Good morning anonymous member would like to find out something personal I have dentures due to being involved in an accident. However, I have been chatting with this guy for over a year, and now he wants to meet me. I know that he would try to kiss me, and just wondering if I should worry if he will feel that I’m wearing it as I don’t feel I’m ready to tell him.
I really feel like he wouldn’t know. Don’t stress and go for the kiss!
If he really likes you he will see past that I know it be hard to tell him but it’s best to be honest he will probably be absolutely fine with it xx
Actually not really I’ve been with someone with dentures and I couldn’t even tell
My ex boyfriend who I dated for 4 years has dentures top and bottom and I never could tell when we kissed. I found out cuz he told me.
I’ve had dentures since 19 and my husband could never tell I had them
No you can’t I have them and fiancee has never said anything
My boyfriend of a year didnt find out till recently i had them. So no you can not tell
As long as you wear pollygrip or something ( to stop them moving) he won’t be able to tell
My husband says no, I have denture’s n unless they r like licking ur teeth n roof of your mouth lol they will not notice
No you can’t tell. I didn’t know my boyfriend had them for the first 6 months we were together.
My husband has dentures and never wore his bottom ones. I never knew until he told me a few months into us dating.
If you know what you are looking for, you can tell. Most people can’t however.
My fiance has them, honestly when he wear’s them I can tell but I met him before he got them so I’m used to him with out. And plus he won’t know unless he’s all up in your grill
Yes they are extra smooth on your tongue
I have them… so yes he will be able to tell. If he likes you then it shouldnt matter.
He won’t know the difference. If they fit right they should stay in place. Don’t even worry about it
I would tell him about the accident and the fact that you were injured and now you wear dentures. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.
I have scars on my body that are quite obvious so I’d tell a guy beforehand… that way it won’t be a surprise when he sees them. But that’s just me.
In all honesty, he will probably be able to tell anyway. Don’t sweat it! He should care about YOU, not your scars from accidents.
Tell him tho… imagine marrying the guy and he finds teeth in the bathroom and he still doesn’t know…
My husband has them. I can’t tell the difference.
You should tell him what happened. If he changes his mind, he’s a Douche and doesn’t deserve someone like you
My fiancé lost all of his teeth and wears dentures. But i can’t even tell when i kiss him if he’s wearing them or not. It’ll be fine. And if he really likes you he won’t care!
Dentures give u bad breath. Better worry about that first
Been talking over a yr and aren’t ready to tell him??
Cuz that is what has me confused. If you don’t feel comfy in telling a dude you have fake teeth after a yr…when IS it a good time then?
I have fakes…have for over 10yrs now.
No one knows my teeth are fake unless I tell em. If you get properly fitting dentures…you can’t tell. They feel real and look real.
But tell the dude BEFORE. So if it IS a deal breaker for him, you don’t get attached more, then get hurt. As there are people that judge on that.(as they have the false ideal that no teeth= bad hygiene/drugs).
I generally tell people I’m getting close to, that my teeth are fake.
So that way, at any time that I gotta remove them, they’re not surprised lol
Having fake teeth is NOTHING to be ashamed of.
Just tell him and move on.
Most are ok with it tho…just don’t be surprised if he then starts commenting about blow jobs with no teeth and if you’d be game…lol
He won’t feel anything.
Just tell him about the accident. Atleast if they fall out or something he won’t be surprised or shocked.
I have dentures and have for years. I’ve been dating my bf for almost 6 years and he’s never said anything about noticing a difference. He knows I have them but he’s seen me without them maybe twice the whole time we’ve been together
Just take then out!!!
My husband has his top ones and I don’t notice. He doesn’t glue them in either…
No they can’t tell. I did oral surgery for 12 years. But from a woman’s stand point tell him, that way it’s out in the air and you can truly be yourself around him. You don’t need to carry that stress when you can just be open about it♥️
My partner of 6 years got dentures about 2 years ago. I dont notice a difference when i kiss him.
If you haven’t been comfortable enough after a year to tell this man that you wear dentures, hate to break it to you, he’s not the one🤷🏻♀️
Personally I’d take them out and go down on him!! He’ll love your dentures after that!
I mean that seems like something that you’d Probably share with someone before you get intimate with them because otherwise you’re tricking them into liking you they have to like you for who you are naturally which means you have to be 100% honest with them from the start otherwise you’re making them fall in love with someone who you’re not
No…they can’t tell…
Don’t worry
I met my now husband of 4 years online and before we even met in person he went ahead and told me he had a full set of dentures. I didn’t care bc I liked him not his teeth. But his teeth (dentures) are so gorgeous and white and I wouldn’t care either way tbh!
No can’t tell the difference. I only found out few weeks after we been dating.
I wear partials actually and it makes the roof of my mouth uneven, but you still can’t tell I have them! I think you’re fine
My boyfriend whom I’ve been with for almost 4 years, has just top dentures. I had no clue until it came up about 6 months ago. So needless to say, when kissing him I couldn’t tell
I don’t notice any difference and didn’t before I knew. It’s really NBD. Seriously.
I’ve always told you’ve never been done til you’ve been gummed. Fwiw, I’ve apparently never been done.
Me and my guy both have missing teeth. It really doesn’t matter lol
I had a friend who told me there mom had dentures and her dad had no clue at all she was able hide it the entire time they was together.
I don’t know if he would be able to tell by a kiss but take them out and suck his cock. You’ll be engaged after the first date.
He’s probably going to love you lol
You have zero responsibility to share something so personal and sensitive with someone you’re just meeting (even if you’ve talked a long time). Everyone has insecurities and it doesn’t lessen/strengthen your bond with someone to tell every little thing. I’ve been with my bf for 2yrs and I won’t shave my legs or “groom” with him in the shower with me… doesn’t mean we’re not close or love each other less. Don’t let people guilt you or pressure you into disclosing something so sensitive with someone if/when you’re not ready. Go on your date and have a great time!! That’s so exciting <3 you’ll know when the time is right to share more personal things.
No my husband had them and it was know different kiss him. Good luck
Don’t tell him! Why lol
I wouldn’t have the first clue, but maybe he’d be able to feel the texture difference I wouldn’t think it would alarm him but who knows I know it’d be hard to tell him but I personally would probably just try to go ahead and get it out the way so the anxiety can be off your chest. Just remember if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. Good luck!
Just be honest, if he doesn’t like the fact you have dentures. That’s his problem.
Not really noticeable. My husband has had dentures for 20+ years and I didn’t know until he told me.
My fiance has dentures young due to issues he had, I cant tell when I kiss him
I wouldn’t think so, but I’m not entirely sure. I wear acrylic aligners and asked my husband and he said he can’t tell. But Im not sure if dentures would be the same. I wouldn’t think so.
If you like this gent do whatever it takes to get implants they are great no cavite goof lock.
I would say yes, I can tell when they talk
What I wanna know is why it took y’all a year to meet lol even more so how that never came up I say if you hit it off in person and he’s interested in continuing the relationship then tell him then! He’ll probably think it’s no big deal!
I can’t tell with my husband. He has had his since he was 21 and he is almost 41. I will agree that telling him would be a good idea.
No, why?? If he asks then say yup and move on…really not a big deal
Why tell him? It’s not like it’s an STD and it’s a part of who you are. Disclosing facts about yourself to others is good when it affects them as well. Your teeth won’t affect him and he’ll figure it out on his own later when he starts spending the night. You’re beautiful the way you are and don’t need to warn others about trivial things.
How about just tell him you have dentures and explain why. It’s been a year already. If he’s Really into u, he won’t care
My husband don’t feel the diffrence when we kiss, in any way.
Nope, have worn dentures for 30+ years, no one including my ex knewcI wore them unless I told them…you will be fine
Girl and the guy that does love you ain’t gonna give a fuck
Nope. They won’t be able to tell.
Depends on the kind of kiss and if they end up in his mouth.
My husband has dentures and I can’t tell.
To be honest if u have sent him a pic of yourself smiling with your dentures in then he should already know u dont have real teeth bc the color of the gum part of the teeth isnt the same color as the natural gum.
He might be able to tell just by looking at you. And if you’re not ready to tell him after chatting with him for a year than he’s not the one: