Anyone ever test positive for Group strep b while pregnant?

Hi everyone, I am 36 weeks and five days pregnant, and I have a question! Has anyone ever experienced being positive for Group B Strep during their pregnancy? I haven’t been able to reach my dr yet about my results, but Quest Diagnostics sent me an email saying my results were ready… so I read it, and it said positively. I’m not sure if I should be worried because I read I would be given an antibiotic during labor. I’ve never gotten this before, and it’s my third pregnancy, so I’m just a bit worried. I’m only asking to hear other mom’s experiences. Please don’t be rude, thank you!


I had it will all 6 of my pregnancies and just got an antibiotic while in labor.

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I didn’t get tested in time as I went into labor with my second at 36 weeks. All they did was run an amp of penicillin.

Yes all they do is give you a pill before baby comes. I had to be induced because I’m diabetic so they gave me the pill right before but I don’t know how it is for mother’s who do not need to be induced. Everything will be fine.

I had it and was given antibiotics while in labor. Basically when your water breaks you have to go to the hospital and get set up instead of waiting type of thing. That’s what they told me anywY

I had it no problems just a antibiotic while in labour

i had it with my son. it’s just an antibiotic iv, nothing crazy. baby was fine.

Yes, you get antibiotics during labor nothing to worry about

I had it with one of mine they just make sure you take the antibiotics before delivery…

I had it with my first and nothing to be worried about. They start giving you antibiotics right away until delivery.

Absolutely no need to worry. They just give you an antibiotic drip. No danger to you or baby

They will give you a course of antibiotics (usually penicillin) now and then run.IV antibiotics while you are in labor, no harm :slight_smile:

I had antibiotics ran into my IV. Takes 2 hours to run it in. My 2nd baby came too fast and she had meningitis at 6weeks but my 3rd they got in 3 rounds and he never got meningitis

I had it also. They hooked me up to an IV of antibiotics when I had to be induced. My son is perfectly healthy.

I had it with my second. Had to get all the antibiotics before I could get my epidural…but it was through my iv so I didn’t even notice

Yea and they give u meds before I give birth to protecct the baby.

I had it with my first but not my second. They just start you on an antibiotic when you go in. Or they did me. My kids are fine.

I had it with my 3rd pregnancy also, I had to be induced but before they broke my water and gave me my epidural I had to have antibiotics which made me wait a good 6 hours til I started labor. Its nothing to worry about, but without antibiotics your baby can get it during birth.

I was positive for this while pregnant with my son, i was given the antibiotics during labor but my son still caught the infection. He ended up with meningitis from it. Was in hospital for the first month of his life and nearly died.

I tested positive with my third pregnancy as well. I had IV antibiotics during labor and everything was fine.

I just had it with my last pregnancy. They just give you an antibiotic when you’re in labor (I was told they want to do it early because they’d like at least two doses in your before baby is born. I got my second dose minutes before my daughter was born lol) and keep an eye on baby when it’s born. My OB said it’s very rare that it will get passed onto baby if you’re administered antibiotics in time.

Yep. Pros of the antibiotic outweigh the risks.

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I had it with my first and had no issues was given antibiotics during labor.

I had it, labour happened to quickly so was unable to have antibiotics, was in hospital for 48hours after so they could closely monitor baby…all worked out fine though with no antibiotics given?!

I had it with all 3 of mine it’s nothing to worry about! They like inducing so you get enough antibiotics in you before the baby arrives. It doesn’t change anything just have to stay in hospital longer. Congrats!!

Yeah nothing to worry about they will just give you antibiotics when you go into labor.

I tested for the first time with my newborn. She was born at 36 weeks exactly. I was in labor for 36 hours and was given penicillin every 4 hours via IV. My baby came out perfectly fine, with no complications.

I did! Everything was good! Just got two rounds of antibiotics while in labor, and that was it. My daughter was perfectly healthy!

Yes, I was positive with both of mine. They add thr antibiotics to your iv during labor. No biggie!

I didn’t test positive with my first but had to have the antibiotics because I was preterm labor and didn’t have time for the test - the antibiotics kind of suck but aren’t a huge deal.

They gave me penicillin that hurt more then the labor itself lol

It’s literally nothing lol no big deal. Positive with all 3 of mine. They just give you an IV during delivery and that’s it. Never had any problems. Don’t worry about it

I had it with both my first two. I had the antibiotics and stayed for an extra day in the hospital so they could watch the babies for a bit longer, but everything was perfectly normal, no issues. No worries, all will be fine!

I spiked a fever during labor and found it was strep B. I did pass it on to him. Had some health issues but came through. Next pregnancy they started me on antibiotics as soon as I went into labor. I would get the antibiotics as soon as you go into labor

I did. All they do is give you some iv abx for 24 hours before you deliver

Go to the group B FBpage

Yes I had it. Just got antibiotic while in labor and everything went fine


I did… they just gave me a round of IV antibiotics (in fact I got it twice because I was in the hospital at 35 weeks with the flu) and then they did it again while I was in labor…

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I had it with 3 out of my 4, just had antibiotics during labor , all kids are fine, oldest will be 16


Its very common. They just give antibiotics during labor. Ive had it for 3 births. It didnt matter with my last because it was a csection. Shes my 7th baby.

I didnt have strep B but my midwife was telling me what would happen if i did test positive before she tested me and she told me they would give me an IV when i got there and they would give me the antibiotics through that

Yes I have with all of my babies they gave me antibiotics to take even tho I had csections just a

I had it. They just give you IV antibiotics.

I had it! Nothing to worry about

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I have had to both my daughter’s. No big deal they give you I thunk 2 doses of penicillin before you deliver.

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I had it with both boys and it didn’t pass to them. They gave me antibiotics and monitored them for an extra day.

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I had antibiotics both times iv during labor and no issues

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I tested positive two weeks ago at my 36 week appointment and then this past week at my 37 week appointment my doctor was able to explain to me what they’ll do. If you start to go into labor they will want you at the hospital sooner than normal, like before contractions are even super close together bc the goal is to get three rounds of antibiotics through you before you push baby out. They will just give you an IV and give you the antibiotics that way. And even if they can’t get all three rounds through before baby comes out they can give baby something to make sure he/she doesn’t get sick or something from it. It sounds like a big deal but it’s not as big of a deal as we think. I was worried too at first. You and baby will be just fine momma!

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I had it with my second pregnancy and not my first. Antibiotics were given and my twins were healthy. I freaked out too at first, but they told me it was very common.

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Tested positive with baby #3. No issues, just got IV antibiotics in hospital and that was it.

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I did with my first but not with my second. Just an antibiotic when you go into labour If i remember right. We were all fine :slight_smile:

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I was supposed to get IV antibiotics for strep but he came to fast so we both had to stay in hospital for two days and both get em.

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I tested positive for it with my last pregnancy. I was given the antibiotics by iv during labor. I had no lasting side effects and my son was born perfectly healthy.

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I have it. The doctor just told me to call as soon as my water breaks so I can come in and be put on an antibiotic drip. She says as long as I get the antibiotics for at least 4 hours before I actually push her out, we shouldn’t have anything to worry about.

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I was GBS positive with my first son, you just have antibiotics pumped through an IV the whole time. If your water breaks don’t wait too long before going in as it poses a higher risk for your baby to contract GBS. Totally common and normal though :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes I did and was given antibiotics during labor and all went and is well :hugs:

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Had it with my youngest. Was given an IV drip with Vancomycin (I’m allergic to Penicillin, which is the usual first choice) and that was it. Nothing else major with the GBS.

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You’ll get a round of antibiotics prior to labor then should get iv antibiotics while in labor. Otherwise, as long as that happens it isn’t anything to worry about. Without antibiotics, it can cause issues for baby.

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Yes my first pregnancy. All they did was give an iv of antibiotics during labor. Shes now 14 and totally fine. Tested negative with my other 2 pregnancies

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My first 2 pregnancies I didn’t have it my last 3 I had it with all 3 they gave me antibiotics while in labor and it was never passed to them

I had it and everything was totally fine. They do two things of antibiotics a couple of hours apart.

I tested positive both times it was no big deal

I don’t know if I had it or not, because both my babies were preemies. So I never got tested for it. They just automatically gave me the antibiotics & we were all fine.

My doctor told me about it literally the night I was in Labor and was given antibiotics through my IV and my baby boy is healthy

Had it with my first got antibiotics via IV and baby was healthy no complications. Didn’t with my second

I tested positive in my first pregnancy. I was given antibiotics every 4 hours via a drip. It wasn’t a massive deal. But I was in labour for 48 hours & I blew up like a balloon afterwards :laughing:

My Last pregnancy i tested positive. 2 hours before baby comes they give u an antibiotic if you dont then something bad can happen to the baby. But hospitals are on there stuff so you should be fine. Don’t stress about it.

I had it with my fourth. I only had time for one round of antibiotics (you are supposed to get two before baby) but she came too fast. She was perfectly healthy and I had no complications

I needed it with my 1st but not my second. Totally no big deal. You just get antibiotics by IV during labor. my labor was quick and easy never herd a thing about it after…

I was negative with my first 4 kids. 5th was positive. Antibiotics during labor, everything went wonderfully, baby was, and is still, perfect and healthy.

I got it with my fist daughter during labour. I was in the hospital for 1 week baby was fine. They gave me medication for my last 2 babies and everything was fine.

Why you mad Jordyn L Webster

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I had it with my third (not with the prior two) and they gave me an antibiotic. No issues! I was a little nervous about it myself but everything turned out fine :smiling_face:

I had it with my son. They give you Antibiotics while your in labor an delivery! Its fine no need to worry!!! All will go well!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I had it during my first pregnancy. Got 2 doses of antibiotics in my IV and we were good.

I tested positive. Gave me 2 rounds of antibiotics through IV during labor. Just make sure to tell them you are positive when you go to the hospital

I tested positive with my first and had antibiotics in an IV during labor, my daughter ended up having a really high fever and was in the NICU for a few hours. After some meds she was okay and no issues since. She is now 6.

I just had my son 5 weeks ago and my labor went to fast to start my IV (I also tested positive) …i stayed an extra day in the hospital so they could watch my baby. Everything was just fine!

I did with all 4 kids! They just treat with antibiotics during labor

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I had it with my second child and they told me that I would have to have antibiotics for 4 hours before I delivered. I was only in labor for an hour. When my daughter was 6 weeks old she developed meningitis. They said it was because I didn’t get enough antibiotics.

It just changes your labor a bit. They like you to have two full doses (for me they administered every two hours for about 30 mins), so you’ll just have to plan on getting to the hospital a little sooner during labor. For me, my water broke before I went into labor so I had to go in immediately to start antibiotics and they ended up inducing me. I was panicked about it too, but as long as you get the antibiotics you and LO will be fine :heart:

It’s very common. I tested positive with my forst 3 and not my last 2. They will give you antibiotics when you go into labor. The ob will explain it when you see them again. All of mine were perfectly fine. I was never induced from having it. They just waited until I was in labor.


I tested positive and as soon as my water broke I went to the hospital and they administered antibiotics through a drip and everything went smoothly! Absolutely nothing to worry about just don’t wait after you water breaks for contractions… head straight in, I know it sounds stressful but it was honestly so easy in my opinion

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I had it with one of my kids, they normally give u an antibiotic when ur in labor.

My friend had It when she was pregnant and it passed to her baby ,they didn’t tell her she had it & baby got really sick

I missed the test with my first 2 and they did the antibiotic to be safe either way and it was just more IV stuff not any different than the normal stuff

I did with my first but not my second which is apparently weird. I was hooked up to an iv with the antibiotics in. They needed to give the them with in a 4 hour window of giving birth. So I got the antibiotics twice. It can cause breathing issues with the baby if they get your waters in their lungs during delivery. Well that’s what I remember. I gave birth to my son over 9 years ago.

I got tested with all 3 of my kids and always came back negative… only opinion I could give u is relax and follow the doctor’s order you’ll be fine :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes I was GBS positive in both my pregnancies just means you will have antibiotics in labour and sometimes you and baby will need antibiotics after birth.

Yes when you go into labour or waters to just go up to birth unit and let them know you are gbs possitive and need to be treated. Make sure you get those antibiotics. Get there as fast as possible after waters go. Good luck

I had it with my last who is now 7 months. Only pregnancy I had it with. They have me antibiotic in iv but needed 2 bags and the first one just finished as he was coming out. We just had to stay a lil longer. Not sure if this is related but he did have problems w his eyes for the first month or so but they gave us the ointment that they put on their eyes when they are born. He’s fine now.

Yes…you will be fine albeit uncomfortable until you can get your antibiotics but you will be fine. Just be prepared to drink plenty of water and cope with the added trips to the restroom…Rest easy lass!!

I had it with my daughter who is now one and half. Didnt worry one bit. Doctor assured me I would get antibiotics during labor. I did and my baby is healthy. Its nothing to stress about. You will be ok.

I was positive my 2 & 3rd
I went into labor naturally with both and was given antibiotics. I didn’t even notice anything. Was different

My adopted son had it when he was born apparently he wasn’t given antibiotics so at 5 days old he had spinal meningitis 107 fever for 2 days. Today he is 8 weighs 91lbs 4 1/2ft. He is all boy

I had it with my son. They just gave me an antibiotic. I had a scheduled csection. No problems at all.

I had a positive test with my last pregnancy and the Dr. Said it was not something to be worried about, had an antibiotic during labor and no issues.

I had it 5/5 pregnancies. They give you an IV antibiotic and all is well. No problems! Congratulations to you!

I had it with my last and birthed her too fast to get antibiotics so they had to cream her eyes, and make her pee in a bag to test it. She was so red from the tape. :slightly_frowning_face:

Just had it with my 3rd pregnancy, they give you iv antibiotics and where I give birth, you have a mandatory 48 hour stay once baby arrives.