Cover your nipples with bandaids if your done done . Say mommy has a owie or something like that and do it every time . Give them milk in a silly cup or something like that worked for mine when I was done
My 3 year old was the same I just said no more it was mentally draining me do what’s best for you happy mum happy child
Say no and stick to it lol don’t give in. Thats why shes the way she is lol
Addicted to breast feeding shes hungry, knows no different way for food source, and barely a toddler. Its not addiction its a living need.
just wean her off!
More likely an attachment issue and she’s doing it to be close to you.
Sounds like she might benefit from weaning (not that its abnormal to BF at 2)
Start her on regular milk in a sippy,once she is able to drink that try to get a baby sitter for a whole 2 days. When you come back don’t offer, don’t let her pull on you or anything just tell her its all gone and offer sippy cup milk.
You can literally say no and walk away.
Do not just ignore and walk away. That will only stress you both out. Always redirect. My 3 year old was like that at 2. When he wanted his mimi I would distract him. Then again each time he asked. At night I would tell him no just hug me because it is night night time, I would give in 2 times then 1 then none. By day 3 he no longer asked for it during the day and by the end of the week he no longer needed it at night. It is a process but remember that was their source of food and comfort for a long time.
Rocio Adilene Legarda take pointers for when the time comes for Rey
I think my kids are addicted to junk food
I would start offering more solid foods and redirect to a different type of comforting and bonding until you eventually wean her. Try to cut down to only nursing before bedtime, nap time and maybe in the mornings when she wakes. Then reduce over time.
Omg! This question though! It’s completely normal for breastfed babies to do that. They all do. Just wean her if ur struggling that much.
Yes,mine was 2yrs old and I was nursing 6&7 hours,YES I SAID HOURS,PER DAY!!! GO BY THE ALMANAC ,go by the signs for weaning.When the dates are good,you can break them babies easily in a weeks time…
Welcome to motherhood. Your child won’t let you sleep eat poop or shower without harassing you. And no they can’t be addicted to nursing
put bandages on your nipples and say that they are broken and healing, and that no more milk comes out anymore
Grown men are addicted to breast feeding …look it up …someone I knew dated a guy who had a fetish …she told everyone and then stayed with him and drank mother’s milk and had kids …smh weirdos
Yes, they can be! As to what I am told by my Dr. Mine turned 3 in March and we are still attached to the booboo I hear ya, Mama. But, there will be a day when it’ll come to an end, just gotta get there! Haha.
Attached due to emotional support, not addicted, it’s not a bad thing.
Better than being addicted to fast food and soft drink
I think we’re all heavily addicted to calories, it’s a real problem, I heard that if you stop cold turkey you could die
Sorry I’m trolling
That has been my life, I think that’s what is called motherhood hahaaaa
when i need a break i offer chocolate milk juice or water instead and mine usually takes it unless sick or tired
Same, girl same. My daughters almost 2 and idk how to cut her off. We have mommy girls.
Shes using you as a binkie mama time to not give in anymore
Put a bit of vinegar on u , it works
Put a little vinegar or something that tastes aweful on your breast….
Have you tried reading her books about giving up nursing? Have you tried talking to her every time she asks? Only allowing her at certain times of day? Maybe start with when she wakes up and before bed? I’m sorry. It’s so exhausting!!! I know the feeling of being fully touched out. I don’t think she’s addicted. She just loves the connection with you and it could be a way for her to have your undivided attention. 2 year olds are so smart.
It won’t last forever. My 2 year old is the same. My other child was on it for 3.5 years. Just trudge through. They aren’t addicted to nursing. They’re getting their comfort and vitamins/proteins etc from you in the process
It’s time to introduce self soothing methods…I knew a lady who was struggling with this and her kids was 5! This child would tug at her shirt, try to pull her shirt up didn’t matter where they were, and when mom would resist a full blown tantrum would erupt. I believe breast is best and have absolutely no negative views on feeding your child in public. But there is a point where there has to be a transition…just like from a bottle to a sippy cup to a regular cup…some may say it’s for the nutritional purposes well they can drink your milk from an age appropriate drinking cup. That’s just my two cents on it.
Offer cow’s milk or almond/oat’s milk instead or a snack. Say “sorry, no more breastfeeding… that’s for babies and you’re a big girl (or boy) now.”
If you want peace but still to feed her maybe start pumping and transition to bottles only
I’m in the same boat! My 2 year old loves to nurse but I’ve noticed he is starting to understand that the big kids don’t. He is my 5th baby, all my other kids stopped at 12 months, I never had to wean. It’s so hard!
The word is NO. It’s about a year overdue. Who’s in charge. If you don’t have control now you are not going to stand a chance when she becomes a teenager
Bandaids! They are broken
Honestly you’re supposed to say no when they can chew steak
Y’all gotta stop being so overly sensitive to your child’s needs. Yes they need to eat but if you know they’re not hungry just snacky STOP breastfeeding them. Give them an age appropriate snack. You create these little monsters you complain about all on your owns. You see a monkey, horse or dog continue to breast feed their young when it clearly hurts or is occupying up their free time? no! Them babies get swatted, kicked, bitten, and slapped the hell away. Now don’t beat your kids people and don’t take this and twist my words. But for the love of god create a boundary for your child it’s HEALTHY & normal
My last of 4 did that too. I talked to him for a month before I went to visit my mom and mother in law hours away
I told him none while at grandma’s he asked 3 times and I told him no. Then we got home all was good for 3 weeks then in the middle of the night he got in my bed trying again. I said oh no it’s all gone and that was it. But he never would take a bottle.
Actually the world health organization now highly recommends breastfeeding till at least 2 years old, some of these comments are unbelievable, do your research people! Breast feeding beyond 12 months is the best possible thing you can do for your baby. I understand what you’re going through though mama, still breastfeeding my 21/2 year old and I completely understand this! Maybe try cutting down the easy sessions like during the day first and then try distracting in the morning with a snack or food! I’m so sorry there are some horrible comments on here
Put bandaids on your nipples and tell them they are broken
My youngest nursed for 2 1/2 years and got quite obnoxious about it. I finally thought it was enough so I told her ninnie was bad and put camphor phinique (s.p.?) on my nipples. I let her try and just the smell made her say " ninnie yucky " and chose a bottle for 2 weeks the gave those away to a neighbors baby. Easy . Everyone is different but for me 2 1/2 was enough.
Happened to me. I put band aids on my boobs and told her I had an ouchie. It worked
Your the mom/boss. If you don’t want her to breastfeed then make it stop. Your in charge of your body…not her. At the age of 2 its time to be done anyway…In my opinion.
Almost everyone here is giving really bad advice your child isn’t addicted to your boob they are using it as a comforter it is up to you if that bothers you and your wanting to stop it your gonna have to give them certain times they are allowed the boob so not just when they want it. If u need more advice just pls message me everyone here telling u to just stop and say no isn’t helping to be honest
Mine is 2 1/2 and we just finished. He didn’t want to. I was ready
My daughter self weaned at about 2.5years, I was definitely so ready to be done lol but there are still many health benefits children get from extended breast feeding, if you want to stop though there are many ways to wean, a friend of mine did the bandaids and switched her daughter to the vanilla flavored toddler formula with a bottle for nap/bedtime and her kiddo did great with it.
My son is 2, if he asks for boob it’s given. But I don’t seek him out to offer it.
I am exhausted as he usually wants to find a couple times overnight. But I practice baby led weaning. I don’t have much supply left, so he doesn’t feed for long.
If you are tapped out, if you need to stop - then do what works for you. I hit that wall a few weeks ago- but I persevered for him xx no one can make the decision for you- it’s about you and your little one.
No. Not possible. You have to just stop. Get her a cup, no more breast. Be firm. Do not give in. She won’t starve.
Mine just turned a year and I’m doing half milk half boob and she’s getting less and less boob during the day. Eventually we will make a day where we just stop and let her cry over it. Quickly will get over it.
Some of these comments is why the US is a laughing stock.
I do not breastfeed and I still can’t use the bathroom or shower without mines harassing me lol
Tough love. Just stop let her scream. Shell get over it.
Its not uncommon in European countries 2 bf kids until age 4. The longer u can feed the better health they will be in. I’d start pumping 2 give her the milk still and wien her off if u still aren’t ready 2 completely stop.
There is no such thing as being addicted to the boob…but they can become dependent on it like a pacifier to another child…if you ready to stop tell her no and offer another form of comfort or distraction at age 2 he/she is eating and drinking already so there isn’t a need to continue to breast feed if she’s getting nutrition from other sources
I weaned my son at 13 months. He was exactly ready but I was. I started out by gently telling him no throughout the day and only let him have it for naps and bed time. After he adjusted to that I started only letting him have it at night for bed. After that adjustment (this was the hardest part) I stopped letting him have it all together. Its been 3 months and I am so pleased with my decision
Some very distressing comments here… Just let her scream, seriously?
Absolutely not an “addiction” unless by addiction you mean emotional, nutritional, & immune support… they will grow out of it, but your bond connection is important to her. It’s your relationship, you get to set boundaries, maybe limit times of day for your own sanity. But some children need it until they ween themselves if you don’t want a child with deep messed up emotions of abandonment/ rejection. (Coming from a person who vividly remembers getting cut off from the momma milk). You are that child’s solid rock, whatever you choose to do, do so gently.
Being cut off is crushing… even if it’s just a few drops or emotional support alone, that is your child’s still time with you. I also vividly remember cuddling after & wanting it & being heartbroken & quietly crying… I remember trying to ask for it & being told no numerous times… (I remember back to just before 2yrs old)
My daughter weaned herself around 22mo mostly due to my pcos low output & new work schedule/ stress… 6-8mos later she wanted it again, but not often enough to relactate… now she’s 4 & still has her moment’s here & there… but I know they won’t last forever & what she really needs in that moment is just those couple minutes of stillness with me to feel secure… I’ve experienced & remembered the forced weaning side of things & I just wanted to share to help.
Also… if my kid isn’t in bed, I still cannot shower potty etc in peace… it just mutates from wanting momma milk to 10,000 other reasons…
Yes it will take time for you to get her to understand. . She is loving the security of herr mom. At this point she has total control. You can do this . Establish a time she can snuggle with you read a book etc. You know what to do .It’s not gonna be easy You can do it.
I put some bitter gourd on mine.
My daughter use to be like that, now we are down to once a day most days, since I’ve been sick I let her have it also so she gets the antibodys she needs to prevent her from getting what I have, but it was rough in the beginning and she cried a lot, just distract them, play with them, give them a different snack, they have the attention span of dori, most, distraction is a great way to wean
I know a friend, the child at 18months would point to the breast she wanted!!!
Be firm pump the milk so she’s still getting what she needs and by pumping you have more freedom. Tough love mama and good luck glad to hear you haven’t stopped giving her boobie milk that’s great.
Some of the responses just has me like …ask your pediatrician what they recommend. Most will tell you to continue to breastfeed as long as you can, but maybe you could pump and transition baby to a bottle/sippy cup so you can still attend to other tasks. My pediatrician recommended until the child starts school (age 4-5); unfortunately my child was allergic to my milk, every formula except Similac Alimentum, and now cows milk, goats milk, basically any dairy etc
she still eats cheese regardless and just deals, she’s almost 11 now. Do whatever your pediatrician and you decide what’s best for baby basically
It’s no different than bottle weening. They will keep it as long as mom let’s them. It’s tough to be a mom!! But no comes with a lot of hugs and loving with alternatives. I used popsicles and tootsie pops and favorite juices in a sippy cup.
My first child wanted breast till about 3 and often it was for comfort. I’m sure I was just a human dummy.
It’s normal. If they are home with you daily, they will do that. If you are working and they see it as much, they would soon wean off. I had to trick my by putting a bandaid after telling her that I went to the doctor. I kept acting that they hurt and a doctor had to put a bandaid on them for them to get better. When she saw the bandaid was hanging off she was happy and ready. Lol. I hollard and told her mommy need another bandaids because they still hurt. She got one for me and I put it back on. After a long while, she told me that she did not want them anymore and that I can have them back now.
my kids frequently went through that when it was time to ween them about that age.
The Badass Breastfeeder
Breastfeeding Mama Talk
Might be really good places to ask as well. I don’t know if you want to continue your journey but with fewer feedings or wean.
Change your routine. Don’t sit where you always do for her to nurse. Or if you nurse after meal go do something fun instead. Just start mixing her routine and that will help. I had to avoid “my spot” for months lol
Just take her off, she will cry for a day or two but she will be alright
sounds like mom is ready to be done and thats ok, 2 years is plenty health wise start pushing she is a big girl now!! Praise praise praise for a cup
Give her a sippy cup. Be firm but loving when you tell her no. She will be ok, after she gets upset a few times. Reassure her you love her, tell her she is a big girl now and give her the cup. Don’t give in because she gets upset. She will get over it!!
It’s ok to tell her no. Stand up to your kid and say no! Sure she’ll be upset but she’ll get over it.
2 years old should be drinking from cups. Find another comfort mechanism.
Well you have to wean her I weaned my youngest at 18 months she didn’t like it and constantly wanted to pull my shirt down. But after a couple days of cutting out all feedings except bedtime, it worked then a couple weeks later she cut out the bedtime one. But you’re the parent so you have to stop it instead of allow her.
Milk yourself and put it in the fridge
Just stop doing it. You deserve a life too.
My son was bad he was over two when I finally had enough put bandaid on them told him they where broken and that was it took about a week he kept looking and saying broken mommy fix lol he is four and still put his hand down my shirt to go to sleep
It’s a habit and not needed by her at all be the tough mum and get your body back
Marmite.didnt go near me again
SHE’S 2 !!! Your the adult. You don’t take control now she will be smacking you around when she’s 10.
Watch Laura Clery new live she just weaned her son whos 2 and is so much more happy.
I’m still trying to wean my 3 year old. Right now he only nurses at bed time. I’ve cut out boob at nap time finally lol. But mostly at night it’s a comfort thing since he misses dad and is sad at night. And with being due with baby number 2 in few months I’d like to give my boobs a break before the new baby lol but for you I’d suggest slowly weaning her off cut out one feeding per week, it’s hard and frustrating for you and for them but you just gotta go at your own pace and do what’s right for you
My daughter breast-fed until she was 29 months the last 15 months was just for comfort and one day I said oh it hurts mommy and she understood and she stopped just like that
It’s habitual and comfort. Not possible to be “addicted”. Plus she knows it’s attention. Start cutting back or go cold turkey. Breast feeding is an amazing thing and you should pat yourself on the back for all youve done. But sometimes your sanity needs to come first!
Nursed my youngest till was 2 and then I weaned her off
My son was pretty much just comfort nursing and I’m pregnant so it was incredibly painful. We chose to wean; first cutting the last half of the night, then the first, and lastly nap nursing. Offering a cup of water instead. He was unhappy the first few days of starting a new phase, but he adjusted better than I expected. It’s been about a month and he’s doing fantastic. He sleeps better at night overall. It only took me 5min to cuddle him to sleep for his nap today!
Also if you still like her having breast milk & the nutrients you could pump and give it to her in a cup?
I breastfed my twins up until 18 months were then it became too much, they were using it so much for soothing and they were fighting over at. First what I did was I started limiting breastfeeding to only at night and in the morning and I refuse them during the day if they cried or threw a tantrum I would walk away they would have drinks in sippy cups if they were thirsty available at all times. After about 2 weeks of this then I wore a sports bra to bed and a shirt over top and even when they would wake up for a boob I would say no mama boobies all gone and they would cry for maybe 5 or 10 minutes and then they would go back to sleep and want cuddles, that also took about 2 weeks I gave him once or twice but then kept on it. They’re fully weaned now at 2 years old
She’s addicted because you allow her to be. Cut her cold turkey and give her a new comfort item. When she’s thirsty offer a sippy, she’ll drink it.
you should probably cut it off soon. my son only made it 7 1/2 months before it was too much on me and my milk dried up. I have a friend that breastfed till after 2 and her daughter would literally ask for the boob. If they’re old enough to speak verbally of what they want, they shouldn’t be asking for the boob. That’s just weird.
No,its not an addiction. Pretty normal for a breastfed toddler. Your mental health does matter though so if you want to stop,I’d reccomend gradually decreasing feedings or just stopping cold turkey. If you still want her to have your milk but not physically breastfeed,pumping could be an option. I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time.
Decrease feedings, she can drink out of a sippy or regular cup at times to help the transition
She’s too old for that. Wean her off.
There are bf weaning groups on fb. There are many ways to go about it from gentle to extreme. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. I would suggest joining one of them and seeing if any of those suggestions would work for your family.
I breast fed my oldest until he was 2 1/3 AS I WAS ADVISED TO DO SO BY HIS PED. Don’t listen to any of these haters.
On a side note to answer your question I don’t think it’s possible for them to be addicted to it but many other reasons for the constant want to be on the boob
Just tell your child that there’s no more milk in mommy’s Che Che lol
have you tried the word “no”? as long as you allow it, it will continue to happen
For your sake I definitely wouldn’t quit cold turkey but you can wean gradually if that’s what you decide you’d like to do. It will be better for your body and make you less likely to be engorged/uncomfortable, get mastitis, or have extreme hormonal changes. Hope this helps.