I don’t have advice to give but I want to send you a huge virtual hug momma
Sending prayers for God’s healing hands to touch you both, make everything turn out fine for your baby and your family
I know someone that had this diagnosis on a scan. Took further testing and just was the babies head wS big. Baby was fine when he was born. Hugs for you and your baby.
They thought my oldest had hydrocephalus… turns out he just had a big head. Praying that you also just have a bobble head kid.
Danielle Nicole, isn’t this what your little one had?
Don’t get upset. It’s bad for the baby. God is in control. Keep praying and read the Bible, he will see you through.
I went through this exact thing. I found out I was pregnant at 15 weeks, the first scan showed excessive fluid in the brain, I nearly lost my mind! My dr sent me for genetic testing to check everything out, I took the chance and carried on my pregnancy. My son is now 16 months old. The fluid went normal by the time he was 20 weeks gestation, and he was born early at 33 weeks due to broken water early on. He has had no long term issues or any developmental issues. I know every case isn’t the same but my son overcame the crappy early diagnosis. Every baby is different even before they are born. Good luck and sending you and baby a happy healthy pregnancy.
My twins had this around the same time. I had a scan like 2 weeks later at the specialist and all the fluid was gone. They are happy and healthy 6 year olds now.
Prayers momma. It’s gonna be ok.
Praying the scan is wrong
Hi mama I have been there. My son was born with Hydrocephalus. You can message me and I can give you my story. You are not alone. I am a hydro warrior’s mama.
My son was born with severe hydrocephalus. He has a page on here called Lorenzo story, please message me if you want me to answer any questions or need any advice. Please remember the doctors always give you the worst case scenario x
Hi love! I have a beautiful hydro baby! She was also diagnosed when I was 20 weeks and I know how hard it is getting that diagnoses. If you would like you can message me and I can tell you my story, go through the ups and downs with you and we can discuss it
God bless this family and have mercy. Restore perfect health to this baby, in Jesus name…
I also went through this with both pregnancies, I was even told with my oldest that he had cyst in his brain. My OB was amazing and reassured me that it’s actually common and everything would be fine. I did additional testing and we watching it closely. I had 2 very healthy babies that out grew it before they were even born. Prayers momma
My friends cousins son was requested to be terminated due to it but she went through with the pregnancy, he has a shunt and has had 7 (I believe 7) surgeries but he’s almost 5 now and thriving. Even in the worst cases things can turn out good.
Yes i went through this. I was a first time and terrified when i found out!! My baby born was born full term healthy!
My lil one had that but I found out much earlier at 12 weeks and although it did resolve there were other problems with him, stay positive everyone’s situation is different❣️
My first daughter Jolene had it . They diagnosed it at 15 week they advised me to terminate it . I refused @ 20 weeks They said she had more fluid again I opted to cont with pregnancy . Most go away in time or after birth. Some turn into fetal hydrops which is usually fatal . My daughter ended up having that at 27 weeks I felt her movement les and less and went into the er . Her prognosis wasn’t good . She was in pain and the fluid had restricted her whole entire body from functioning properly or even allowing her to grow once I heard that . I chose to induce labor knowing she wouldn’t make it . that was my experience with hydrocephalus and every case is different . Praying for you and your baby !
Hey hun, it’s not the same but my mother was born with hydrocephalus. She’s gone on to have a relatively normal 53 years on earth and is still alive now. She’s been able to have three children and it hasn’t affected her too much. She has a shunt (a button to release the fluid) the worst that happens is when she doesn’t get her shunt flushed, she goes a little bit loopy. But it’s 10 years roughly between flushes. The only other thing is it is considered a disability and she hasn’t worked in her life as she’s worried about the dangers of it. I’ve seen hydro babies with helmets for some time to stop the build up of fluid aswell as avoid any dangers that can come from hitting their heads. I hope this helps xx