Is postpartum depression just being sad? I gave birth a month ago, and I have not felt right since. I am angry literally all the time. I wake up angry, go to sleep angry, I do not take it out on my baby, but something just doesn’t feel right. But I was always told postpartum was just sadness so I am not sure what is going on with me.
It can be. Please reach out to your doctor or talk to someone close to you. You are not alone. <3
Nope it’s so much more than sadness. It comes out as anxiety, anger, unexplainable fear. Call your dr ASAP
It can come as sadness, rage, resentment, apathy. Talk to a professional and get help. It’s not easy going through it on your own.
I was angry when I was diagnosed. My anxiety also manifests in anger from time to time
Depression can display as anger sometimes.
Yes sure can i had it and am now taking medication to help me alongside counselling
No sadness anxiety anger “grief” numbness
Absolutely. Ppd has many symptoms.
yes i can i never realised until my kids grew up i had it i was so busy being a single mum to 6 kids i just thought i was angry but now i know what it was
I was like this too!!! Seek help, please before it gets worse. I believe you, I believe it happens even if it’s not a “real” diagnosis. PPD played a huge part in it too. I hated my life but I loved my kids, with everything I am and was. I know how you feel. Please seek help.
Postpartum is so many different things. I was angry, depressed, very anxious & often emotionless about things I should have felt.
Postpartum can be much more than just sadness.Talk to your doctor & hopefully they can help you💛
How long does postpartum last?
Yes. I had and still sometimes have rage. I’m not pregnant with my second and my son is 16 months old and I was still breastfeeding him and I began experiencing rage similar to post partum. I didn’t realize until recently that I probably suffer from depression as I was also unaware.
My buddy’s baby mama was suffering from some form of post partum and just murdered her 3 kids
Definitely sounds like ppd. Don’t feel ashamed at all just be glad you noticed something is different. Try and get seen by your doctor as soon as you can. In the meantime ask for people to help out w baby so u can shower sleep and relax.
Just like any mental illness, ppd can manifest as a range of emotions. If you don’t feel right then you need to speak to your dr asap
I had a good friend who had anger issues from it. It presents in many ways
I’m feel the same way and had my baby a month ago too I was think it stress from recently moving but I’m still angry mostly at my kids dad for not helping
Please call your OB. That is a great place to start. They would be able to refer you to a therapist who specializes in PPD.
I definitely felt this way too. I talked to my doctor and she was able to help find something that worked for me
Yeah because it can turn into anxiety and anxiety can show itself in many different ways including anger and frustration. You feel like you’re constantly riled up and always yelling. Take some cbd gummies I promise you’ll feel a thousand times better, actually you’ll just feel normal again! I had this problem and after a year of two different medications and them not really working I finally tried cbd and it worked for me. Just evens you out now there are weeks I don’t even take it anymore because it’s like it cured me.
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Oh it can definitely be anger, sudden rage, irritability.
Get a good food based multivitamin and take it religiously, eat healthy and google natural foods that help balance hormones organic preferably because of the superior vitamin and mineral contents. Sleep when your baby sleeps. Make sure you are getting enough rest.
It’s definitely not just sadness. Please reach out to your doctor so they can help you . Postpartum is awful and so hard and can get so much worse if left untreated.
You are probably exhausted that makes me angry when I dont get enough sleep😬 my baby is 7 months and is just now only waking up once around 5 am so I’m finally getting some sleep.
Heck yes and it can last 35 years! Go
YES! Ppd can be sadness, hopelessness, anger, anxiety, irritability. Depression, post-partum or otherwise, is never just one feeling. Please speak to your OB or pcp about getting further help.
I had anger with my first. And resentment. I breastfed, never pumped until 6 months unless i had to and so i felt like my fiance was useless because i was so tired. He would change his butt in the night and go back to sleep but i fed him and he got mad at me if i were to fall asleep feeding. I was exhausted and resented him and was angry all the time. I finally got the help i needed a year later. Please talk to your doctor youre not alone!
Postpartum rage is often a more common side effect than the depression , get the help you need mama ; so you can take care of yourself . You can’t water a garden with an empty watering can.
I went through this
It was anger
Honestly felt a whole lot better once I went of b.c.
I took vitamin D and St. John’s wort and it helped too.
Set ur hormones again with acupuncture
Just give formula it’s better than feeling more angry and restless becuz u can never rest
Talk to ur dr and switch b.c. (Nexplanon and depo did this)
PPD can manifest in several forms it’s almost like manic depression. It is normal however get treatment ASAP before you get worse.
Take some vitamins safe for breastfeeding if that’s wat ur doing
Hormones make us weird. Be patient with yourself.
GET YOUR THYROID CHECKED!!! It’s a simple blood test!!! I thought I was going crazy a few month after I had my son. Come to find out I had hyperthyroidism, which seems to hit some women after birth. Good luck.
That sounds like postpartum depression to me. I’m about a month postpartum as well and drowning in postpartum depression. You’re not alone.
Many people think depression is sadness only. It’s so much more. Anger is high on the list. Anxiety, sadness, irritability, brain fog, can’t concentrate. See your doctor.
Could be post partum Anxiety, often it is brushed to the side because PP Depression is more well known.
I had hardcore anger from PPD. It was never sadness for me.
Everyone is different, I went through this with all my kids, I’m a mother of 5. 20 plus yrs, of being mad, angry, depressed not liking myself etc. Not an easy thing to deal with. Definitely don’t hold it in. It will only make things worse. I know from experience.
If there are any lovely ladies dealing with this & you just need an listening ear, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will talk to you & listen. I didn’t have that when I was younger going through hell. Be blessed & never stressed
There are many different symptoms of depression, constant anger or irritability is definitely some of them. When I go through my bouts they are always different. Sometimes I’m a cry baby, sometimes I almost bite my SOs head off, sometimes it seems like I’m in a fog and its hard to do anything. Everyone is different but this definitely sounds like PPD.
I had depression on my own without having kiddos but after it amplified my depression.
Please talk to your doctor
It can be any emotion! If you don’t feel like yourself please see your doctor to discuss options on helping you feel better!
Please see a doctor. PPD is a slew of emotions. I suffered PPD and I couldn’t have survived without meds to help. Exercise works for some. Good luck momma❤️
You should get evaluated for post partum psychosis
It took about 6 C weeks for my hormones to settle. I called and said I thought I had PPD and they said give it V about 2 months because right now your hormones are sooo it off wack.
Call your doctor for sure, but give yourself time to heal.
Its e bit of everything
I learned there is such a thing as “postpartum rage” it goes hand I’m hand with postpartum depression. I was diagnosed with both after my daughter was born in 2015. Reach out for help from your doctor, I unfortunately didn’t and my world was a horrible place for many years. Hugs mama, its not easy. Nor is it all rainbows and butterflies like you’d think it would be.
Take a post partum depression screen… you can Google it. Then call your OB and tell them your score. They can help determine if it is PPD or if its just hormones.
Depression looks different on everyone. If you don’t feel like yourself, and you’re not happy with the new you, then you should see your doctor.
Depression can look like the flu with aches and pains and lethargy. Sometimes it looks like impatience or anger. Sometimes it looks like an entitled Karen. Sometimes it’s not wanting to be touched by your husband because you feel so unattractive, or because you’re too tired, or for no reason at all. Sometimes it looks like wanting to sleep all day, or not ever wanting to sleep even when you’re tired. Sometimes it’s just like being exactly the same on the outside, but now you never feel good enough, or loved enough. Sometimes you can laugh and have fun and tend to your children just like normal, but you just never feel any sense of satisfaction. It can feel like a looming cloud, or pending danger, when there is nothing to worry about. It can be you in every way but the one that matters. So, if you don’t feel right -if you don’t feel yourself- you should get help, and don’t for one second let anyone (dr, husband, family, or friends) invalidate your concerns or neglect to offer you a treatment or steps toward a solution. Don’t you ever settle for feeling anything less than the way you want to feel. PERIOD.
(You do have to do the work though.) Good luck!
It’s a bit of everything mine was so bad I wanted to harm my son so at that point I left and got the help I needed it can get worse if you don’t get help from your doc
Yes it can. Depression and anxiety go hand and hand. When my anxiety is at an all time high I snap and can turn into a real b*tch. But antidepressants can help combat anxiety to! Definitely reach out for help if you aren’t feeling yourself.
We just covered this in class. Anger can 100% can be postpartum depression.
Absolutely. I had anxiety, depression, and most definitely anger.
Anger can definitely be a sign of ppd… please talk to your doctor. They can help you
I was angry too! Def ppd
Yes depression and anxiety can offten manifest as anger / short temperedness please speak to your doctor
They call it postpartum rage.
I found out after my son was born I was quick to anger, and not just be angry… I would go completely rage filled over insignificant things. Sometimes I still do. Looking back I realize it was definitely some PPD in it’s way.
Anger is definitely ppd symptom
Postpartum is everything rolled into one! The only way I could find any real relief is being completely honest with my self when talking to my husband exercise(when I could make myself get up and do it ) and writing! Keeping a journal and getting everything out helped a lot! My husband is so supportive and helps to much to keep me motivated!!! You got this mama!
Postpartum depression is:
Mood swings
Sleep too much
Sleep too little
…just to name a few
Seek therapy and ask your doctor about antidepressants.