Can you feel baby kick at 17 weeks?

I felt my first at 18 weeks. Definitely depends on where the baby is sitting

The first time I felt my babe was when we were between 14 & 15 weeks. I had to lay in a certain position for my husband to feel him :blue_heart:

I felt very light kicks at 18 weeks. They didn’t get stronger until around 22-23 weeks

Yeah drink some cold water and then lay on your back. That always helped me feel my babies moving.

Yes definitely, my first I started feel at 17week but my second I felt at 15 weeks😊

My third I felt quite early, when I was sitting or driving I couldn’t feel him move. That was around 15 weeks.

I felt flutters at that time when I was pregnant with my boys

I felt my first at 19 weeks and my second around 14 weeks.

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It will feel like tickles . thats when they are just big enough for u to start feeling it and when u first feel it its crazy

I felt my first at 10 weeks. He did weigh 10 pounds.

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Yes! I felt all 3 of mine early!

In our culture , it’s Said this is for sure a boy, because a girl is so calm until the last weeks, but boys keep moving earlier. Who knows?

I felt the first real kicks about 14 weeks, although I was pregnant with twins🤷‍♀️

Yes especially on your back you can feel it in your tummy but can’t feel it or pin point it with your hands just yet.

I was 11 weeks with my first baby. 7 weeks with my current second baby

My second i felt very early about 15 weeks my first I didn’t even know hahah was only when we saw my belly move lol

I felt mine at 13wk. You know your body better than anyone so if you felt your baby kick, then you felt your baby kick. :heart:

My first baby i felt since 14 weeks. My 2nd i couldnt feel till 25 weeks cause of an anterior placenta

I’m feeling flutters at 12 weeks. With each baby I feel movement earlier and earlier. This will be #4.

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I started feeling movements as early as 16 wks

More kids you have the earlier you noticed the kick also.
18 weeks is when when I first noticed my first baby.

I felt my first flutters and kicks at 13 weeks

Yes I felt them starting at 15 weeks with my third.

Sure! I felt the first one at 14 weeks, second 12 weeks en third 13 weeks

I felt both mine very early. With my second i sat cross legged and leaned forward and could feel her.

Yes generally. Even much earlier than that.

I felt my daughter at 14 weeks

Yes, especially if this is not your first pregnancy.

I was 14 weeks with my first child and I felt him move any time I lay down

I felt my baby boy at 16 weeks for the first time.

I started feeling flutters and little kicks at 16 weeks

Most people start feeling baby kicks at 16 weeks

Yep, I felt my son at 14 weeks.

Yes I felt my 2nd and 3rd around 14-17 weeks

I’m 13 weeks and can feel baby kick

I felt movement at about 16 was!

Yes my first was kicking like crazy at 15 weeks :rofl:

When you say you told your friend, are you saying you lied?

granted no one else can see it or feel it yet just u can as well ur the one carrying it lol

Yes. I’ve felt all of mine before 17 weeks. Felt #3 the earliest at 12 weeks. So exciting! :heart:

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My first I felt at 22 weeks my second at 13 weeks. All babies r different

Yes you can.good luck with your little one.

Yess! First baby I felt around 16 weeks. This second pregnancy I felt her around 15 weeks!

Yes! Started super early with my kids

yep I felt my son (first baby) at 16 weeks :heart_eyes: x

Yes absolutely I felt both mine kick earlier than that :slight_smile: :heart:

The difference between an anterior & posterior placenta is huge. One pregnancy I felt movement early and often but the other not so much.

I felt all my babies under 18 weeks. Definitely possible.

Both of mine started in 16th week♥️

u sure can i am 10 weeks and i feel my baby moving and kicking

Yes indeed. My son moved all around.

My daughterni started feeling at 14 weeks ,my son was at 8

Yes, i felt this baby at 18 weeks tho

Absolutely! And even earlier…

I felt my friends 12 week baby kick it was INSANE

im 12 weeks n i feel movement

Yeah anything from 16 weeks you can feel baby

Yes indeed you can hun. Xx

Yes are you on the smaller side I found others who do as well but are on the thinner side my 2nd child I was 120 plus running after a toddler so didn’t fell him as early

It kinda depends on what number pregnancy this is for you. Usually first time moms no, doctors will likely just tell you it’s gas even tho you’re getting fluttery feelings. Those who have had multiple pregnancies do tend to feel baby sooner for some reason and you tend to show sooner. In most cases however it’s not until late 20 weeks/early 30 weeks

I felt my baby in the first trimester! By 15 weeks his kicks were very strong and at 19 weeks my sons dad and my mom were able to feel him when they touched my belly. You can definitely feel baby at 17 weeks! I always think it’s weird when moms are in the 20+ weeks and still can’t feel their baby lol

Im currently in my First pregnancy. I felt kicks starting around 13-14 wks. Then i went a while barely feeling anything. Then i began to seriously feel them around 18 wks and since then they have only gotten stronger. I just hit 24wks yesterday

I felt my first baby move at 16 weeks and my second at 20 weeks x

I did x ur more in tune with ur body as you have more and more children x you know what to feel for x

Yes!! I felt mine at 12 weeks!