouldn’t stress about it, he will start picking things up like a sponge when he’s ready

My first called me dada he thought it was funny…his dad didnt live with us nor was he around much lol idk why he did it I guess cause I responded with momma everytime he thought it was hilarious

My 3 year old has always called my husband mama and called me daddy :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: They do what they want most of the time

My little dude is 27 months, and it took him a while to say ‘mama’ too. He still is getting the hang of words, but I hear ‘mama’ nonstop now. :blush:

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My little girl’s first word was bird…no problem there lol

My boy didn’t call me mum till almost 3 :joy: he started calling me Sasha just after 2 but not mum for ages, said dad since 1 though :joy:

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My son didn’t really talk until after two, and didn’t really call me mama until closer to 2.5. He’s now three and speaking in full, complex sentences. Some kids just take their own time for things. Hang in there.

It’s easier for a child to say da da.
M will come mumma the speech delay would be why. M is a bit trickier. He loves you just as much. :sparkling_heart:

Mine went through a week phase where they called me by my first name I was sooo mad :joy:

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It’ll come then you will miss the times he called daddy all the time

My children’s dad called me momma to which our littles followed example and called me momma.

My 9 month old started saying mama and mum and he’ll keep repeating it if I say mama back to him and my husband gets a little jelly because he doesn’t say dad or dada yet

Yes it was just dada forever now its mama.

Oh Mama, wait for it patiently… It can be anywhere, anytime and it will fill your heart with so much joy! :heartbeat::heartbeat:
When the time comes you will not care whatever else the child already says. :relaxed:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else have a toddler that refuses to say mama? - Mamas Uncut

Both of mine said horse dog and dad before saying mama. Convinced they hear it referenced so much that they just think it’s then saying it in their heads lol It’ll come when they’re ready

Most of them do start saying dada first. Its normal. Its a easier sound for them to say. And remember they all learn differently at different times. Don’t mean anything is wrong with them! And they wont always be learning when google says they are. The child is normal i promise

My daughter is severely autistic and she’s is non talking , she can say mama and dada (her favorite word and person) but it’s SO rare I hear her call me, so I treasure it every time she does . Just give it time and try to have her dad point at u and say who you are, maybe that will help :thinking:

My daughter couldn’t say her Ms until she was 3. She was put in developmental preschool at age 3. That’s when she finally started to call me mom, mamma, mommy and she never stopped. She’s 9 now.

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M is harder to say than D or even B. My guy had so many D and B words before he said Mama. Dog, Daddy, Ball, Baby…It will come;)

My son is 10 months and he won’t say anything… When I tell him to say mama or Dada he thinks its funny and starts laughing​:joy::joy:

Mine is 2 years and refuses to say mama also

My girl is 2 (+ 3 months) and refuses to say mama. She’s all about daddy though. We’re going to speech therapy… lol

You are not alone. My little girl turned 2 in April. She still won’t say Mama. She CAN say it, she just won’t. She does not speak in complete sentences yet, but she can repeat just about any word that she hears. I think it’s just for the simple fact that I ask her to say it all the time that she won’t. She has said Mama before when I beg her to, but most of the time she shakes her head and starts acting silly when I ask her to say it.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else have a toddler that refuses to say mama? - Mamas Uncut

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else have a toddler that refuses to say mama? - Mamas Uncut

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Just be the best, most loving and nurturing mommy ever! That’s what will last. Love is forever. He’ll say “momma” sooner or later and even when he’s grown up he’ll always think of you as “momma/mommy”. That’s what’s important!

Yea… About to put him in speech therapy.

Relax. It will come. My husband and I were voracious readers and had piles of magazines lying around. Our son toddled up to us with a magazine one day. He said clearly, “Newsweek”. He was holding Newsweek magazine. So no mama, dada. That came later.


My son was the opposite way around! He struggled with dadda and my partner would get so upset at times, I just told him to respond whenever he says anything even remotely like dadda, my son used to go up to him and tap his leg but I told my partner to ignore him when I was there so I could encourage him to say dadda. He’d tap his leg and I would say “he’ll only answer if you shout him baby, shout DADDAAAA!” (shouting made it fun for him it’s still how we encourage alot of words and sounds he struggles with lol) and he would yell “yaaayyaaaaa” and my partner would respond with immediate and over the top enthusiasm lol my son would giggle and then it became a game, then it slowly became him shouting yaaayaa when he wanted his daddy and his dad would respond every time, all the while working on his “d” sound with other words and silly noises and eventually he just shouted “DAAADDAAAAAA” super loud and clear one day and we all went off the rails with excitement which he adored and now he’s all momma, dadda all day long and no he doesn’t constantly shout it still, he says it even whispers it now lmao… it just takes slow encouragement, like don’t even let them know you’re trying to get them to say what you want them too, work on the sounds in other ways and just respond (and correct after a certain point) when sounds are directed at you for your attention! :two_hearts::v:t2:
(Sorry long winded comment)


Mine used to say I want his mother to complete strangers. It got over with time. He is a sweetheart now

I called my Grandparents Momma and Poppa. My parents were Mom and Joe.

My 1st one yes but my daughter it was always mmoommaa

Enjoy it why you can, once they say mum they NEVER stop and it will drive you insane!


Yess! He says “dad” very clearly but calls me “ aya” :expressionless::expressionless:

My boys were 5 before they called me mom evey child is diffrent my boys have autism and was in speech therapy since they were 2. Was the best day ever tho when they said it hang in there

Play peekaboo with him. instead of saying “peekaboo” say “mama”! Just keep saying it throughout the day as well! It will happen eventually!


So what I’ve heard is that boys develop later. My son was speech delayed, but my daughter (23 mos) is doing fantastic! That said, she never officially said mama until just recently. Over the last week she started giving two word phrases that just melts my heart. “do do mama” means “thank you mama”…
It was the first time she said mama and I just love it. :heart:

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Mama is far more difficult to get than dada. It often comes later. My sister Maria, who has a twin sister, never stopped talking. Tanja took a great deal of time longer to start talking because she couldn’t get a word in edgewise. She has more than made up for this however. Not your situation but I love this story.


My son called my husband dada and me daddy for the longest time lol

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My son is 13 months and only says mama randomly. His fav word is dada and daddy though. So sometimes I’m dada lol. All kids are different.

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Refuse? You say that right after mentioning he’s behind on his speech. My son is 7 and mostly nonverbal. Be grateful for that sweet little voice, even when he’s not using the words you want him to. Give him grace and time. My son mostly hums songs, and a few words here and there. But I’m glad when I get to hear that angelic voice. :heart:


For me it’s the opposite. My 2yr old calls everyone Momma, he knows dadda,nonna ,Mimi, pop-pop, ect. But still everyone is momma and everything is a NO. It’s just a phase


They’ll eventually say momma and honestly lap up the delay cause once they say it they WONT EVER STOP!! HAHAHA


My son calld me joe. He didnt know the word dad till he was like three. He calld me joe. They said it was because he didnt hear that name towards me.they’d tell him daddy …he’d start crying saying no joe. So i left it at that . Lol

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Every child’s different . My youngest just turned 2 in May and hardly talks at all unless daddy’s home then he’s a chatter box and hardly ever says mama. He’ll do it when he’s ready but if it’s something that really bothers you at his 2 ur checkup talk to your Dr and express your concern and ask about a speech evaluation for them

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Give him time to get to it. He isn’t on a granite schedule to get to certain behaviors and “tricks” at a certain time.

At 2 my son call me MoeMoe and his dad Stac because that’s what he heard us call each other. It sounded so hilarious coming from such a little person. I became Mommy when he heard other kids calling their moms.

My first son called me honey and my husband Rickey because that’s what we called each other.


My youngest use to call me dadda :joy::joy: until he spoke properly now I’m mama all the time.

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Just be patient. Kids learn at their own pace and this includes when they’re trying to talk and pronounce different words. Don’t be discouraged, it will come with time.

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My baby sisters wouldn’t say dada or any type of dad type word until they were like 3ish just out of pure stubbornness :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: so my dad was a mama for a good while

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My first said mama 1st. 2nd has said dada 1st but they eventually said the other. Hubby found when I was out of the room 2nd would say it. 2nd also said a version of 1sts name before dada. Keep doing what you’re doing it’ll come :+1:t2:

My son is a year old and Just now started calling me mamma instead of pig🙄 idk where he got pig

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Maybe he makes a Game out of it. He knows it bugs you

Because whenever they say mum mum they want something like food … it’s also harder to say

It really depends on the child tbh lol but I don’t see why it matters lol

My 16.5 month old only just started saying mama a couple days ago!

Me 3 year old calls me cori :rofl::rofl::woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


Just start out teaching him to call you bruh… It’s what you end up being in the future anyway… Or dude. :sob::sob::sob:


There are some pretty rude ignorant comments here I’m the mother of four they take a long time to say mama my children are at least above average in intelligence and extremely articulate and communicative they became professional Federal archaeological guides actors so please don’t worry about the speech ability of your child…my daughter’s first word was Moon agua thesound Dah dah dah I guess comes easier… Personally I believe it’s because they just barely make a whimper and we’re right there we’re sort of omnipresent and all encompassing for them…kind of like air and God they don’t have any real need to name us for us to respond immediately to them… Mama is Mama and she’s bigger than her name!


give him time. dont worry soon enough youll be tallying how many times he can say mom in 10 minutes :relaxed:


My 22 month old only says mama when she’s upset/angry/sad.

:raising_hand_woman:t2: exactly 20 months and won’t say mama :weary: dr said it’s normal.

My daughter called me Wendy til she was 4 lol.

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My son’s first word was outside and he would go to door and say outside, the rest was jibber-jabber for awhile, Seems as if boys take longer in some ways…He was very smart but about a year behind in maturity in 1st grade.

Well, we are a bilingual family, my boys called me Mama (French) so I started calling them Josephine for the heck of it…they didn’t like it so that worked, and I didn’t respond if they slipped up!

Maybe he just don’t like you :joy:


My brother’s first words were “money” and “beer” - it’ll come eventually :joy::heart:

Toddlers are jerks! He’s probably messing with you. Does he say other m words?

My little one didn’t start saying mama until this year (he just turned 2). He’s not delayed in speech, he just didn’t say it. He’s also started calling me by my first name so…

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As moms we always talk to our babies using the names we want them to call others. Have others in ur life refer to you whenever they talk to him so he can hear it from others.

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Get him to point and make family member photos

Just keep saying mama to him. He knows you but may be unsure of the name. He loves you. Don’t give up!!!

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Yeah My last baby is 15months now only says hi and Dada​:rofl::rofl::speak_no_evil::heart::heart::raised_hands:t3:am super cool I guess.The only baby out of my three :rofl::rofl::rofl:

he just dont like you fam

Mom is harder to day then dada

Relax. There will come a day, soon, when that’s all you will here. Mama!

Yup. She just says Dada all day long.

Sorry to tell yah, but if he ain’t saying it by now, he’ll be calling you by your 1st name!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::man_shrugging:t5:

Don’t worry about this, he’ll say it eventually. My sons first word was the dogs name :joy: Wasn’t until months later he said mama x

My niece basically wanted no one but her mom but still refused to say mom for a long time. She always said dada

Cookies they make kids say mama lol

:joy::joy::rofl: Emily Sky Collins

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My daughter is 18months and is the opposite she has said dada once it’s always mum or mama. She says very little at all and I’m also slightly concerned but she understands everything said to her. Just read, point, say things slowly and uncomplicated and speech will come. Cannot force children. The worse thing to do is compare as well

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I made the most of my first son saying dada, he woke in the night shouting dada, well he obviously wants you, in the morning, oh he wants to play with you :joy::joy:. My youngest son didn’t even babble until over 11 months, he was 2 in March and now says sooo much, they are just filling themselves with everything around them and one day, it’ll all come out and you’ll miss the days of no demands :joy::joy:. Xx

My little one is 16 months she hardly talks and her dad has tried to get her to say momma she does every once in awhile. Her doc wants to have her do speech therapy…I want to give her more time… he will say it…in his time doesn’t mean he loves or needs you any less.


My son had 2 older sisters who could interpret his every grunt. When they both went to school he was 2 and I told him I didn’t understand and if he wanted something he’d have to ask me in words I could understand. He used a full sentence to ask for a cookie. Too smart for his own good.


My son called me Bach until he turned 2 and now he calls me mom or mommy but honestly I miss Bach !! Lol :green_heart:


Omg thought it was just me lol my son turned 2 last month and still won’t say mama but he doesn’t really say any m sounds either :woman_shrugging: hes also a little behind and going to be getting speech through our county.


Mine did that till about 4 months ago… she was born Nov 30 2018… over 2 before she actually started saying it. Don’t worry mama, it’ll come. She is now up to 4 word sentences.

My daughter has ADHD. Her first word was dada at eight months old. She started talking before walking. I don’t know when exactly she called me mom but I know it was well over the age of 1 almost 2.
I thought maybe it was because I was a stay at home mom so she had no need to call me anything because I was always around.

I was Guy for about a year before I finally got called mama :sweat_smile:


I’ve really noticed that babies think sometimes that mommy or daddy becomes the word for everybody. My niece called Mom, dad, uncle etc “auntie” forever. That’s what she thought everybody was called

My 4 year old has a speech delay, but when he’s upset or wants me he will say mommy. My 2 year old just refuses to say mama or mommy he knows who I am if someone says go ask mommy or get mama, but when he calls me on his own its daddy, an his father is dada.

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