Anyone else struggle to parent while pregnant?

Anyone else pregnant with a toddler at home and sometimes feel like a bad mom because you’re so tired? I’m 29 weeks and my 20 month old is so active and adventurous that I just can’t keep up. I find myself getting so frustrated and wishing I did more with him, all while forcing myself to do more and end up sore and unable to sleep at night. This pregnancy is so much harder than the first one. I’m short tempered with my husband and brush off my pre-teen SD when she wants to do stuff. I don’t like who I am when I’m pregnant. Can anyone else relate?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Anyone else struggle to parent while pregnant? - Mamas Uncut

Yessss IAM 8 months pregnant but my son is 7 and is out for summer break I been dealing with preeclampsia for a month now either in my feet or my hands on top of arthritis in between I feel horrible for not being able to get out with him and do anything most things I’ve been able to do is done in my bed :cry: I was hoping to have this time to spend one on one with him before baby gets here and all I want to do is lay down and sleep the days away…

I was pretty tired when I was pregnant with my daughter. What you’ll probably need to do is take your toddler’s favorite toys and corral him I. Your bedroom with you. It may be necessary to put a tall baby gate in your doorway to keep him from making a break for it. When you are sure you can keep him trapped in your room with you, you’ll be able to take a nap with him in there. Try to pull him up on the bed with you when it’s his nap time and say it’s naptime and have him lay down with you and both of you crash out. Then when you wake up, you should be good to go for a limitless while. As for your pre-teen, try to set aside certain days per week for her. One day, maybe you’ll go shopping. Another day, maybe you’ll watch a movie and have popcorn and pop. Still another day maybe you’ll play cards and talk. Just whatever sounds like fun. As for hubby, try your best to set up a date night. Get a teenaged girl to come over and spend the night with the kids and you and hubby get a motel room and role play a little bit. It could be fun.


Yes! I’m 8 months along but my son is 6 and overall is a very very good kid. I just don’t have the patience for literally anything so I keep to myself most of the time. Everything and anyone besides my husband and son annoy me and it feels like all I want to do is sleep. I can’t imagine how having a toddler during pregnancy must be. Hang in there!

You should be proud of yourself it’s not easy

yup. pregnant with my last i was a miserable b–. thankfully it was during like beginning of covid so my husband was layed off the last like 4-5months of it so he made helping woth my 2 kiddos alot better but i was in so much pain woth my youngest. it was aweful. she was over 10lbs so it explains alot of the pain lol

I’am making over $145 an hour working online with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over $ 19722 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless

Chk This—>>

You need help.
You’re growing a baby.
It’s okay.