Anyone else have this?

How do females get rid of dark spots under the arm or inner thigh area?!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else have this?

I have it in my armpits and under my breasts from pregnancy no advice though, sorry. My obgyn told me I needed to scrub it in the shower and over time it would go, but that didn’t help it just made it hurt. My son is 3 and it’s still here. :unamused:

I have it too on my inner thighs, underarms, and I also have it around my neck. I wish I knew what to do, because I can’t hide the ring around my neck and I hate it.

Dove deodorant! It’s called even tone. I live by this! I’ve used it for 4 years now and within a month my armpits were back to being my skin tone.

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I had under my arms for a long time. I switched from deodorant to just baking soda for about 3 weeks and all cleared up. It didn’t make me sweat and there was no odor. But it did make my dark skin peel off. And I eventually went back to deodorant anyway :sweat_smile:

I swear by this stuff

I use Palmer’s fade cream

Cut a lemon in half, pour baking soda on lemon, give the lemon a gentle squeeze so the juice mixes with baking soda, rub on armpits, rinse off after 10 mins

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