Baby teething pain relief?

Tips for teething baby

Could you post for me, please? So I’m an FTM, and my little one has two teeth coming in, we give him Tylenol when it’s needed and have tons of frozen chewies, baby popsicles (frozen formula), and washcloths. I’ve heard that frozen waffles might be okay to let him chew on. My question is about those little teether wheels like the little puffs (he doesn’t like his hands being cold), so I’ve been contemplating trying them, but they say eight months and my little one is only six months in stage 2 baby food. I’m worried that he might choke, but if they’re like those little puffs they should dissolve fairly quickly especially with all the extra saliva right? So if he were to get a pice in his mouth, it would dissolve before he could choke? Have any other mamas given their little one something like this early? Or is there anything else I could try? I’ve seen recipes for homemade teething biscuits, but they’re more cookie-like and hard and I’m too afraid he would choke.

I wouldn’t give food teethers. That sounds dangerous and there could be a potential allergy.

We would wet a washcloth and freeze it for an hour or so. It worked really well.

You can give him teether foods, just sit next to him and keep a good eye.

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I have this and a few other teething pacifiers for my son. They help on top of using the wellements teething oil.


The raspberry and silicone necklace teether worked the best for us

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If he doesnt like his hands being cold you could try this.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. My daughter love the little wheels. I honestly don’t remember what age we gave them too her…they are pretty hard and until my daughter had a lot of teeth and could chew them, they would basically soften with saliva and become goopy…if that makes sense. If you wanted to give your child one just watch really closely while the try the first one

I gave both of my babies those at 6 months they do get really soft after they chew on them for a minute I just sat an kept an eye on them while they chewed on it. Frozen wash clothes always worked well for me too.

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My daughter loved these!


I also got a mesh fruit feeder an froze bananas an strawberries in it an that mesh part kept them from getting chunks.

Rub his gums with baby orgel or give a soft baby toothbrush to chew on.

Try an amber necklace!

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Be extra careful with those puffs and teething cookies. They get soggy and peices break off. When my niece was a baby she was chewing on a teething cookie and almost choked with a peice that broke of the cookie, luckly both my sister and i knew what to do when a baby is choking.

My dr recommended celery sticks… or frozen fruits in a teething pouch


Wooden spoons, frozen carrots

Get these there amazing!

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I give my 5 month old these, shes only had rice cereal, I watch her closely and she hasn’t choked, they dissolve super fast and taste very mild


We used an amber necklace abd copiaba essential oil! Id rub his jaws down at the first sign of irritation or fussiness and he never had an issue!

Hyland baby thething tablets

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The wheels dont dissolve like puffs unfortunately. Choking is more of a hazard with those, atleast for my kids. Also, Motrin gives better pain relief for teething, you may want to try it. Good luck!

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My first go to with all 5 of my children were baby crackers. They are like rice crackers but dissolve easily. My 7mo baby girl loves them

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Just make sure if you use any frozen teether toys that they aren’t water filled. It’s not just water inside, so if it breaks nasty chemicals are getting into baby’s mouth, and the gums can get damaged because they’re so hard.

I started my son with baby led weaning and at 6 months he was good with a lot of stuff that was for older ages. It just depends on your child’s ability to chew

We found Advil to be more effective than Tylenol. My fingers were the teether of choice, wet clothes were also a big hit.

I wouldn’t give him anything frozen that he can’t eat on his own. Waffles require chewing, that is a skill developed over time. There are a lot of steps to learn with eating that you don’t realize (and I didn’t either until I had a child with special needs)

Don’t use oragel it will only harden guns and make it harder for teeth to come through. Put a couple drops of Tylenol on a finger toothbrush and massage directly on the teeth that are coming in. Best method I’ve found

Nubies soothing tablets are wonderful. They’re completely natural. My daughter has been non stop teething since around 4 months to now 9 months, we’re 6 teeth in and I’ll tell u, lots of Tylenol, soothing tablets, and chewers. I also like the silicone fruit teether that you put your choice of fruit in, i do a cold strawberry and she always enjoyed that! Good luck momma, hang in there I know it sucks!

My little girl just chomped on those baby bread banana sticks lol cuts the teeth alot quicker caused ger alot less pain plus a bit of baby nurophen when needed she was the world’s easiest teether lol I think I just got lucky a little bit there but those hard bread banana stick things really work a treat I just kept them in the fridge to keep them cold but not frozen