Baby spitting up a lot?

my LO is 3 months old and just constantly spews, even 2/3 hours after his bottle he spews a stream of milk, some times it’s clear and looks like he is spewing water with white flakes in it but he is only drinking water with his formula and not without the powder so i don’t even know why it’s clear. he is not bothered by the spew AT ALL so i was reading online and “happy chucker” describes his situation 100%! but should i be worried? or do i just let him grow out of it as it doesn’t effect him at all?
has anyone else had experience with this or have any advice?

(he drinks Nan optipro 210ml about 5 times a day)


He could be allergic to the milk. You might want to mention it to the doctor.

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There’s something called pyloric stenosis that causes projectile vomiting after being fed. I’d have him seen and that ruled out to be safe


If it isn’t bothering him and he’s gaining weight then I wouldn’t worry too much. This happened to my youngest daughter and she’s almost 6 months now and it finally went away on its own. If he starts to get fussy and won’t sleep, that’s when I’d worry a little but first try a different formula if other problems occur from this.

My son was called a “happy spitter” his doctor had no concerns. As long as your son is having enough wet diapers and doctor says he’s heathy and growing, there isn’t anything to worry about :smiley:

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Why don’t you ask his doctor?

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Could have acid reflux. Ask your doctor about ranitidine.

Distilled bottle water works also

Mum daughter had I had change her formula to impact then no More problems! He might have a sensitive tummy!

I’d get him checked for pyloric to be on the safe side its usually only seen in males. If it’s not that then it’s probably just acid reflux and you can buy gas drops for that

Both of my girls did this. It totally freaked me out with my first one… I put her on medicine and tried 174917 different formulas. I didn’t tell any difference with meds and The best formula for them, believe it or not, was the parents choice brand. I used sensitive for my oldest and my little one uses the gentle. I was told with both girls as long as they aren’t crying out or in pain and are maintaining and gaining weight at a normal rate, then not to worry. Just keep your normal well baby appointments to keep a check on that :blush:

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Have you had him checked to make use he doesn’t have a blockage ?

Its like adults with Acid Reflux, the pressure just builds up and what has not reached the stomach comes back up. As long as your baby keeps gaining wait, just wait it out. If they start to drop weight or stay one weight for too long go to your doctor

Always use bottled water. I wont even drink tap water so

The clear liquid is just bc the formula separates In the stomach after a bit. My daughter had the same problem she has acid reflux but instead of having medicine everyday. My doctor recommended 1tsp RICE cereal in morning and night bottle. (Oatmeal has too many allergic reactions) it’s been a HUGE help.

Acid reflux, pyloric stenosis,milk intolerance/allergy,

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my son had the same problem. Dr said as long as happy and gaining weight it normal. once they begin to set up more it will let up and it did.

Get him canned goats milk.
Thin it with a can of water.
Add a teaspoon or 2 of rice cereal to the bottle, might need to enlarge nipple just a bit to help it flow easier cause of the added cereal.

7oz for a 3 month old is a lot. Try lower volume and feed more often.
Could also be reflux.
Does baby have a cough or sneeze or a rattle? Could be aspirating if it happens often.

All mine were like that. They’re all perfect