Baby boy name ideas?

What do you think of the name Rexton for a boy?


Its different and cute. Like easton .

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It’s definitely different


Different. Cute. Not a fan of Rex for a nickname truthfully . But it’s really cute.

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I’m not a fan but not my child.


If I was a kid I’d defiantly call him T’rex if his name was rexton :joy:


Rexford is another variation

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It sounds like a medicine name.

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Sachai Thorson redford?

Where did it come from? My son’s name Lee came from family

I was a child that grew up with a weird name, so I couldn’t do that to my kids!
But as far as names go, pick what feels right to you!
I didn’t like telling people names I was considering because I really don’t care if they like it or not and didn’t want their reactions influencing our decision!

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I think it sounds like a dinosaur.