Anyones husband leave the house when you are asleep?

It sounds like your boy has a drinking problem. I personally wouldn’t put up with that for a second.

My ex husband did bc he would take my car. He was a heroin addict. He use to wait till I was asleep or in the shower so I couldn’t take the keys from him or to avoid a drag out fight. I started hiding them.

Yes, my ex did all the time, he’s an alcoholic. Leave before it gets worse :100:

My husband has never done that and would never do that.

Ummmm…nope! Not normal behavior. What’s he hiding?

He is an alcoholic and needs serious help . Find some help for him and hopefully he will follow rehad

Do the same to him and see what he says

Sounds like a possible addiction.

Get a new husband. He’s cheating on you

Not ok. Him leaving while your asleep is him wanting to go out without the lecture. Once he gets home, he doesn’t care if your upset, he already did what he wanted. He either stops or leave him. Things will get worse, I assure you. This behavior shows he doesn’t care about you.

Yessssss !!! But not drinking… apparently to “walk around” … in the middle of the night…:neutral_face:

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He wouldn’t be able to get back in after the first time.

Not the drunk or drinking end but yes has left with letting me know even saw as got out of shower or told me was leaving but dididn’t tell me I’m going now

I did have one like this. He was hunting women he’d wait for them to leave the bars on foot in hopes to pick up and drive home and go from there one time I had someone.mess me asking me if I could tell him to stop comming over. That’s a big red flag you should find out where he is going mine was leading triple lives it was very embarrassing :flushed:

Yep, my now ex husband did that. He was cheating.

Time to lock the door behind him

Lol no my husband never sneaks off like that :woman_facepalming:

I would act like i’m sleeping then follow him :joy: then you will have answers x

Its called manipulation and gaslighting, dont let him steal your light you have a whole life to live and more love in you

Do you want to spend the rest of your life with a liar and a sneak and who knows what else? You are not crazy girl! Protect yourself.

You should leave when he’s asleep…. Only difference, DONT COME BACK!

Take his house key off and lock the doors. Without trying to end up in FB jail, do you play baseball by chance? You might want to start because hes going to come home mad.

He is gaslighting you. He is sneaky, hiding stuff. Get rid of him.

Nope. I dont see why he cant drink at home if just has to drink every evening. Fishy.

The stuff some of yall put up with…asking if this is normal is crazy

Not ok!! If he was doing something that’s ok with u he wouldn’t be sneaking out!! I would deff be checking up on were he’s going and if it is nothing major but drinking with friends, try doing it a couple times to him and see how he likes it. I’ve learned in all my relationships, guys are all different in the way they see and feel things and unless u can give them that vibe of why u don’t like something and they actually experience it there own self, it’s like boom…light bulb!!! Lol…some people might call it playing games but I think it really helps to give them a dose of there own medicine cuz sometimes, they just DONT get it girl…Good Luck!!

I did this when I was a teenager and I was up to mischief. that’s a grown ass man. fuck outta here. it’s wild to even feel like you should question your own feelings. he’s terrible. period.

I had a boyfriend do this when he was cheating on me. It’s time to tell him to GTFO.

Very strange and suspicious.

My ex did and he would have every excuse turned out he was goin out getting drugs

Thats a big fat red flag.

Leave his ass. Wrong on so many levels

When someone’s sneaking out of the house while you are sleeping that is a huge red flag of all sorts of weirdness….

Because he’s probably cheating.

And he’s still there, WHY?

If thats his argument id pack his shit. Thats fucking weird.

He would find the lock changed and clothes in a trash bag

You’re crazy because you’re married to an alcoholic

Where the fuck do you guys meet men like this? I swear if Jerry Springer was still alive he would be having a field day with this group

If he’s not doing anything wrong than why can’t he leave before you go to sleep so he can tell you where he’s going? :thinking: nah… I wouldn’t be happy about that. My husband was a drunk when we first got together… I think he was still dealing with issues from his first wife passing away. I was pregnant when we got together. He got his shit together before my/now our baby came and before we moved in together. He would never do that to me… I mean if it’s morning and he’s up first he might leave for a few to go get smokes or something but nothing like this behavior. Unacceptable.

I’d be single if my hubby pulled this crap. Divorce his ass and let him marry the bottle. You’re in for a shitty marriage that’s for sure

I wouldn’t care it keeps problems away

That’s a serious breech of trust and highly suspicious. Kick that asshole to the curb.

Yikes. Why are you still with him? That’s a hell no for me

GIRRRRLLLLL, NOOOOO! He is up to no good. That’s a fact!!

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No way in hell I would put up with that.

Sounds like My X, he would say he was going to the store for cigeretes or his brother or sister needed a ride or something, come home hours later, if at all? He always did this late in the evening when I was putting the kids to bed so I couldnt go along, it turned out he was visiting his “friend” at his brothers or sisters house or at the strip bar where she worked! I left him after 12 years of marraige and 2 kids. His fling didnt last, She dumped his ass after we broke up. The Best was yet to come, I met someone, a divorced father of 3, he was raising them alone after his wife left them to “find herself” (she went on the have 3 more failed marriages) and my X had several more failed relationships & 1 marriage) We (the dumped spouses) have been happily married for 38 years and raised his 3 kids and my 2 kids together.