Always ask your doctor first if it’s a child
I’ve given my children melatonin since age 5. It’s available in chewy gummies 1-5mg dosage. My 3 are already adhd so by bedtime their meds have worn off and my girls will fall asleep and wake up rested for school.
Ask their doctor first.
My child’s doctor prescribed it for my 8 and 6 yr olds when the were younger
My almost 3 year old was just refusing to sleep so i spoke to her ped about it. He suggested trying childrens melatonin for a week or so til she got the hang of going to sleep on a schedule. She started having nightmares on night 2 and every night that i gave it to her so i stopped.
My 2 toddlers get 1mg gummies every night. If they didn’t they’d stay up all night. It keeps our routine regular too. We stopped for awhile and could immediately see the difference in sleep. They start bathtime at 7 then usually done and in bed by 730-745 and will go to sleep by 8-830. Without the gummies, they will stay up all night and its just a mess.
Ive read it works for some kids. Like those with autism, adhd etc. But my doc personally says no.
yeah they have gummies for them
Not harmful. Can even give to dogs.
Oh ya, if it’s not everyday givvverrrrrrrr
It’s not recommended long term as their body begins to rely on it. But (speak to your doctor) 1mg or less occasionally will help, after an exciting day if they struggle to settle down.
My 3 year olds pediatrician and psychiatrist recommended we try it.
They also suggested that we keep the house really bright during awake hours. (I tend to prefer a dungeon) but natural light regulates how much melatonin your body produces. It’s a hormone. We also live in a climate that can go for weeks without seeing sun. So during the fall/winter, we don’t get that trigger to produce enough.
I haven’t tried it yet. Main reason being my son doesn’t have trouble falling asleep. And since he had his tonsils/adenoids removed, he hasn’t had issues staying asleep. He just wakes up at 4am…
Even extended release melatonin is unlikely to last all night and help us in the morning.
Never tried them or needed them. I’ve followed this chart for both my kids from day one and its a life saver. Its basically letting you know how long a child should be awake before needing to sleep again. And its supposed to help them not get over tired, and put them down sleepy and before they go over this time and then they learn to put themselves to sleep. Both my children have done this and slept through the night since infancy. my son at 8 weeks old and daughter since day 1. And I keep their routine consistent at night. Now daughter 9.5 months goes to bed 630-7pm and 2y/o 7-8. But the more fresh air they can get helps! Good luck mama.
Facebook is NOT the place to get medical advice. Especially not when concerning the health of a child!
Not recommended it can cause sleep issues and dependence on drugs later in life.
My kiddos were born 3 months early. We have had a LOT of doctors. Nearly all of them have recommended or stated that it was safe to take melatonin. It’s always safest to check with your pediatrician but 1mg was the recommended dosage when they were little.
My kids dr said it was fine specially cause pretty sure my oldest is add and adhd she has hard time going to bed has since she was a baby and I have gave it to her off and on since she was little she is 7 now and is fine
They absolutely can but I wouldn’t make it a habit. We got the Zarbee’s melatonin gummies for my son and they make him extremely restless (he would wake up 4-5x per night vs 1-2 and then be up at 0645 vs 0745). I’m sure it varies child by child… but they didn’t help my little guy
Give them cheese or milk it has natural melatonin
It’s safe for moderate use. I use it on my kid when she’s got tooth/growing pains and can’t sleep or just having a rough night but it’s not an every day thing. She gets it maybe once a month or once every other month and I but the smallest dose chewables and split them in half. It’s like everything else in life, moderation is key.
I support melatonin
My daughter at 7 months old was placed on after 2 weeks no sleep from withdrawals from pain meds after open heart surgery in PICU
Melatonin worked a treat got us back into our sleep routine and got her back sleeping through
We were only on it for a month until we worked out our routine again
My son has adhd and would stay up till 2 am and wake up at 7 am. It was actually affecting his health more than giving him melatonin would. I spoke to his doctor and she told me to give him melatonin because IT IS natural. We produce melatonin sometimes we don’t produce enough and need a boost. My son started taking it at 3 yrs old. It didn’t matter how much he ran around, or if I rocked him or anything. No harm at all.
Changing the routine help. If there’s health conditions ask your doctor. We had to do melatonin because the steroid chemo would keep up my daughter. She’s off treatments now, and we’re on a regular routine. She gets up at 6:30a.m.
My daughter gets 2.5mgs at a time. I don’t give it to her every day and she only gets it at night time. I don’t give it to her for naps. If she doesn’t get melatonin, she takes 2.5 hours to falls asleep and won’t fall asleep until after 10pm
Yes. My kids have sleeping issues and our pediatrician gave us the okay to give 3mg as needed.
Every now and again a 1mg dose is ok…
If you’re child is healthy 30min outdoors a day will help regulate their natural rythms
If your child has autism or ADHD the clonodine may be needed through the supervision of your doctor.
A doctor has said that the correct dosage should be .03 mg and most people take too much. I tried it and so did my kids, just 3 mg and had terrible nightmares. Also you’ll need to take it forever and I don’t want my kids depending on anything at 5 years old to sleep that they’ll have to take forever. Turn off electronics at least an hour before bed and give them a warm bath, that’s what works for us.
Ahh, here come all the Facebook Doctors…ask a real human doctor in person. This is how kids die.
Sarah Morgan-Nichols reed some of the comments wow
Comadre Mayra Velasquez have you heard about this
Ask a doctor. Not FB.
Ask your pediatrician.
Some Drs recommend melatonin
Marie Hamilton-Coish
Paul Van Remortel - interesting input to think about.
Low dose and very short term
They make children’s melatonin but I would talk to your pediatrician. We give it to our 4yo because she doesn’t know how to wind down or sleep, she’ll be up until 2am and be up at 9am. But I would talk to your pediatrician.
I gave my son melatonin when he was 4 after asking the pediatrician first of course… he used to have terrible night terrors so he would refuse to sleep unless I gave it to him
Just gonna say this, I don’t have kids first off, but my mom had me on melatonin as a child, and it ruined me as an adult. If I take it now, I stay wide awake and can’t sleep.
Ok this is something best left to discuss with your pediatrician, not just take the word or opinions of people on Facebook. Glad to see most people are recommending the same.
Ask their doctor, my doctor told me to try it since my toddler has insomnia and it doesn’t work at all.
Everyone gives it to there kids these days. It was something that was unheard of when my older kids were little. I will not be giving it to my new little either. I dont understand why so many parents use it. With most kids if they are active enough during the day and you have a good night time routine you shouldn’t need it.
Talk to your pediatrician. Many people dont realize melatonin is a hormone and messing with the hormonal balances of kids can be tricky.
Any time you are looking for advice on natural remedies or prescription. Talk to your family doctor and pharmacist
My son is 7 and takes it. They make a childrens melatonin and its a God send for my boys
i would try to wear them out as much as i can before bed…and no electronics 1 hr before bed…the blue light is known to make it harder for children or anybody to go to sleep
They have one specific for toddler’s it’s Vitafusion kids melatonin
I juuuuuust went thru this with my daughter, shes 3 years old and has been having issues sleeping lately. Her dr DID tell me to try zarbees 1 mg for a little while then to take her off of it. Its helped soooo much!
Yes! My grandson had night terrors from the age of 2-4. The only way to stop then was give him melatonin. Dr suggested of course.
My thought I’d ask your doctor.
Sorry to say no good it gives them a horrible headache…please dont give
I would never use melatonin on my children. Personal choice. I’ve been a pharmacy tech for the last 7 years and while our bodies naturally produce melatonin if you supplement with pill your body will no longer produce it. You will rely on it always.
Yes. But of course always check with your child’s doctor first. I give it to my 3 year old during the week days because he doesn’t know how to wind down enough to rest…both of my kids get hyper when they’re tired instead of sleepy.
They can but as I did with my youngest, talk to their pediatrician first. If they think it’s necessary, they’ll probably recommend 1 mg.
Melatonin makes my daughter have night terrors cuz it puts her into a deep sleep
As long as your not dosing them to just have time to yourself outside of actual bedtime then there really isn’t much that is bad about it. Its the how and why. Melatonin is a chemical that we make in our bodies ourselves. Some people don’t make enough or suffer from things that make it hard to sleep. That includes kids. I have a very hyper autistic son that I wish would sleep they we his big brother does but I don’t get that. I haven’t done the melatonin yet but I have been considering it. Melatonin is a natural chemical in your brain. Please don’t get it twisted with actual drugs. I’ve heard horror stories of people giving Benedryl to their kids and then not waking up.
I am not a Dr so please take this up with their pediatrician to be safe. Facebook is filled with people who have no idea what they are talking about. Best to get a pro’s opinion
Good resource.
No judgement here! But I personally would not give my children melatonin! not a good idea. If your child is having issues with sleeping you should contact your doctor, and see what they say! Usually appointment is needed for that kind of thing. Wish you the best of luck mama!
I can only speak from my own experience. Melatonin was terrible for my girl. Mine took it at 4.5 the Olly brand and she had nightmares. We tried everything. Bedtime stories, music, bedtime bath, back rubs , vapor rub on feet, you name it. We waited several months when she turned 5 and tried a different brand “Natrol” I believe. And again nightmares . I have been experimenting with essential oils for the past 6 months due to starting my small buisness and I made a pillow spray with Lavender,Juniper, and few drops of camomile and She rest better than ever with no nightmares. Just let me say this what works for one may not work for others. Just try safe methods and be encouraged.
My 4 year old never stops! She doesn’t have soda. She doesn’t have juice. She doesn’t have candy. If I don’t give her melatonin, she’s up at two crying because she is exhausted but can’t sleep. Her brain and body never stop! Never! We started using it when my oldest was 5 because she couldn’t sleep, but I’ve been using it in my 4 yr old since she was 2 1/2- 3
Let your child play out his/her energy. I don’t even like medicines that alter an adults body much less a child that still needs to grow and develop.
I gave all 3 of my children melatonin and they are all just fine it is a natural herb not a drug and my kids dr told me to give it to them to help them with sleeping and they are 9 12 and 13 now and all just fine and all go to bed on their own now at a decent time.
I use Dr Teals sleep spray. It has melatonin and essential oils. Spray the bedding and she sleeps great!
I give my 2 year old daughter 1mg of melatonin to help her sleep. She is so hyper active. Before I started giving it to her I talked with her pediatrician and they said it was completely fine. Melatonin is natural.
Consult your doctor 1st. why does your child need to take it. It a product that is definitely over used, and over dosed. My daughter takes meds for adhd/odd that effect her sleep and night terror. We spend time out doors and a balanced diet. I give her 3mg and but her brothers sleep fine so I don’t give them anything.
Zarbees has a melatonin that is safe for smaller kids…check into that one
.I believe that’s old enough
See a doctor first. My daughter takes Melatonin. But a paediatrician should be consulted first.
I give mine a quarter to a half of a mg if he gets out of his routine for more than a couple of nights but i dont give it to him no longer than a week. Also if my mom is staying over or at my moms because he fights sleep so bad
We give melatonin gummies to our 4 and 5 year old boys. The best thing we have done
Ive given my toddler (whose almost 3) melatonin for 2 months And it’s helped. I haven’t noticed any side effects.
Yes my 2 youngest take it occasionally, haven’t seen any bad side affects or behavior. They seem well rested.
There is children strength melatonin 1-5 mg but due consult with your pediatrician
Guys why don’t uou give your kids 10 to 15 minutes sun and a good omega 3/6? We use a product call Aimega which is brilliant because it’s made in South Africa and has the correct quantities of 3’s and 6’s. It’s also brilliant for developing brains.
Do it. I used Brandy but then there was the whole CPS thing…
Yes you can but first go and see your doctor
Yes they make a gummi brand for them
I havent needed to give mine any medication for sleeping but we quickly got him on a nightly routine that helped a lot. Every child is different.
Our neuro doctor says no, ask your child’s doctor!
They have children’s