Can my daughter have a Moana birthday party?

Omg stop it. Have your kid the party they want and stop worrying about what other people think.


Itā€™s sad you even have to ask this.


Who cares about any one else if thatā€™s what ur kid wants let her itā€™s a Disney princesses not a nazi party my kid had one and dressed like moana

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Why not? sounds cute!! Hope she has a wonderful 2nd birthday!!!

I never in my life though there would be a day where we as parents have to question what kind of birthday party we can throw our kids!! Moana is considered a Disney princess, all races welcomed, no questions asked!!


This question was really not necessary. Was it cultural when the movie came out? Weā€™re you not allowed when it came out? Ummmmmm nooooooo obviously :woman_shrugging:

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If someone gets offended by a party your daughter wants for her birthday or something she really likes screw them. They can get over it. Let kids be kids and enjoy their birthdays and parties. Dont worry about pleasing anyone except your baby.


Seriously? My daughter wanted a Princess and the Frog birthday party when she was 4. Guess what I had a huge Princess and the Frog Cake with Tiana on it! We had the party at Chucky Cheese. I never thought twice about it. This same daughter will be 16 on her next birthday. I canā€™t believe you even considered it a problemā€¦


Your daughter can have what she wants- if it offends someone thatā€™s just too bad. Itā€™s a character she lovesā€” why not??

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I say make the theme Moana! If you have all the movie characters, balloons and plates etc with the theme, people are going to know youā€™re just doing your kidā€™s favorite movie themed party and your not trying to be culturally insensitive.

Let that baby have her party and decorate it however yā€™all want.

Have the birthday. Itā€™s a cartoon.

Have whatever party she wants! Itā€™s her party!

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Give that baby girl a Moana party Momma! Itā€™s her dayā¤ļø Happy birthday baby!

Oh man what has the world come to ?


Are you serious? Itā€™s a birthday party. This is I ridiculous


If you have people in your life who think that way, lose them. Dont hold fear when it comes to your childs happiness. My daughter had moana as her birthday party. Iā€™m thankful she admires a character of strength. My daughter also doesnt own white baby dolls they arent what she wants :woman_shrugging: I dont care what others think. Kids do not see those things do not hold back on her because the things society says. This is ridiculous


If someone gets offended by that f**k them. Itā€™s sad you have to ask this question.

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Whoooo cares?! The world has gone way too soft. This is crazy


No itā€™s not, you are not stealing from the culture you are celebrating it and allowing her to experience it. You are crediting the culture for all of its beauty . If you were having her dress like Moana with out exposing her to where the things came from that would be


Kids donā€™t see color thatā€™s all that is important.set it all up take pictures have a great time.

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You canā€™t be effing seriousā€¦ā€¦


I love that you care about cultural appropriation. We all should a little more than we do.

I would allow a Moana party. I wouldnā€™t paint anyoneā€™s faces to match a skin colour. But a flower Lei and some fun from a cute movie ? Yessss


Do the Moana party if thatā€™s what she loves and wants it donā€™t worry about what people think everyone does what ever theme the child wants

I canā€™t even believe the world had come to this due to cancel culture. You canā€™t cancel someone who doesnā€™t care!!! Throw her the party she will have the happiest day and nothing is worth not seeing that baby light up over her moana party!!!


Um really? Do it! And I hope your little one has the best time ever

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Itā€™s a cartoonā€¦ and If anyone gets offended they can get over itā€¦ this world needs to quit being so soft

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Noone evee judged my parties and I had so many different kinds as a child including pocahontas

Seriously :joy::joy::joy::joy: u can throw whatever kinda party u want to itā€™s a mostly free country :joy:


Well paw patrol offends cat people and they have those partiesā€¦ :woman_facepalming: have the party


I remember when it first came out so many kids were being harassed for being Maui or moana for Halloween bc they werenā€™t the right ethnicity. So I get your fear of stepping on toes. But she is 2. Have the party. If anyone says anything just kindly tell them to stfu. The fact that you have to ask shows how crazy things truly have become in the world.

You celebrating the time she came screaming out of your glory hole really offends me. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Are you really asking that questionā€¦ā€¦:flushed: Itā€™s a birthday party for goodness sake. Please donā€™t do a Easter egg hunt either, you might insult Peter Rabbit :rabbit: :eyes::partying_face::upside_down_face:


I donā€™t understand how this could even be a thought in someoneā€™s head, yeah this world is a disgusting place and people do get offended over things that they donā€™t even have an explanation for but at the end of the day those people who are going to judge you and be negative in any way shouldnā€™t have a place in your life anywaysā€¦.

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Bro, itā€™s a movieā€¦ a CHILDRENā€™S movieā€¦


Do what makes YOUR daughter happy. Because at the end of the day thatā€™s what matters. Not what everyone else thinks.

Sheā€™s a kid have the Moana themed birthday party that what she want so thatā€™s what she should get

Ok this world is getting way to soft. If people get offended then let them be offended. Itā€™s a kids movie and itā€™s her birthday. Getting offended is part of life. People need go buck up.


I just had the same convo last night with my mom, my mixed 6 yr old wants to be Cinderella for Halloween and I wasnt sure


Why is this even a question


Give that baby what she wants!! You can find some super cute diy ideas on pinterest.

Beth Kennerk let her be Cinderella!!! Anyone can be a princess!!!

It is sad the world we live in these days that a poor mama has to ask this type of question! Give your baby the party she wants!


Iā€™m so confused why this question has to be askedā€¦ itā€™s a beautiful Disney character! Your daughter should be able to have her celebration theme off of what she loves and if it offends others I would reevaluate those relationships

Girl give that baby a moana birthday! If someone finds it offensive they can kick rocksšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

Give her the Moana party!

Why in the heck is this even a question


Sheā€™s a Disney character. There is absolutely no reason not to have a themed party. Itā€™s not cultural appropriation. If someone is offended because a child wants to have a Disney character themed party, then you need different friends.


Michael Martone very well said!

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Wait what??? Offend anyone how???

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Fuck every one else. Itā€™s her day!

Absolutely not. Let her enjoy her Moana day.

I had a pocahontas themed one when I was little :woman_shrugging: I miss the 90s early 2000s it was so much better we didnā€™t worry about offending people jist did birthday parties for kids


If my daughter wants to be Tiana, Cinderella, Moana, Pocahontas, or any other princess for Halloween or her birthday, or just day to day for funā€¦ Iā€™m letting her. Screw society and how soft it has become. Kids pretend. Kids want to dress up as the characters they admire or think are beautiful. I will not take what she loves away from her. And neither should you, momma.


Itā€™s a childā€™s birthday. Let her have fun & do the theme she loves.

Come on. Stop tiptoeing around sensitive folks. This is ridiculous.


Why is this even a question?


This is insane that this even needs to be asked :roll_eyes: Not to the author, but our society in general now.


My daughter is 3 and she also loves Moana and her 3rd birthday party theme was Moana. I donā€™t see whats the problem.

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Omg give her the Moana party

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I am started to get a bit fucked of with cultural appropriation we are all spirits living a human life all one tribe, Have at it

People are always offended no matter what. They could see a fly and say it offends them. Have the Moana party!


Whoever you are afraid of offending, donā€™t invite. Also, donā€™t be so ridiculous. Itā€™s a movie for all kids. You asking this is the real issue.


Give your child the party she wants

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I donā€™t get how people would be offended - its good for kids to learn about cultural differences and if thatā€™s her favourite filmā€¦go for it your her parent you owe no one an explanation! Hope she enjoys her party! Xx


Lol, if you want to give the mouse conglomerate more money, by all means. :rofl:

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The fact that you have to ask this question, honest heartfelt question, is just why our society is just a sad and bleak reality. Make your baby happy! These moments go by too quickly and that smile will far surpass any sourpuss faces anywhere!


Moana is a Disney princess, anyone who wants to get butt hurt because a CHILD would like to have a party after her favorite princess and call it racial appropriation, is sad and absolutely ridiculous.

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Its a movie! And a Birthday! It isnā€™t about Drama!


She 2! Have the party!


My daughter wants to be cat boy 50% of the time and chase from paw patrol :dog2: the other half :blue_heart:


Also if it is problematic then, maybe your not friends with the right ppl!


What is this world coming to???


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with doing a Moana themed birthday party for your child. Let her wear her costume, theme the decorations and snacks around it too.

My baby loves moana, I would not let anyone ruin her love for something. She didnā€™t have a birthday of moana but my little one walks around in everything moana. Her nickname is even Moana to my family & friends. When we took her to waterpark people even said she resemble moana. So do what makes youā€™re baby happy.


This mom must be the woke white mom. Lol.


Itā€™s sad that someone feels the need to ask this. Society is failing.


My daughter had a moana theme party and we had a blast do what makes your daughter happy and if anyone says anything they can leave

My sonā€™s 7th birthday was black panther themed. Itā€™s his favorite super hero. Heā€™s white. No big deal.


Itā€™s your childā€™s wishes! Just donā€™t invite people you think will be offended by it!

My granddaughter wants a princess party and we are having all of them on her cake and sheā€™s one of them I feel itā€™s her party if thatā€™s what she wants than thatā€™s what she gets

My daughter has had so many themed parties! The latest one was Harry Potter. Donā€™t invite people who donā€™t appreciate the princess! Thatā€™s your baby girl.

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Itā€™s Moanaā€¦ have the party. Itā€™s about your little girl and what she wants

if someone is offended by it, you probably donā€™t want them there then anyway

Is your kids opinion less important that those other peoples?


:woman_facepalming:t3: so sick of everyone being offended by everything. If your kid wants a moana party girl give her one. Simple as that.


No. Itā€™s a Disney movie.

I meanā€¦.my son is having a pink party cause thatā€™s his favorite colorā€¦while some may feel like itā€™s not ok for a little boy to have a pink partyā€¦.they can fuck all the way off. Heā€™s eightā€¦he wants a pink party and thatā€™s what he will get. Throw the moana party. If they donā€™t like it tell them to leave cause your childā€™s opinion means more than theirs

I agree with Terri Swan , sheā€™s 2 have the party!! All of those people being offended, ignor their ignorance!!

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Josie Marleau Oh no we are racist LOL :joy::joy::joy:

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Quit worrying about offending people and make your daughter smile


Children donā€™t know what all the controversy is, they like something and stick with it for a while. If someone has an issue with what a child likes, they have bigger problems that canā€™t be solved without medical attention. You give that baby the birthday party she wants and disregard anyone who has any negative opinions about it.


As a Polynesian/ Micronesian please let her have her Moana party! Please also continue to share and embrace our culture!! Maybe if you want to, continue the conversation by showing her some of our other myths and legends (thereā€™s some illustrated on YouTube that involve Muai). Serve the kiddos some island fruit. Iā€™m so thankful Moana is so loved. Itā€™s wonderful for opening up the conversation. Let her celebrate :tada:
Biba Kumplianos!! Which means Happy Birthday in Chamorro, the language spoken in Guam :purple_heart:


Ignore the ignorance and stupidity of people. Let your daughter have the birthday she wants.


Itā€™s called a disney themed movie party

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I say have it. Sheā€™s two and itā€™s great that she likes characters who are racially different than her.

So if my daughter wants a power rangers party, I should deny her based on gender? Have whatever party you want/she wants and stop worrying about everyone else and this PC culture that has you so brainwashed you have to ask such a question

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Shes a child. If its not blatantly obvious a bad thing to do, as in no one else would. Donā€™t. Its disney, its sold in stores. Its okay mama. :heart:

Sooo weird this is even thing these daysā€¦


If thatā€™s what she wants then do it. Who cares what people think. You will never be able to please everyone so please your child. They are only young for a short time. Go make Moana memories!

Have the party, life is about making your child happy, not everyone else. If they are offended then they can just not attend.