Can you get a tattoo while breastfeeding?

I am breastfeeding and have been for a year now…i reallly want to get a tattoo for my dog who passed awya but am getting conflicting answers…is it safe to get a tattoo while breastfeeding?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you get a tattoo while breastfeeding?

No. Your more at risk for infection.


It’s not recommended I think mostly because of infection…i would recommend asking your doctor to be sure though

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you can definitely get a tattoo but you can always ask your doctor or baby’s doctor to be safe


I got my sons tattoo done while I was breastfeeding. My doctor told me it was fine


No. There is a higher risk of infection.
Just wait until you finish your nursing journey. The ability to get that tattoo will be there once you’re done


Get it done at a shop take care of it as directed and you won’t get a infection. Literally any cut we get is more likely to get infected then a professionally done tattoo but there is so much misinformation and ignorance


No respectable tattoo artist will tattoo a breastfeeding woman…


You’re not suppose to no. If it gets infected it can affect the breast milk and baby

Yes you can ,I got a tattoo while I breastfeed my 4 month old

I did! It’s totally fine.

Everywhere I’ve tried has told me no, so I shall wait until I am done :woman_shrugging:t4:

Youre not “supppse to” …risk of infection and all that.
That being said many women do and find reputable shops and it turns out fine! It’s your choice and what risks you’re willing to take. You’re never going to get a straight “right” answer


Most reputable artists won’t tattoo you while breastfeeding.


I got a few. But I also told my artist I was breastfeeding and we made sure to be extra careful and I took care of them extra good when healing. I will say though make sure it’s not a color you don’t have already cause I did find out the hard way before that my body rejects some colors.

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The tattooist mind find it uncomfortable and the noise might scare the baby


Due to the risk of infection some places say No.
If you have others tats and understand the care, you can. If it’s your first, I’d wait.

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I got a tattoo while nursing my baby.

Ask A Professional Tattoo Artist

My artist asked me if I was cause of possible infection. I never got to breastfeed sadly but I never knew some people/shops have rules against it!

I did. But didn’t know I should not have. The baby was fine.

Any reliable artist will not tattoo you if you are breastfeeding.


They cannot ethically conduct studies on breastfeeding babies to confirm whether or not it is safe. So genuinely, the consensus is no.


YES. There’s literally nothing wrong with tats unless you go thru someone shady or don’t take care of them :rofl: I’ve had over 20 done at home n besides an ingrown hair that’s outta control, my :poop: is taken care of :rofl:

I got one just make sure it’s. A professional and take care of ir

Mark Robinson a question for you

Considered safe medically as long as you go somewhere clean and reputable. Some shops won’t do it though

Most professionals would recommend not getting poked with needles or risking infection if it’s not medically necessary…

But like with pregnancy and recommending microwaving cold cuts, avoiding sushi and runny eggs it’s all precautions to keep you healthy for your baby.

If you are questioning it, it might be best to wait.


It’s recommended that you don’t, because you’re essentially giving yourself an open wound and more susceptible to infection

But honestly, if you go to a clean PROFESSIONAL shop and actually take care of yourself and your piece after it’s done, I don’t see the harm in it :woman_shrugging:t2:

I just got paid $6458 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 12114 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

This is what I do…

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It really depends. I’ve always been told by a few tattoo artists that a reputable tattoo artist will never tattoo you if you are either pregnant or breastfeeding. There is no research stating that the ink from the tattoo does not go into your body and impact milk. Additionally, you are at a higher risk of infection which can be passed to the baby. On top of that if you get a tattoo and your kiddo ends up needing blood (or something similar), you may be unable to give to them due to having a recent tattoo. I would skip a tattoo while breastfeeding and get it once you are completely done

I’ve had plenty while breastfeeding :smiling_face:

I just got paid $6458 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 12114 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

This is what I do…

It’s generally considered safe, just go somewhere reputable and clean and follow aftercare instructions to the letter.

I got my half sleeve done while breastfeeding. Didn’t have a problem.

I just got paid $6458 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 12690 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

This is what I do…

I have multiple times. Be extra careful with infection as you’ll have to stop nursing if so. So make sure you have a stash. Always disclose to your artist as it is truly up to them

Yes. I have a total of 129 tattoos. I got all of them while I was pregnant and breastfeeding​:heart::blush:

Go to professional you’ll be fine bro your baby is a year old already. People drink beer and wine while breastfeeding I see it allllll the time. So a tattoo that is goin into your skin steril is okay. They tattoo babies who have cancer they get a dot