Can you pump while pregnant?

It’s best to ask your doctor for any medical advice

It’s best to wait so the baby can get the colostrum


OMG GUYS. So many uneducated people!!

For starters, colostrum doesn’t run out! If she pumps now she was still produce more when the baby arrives!

Secondly, to the op. You can hand express from 37 weeks and collect and freeze any colostrum you get. It’s a great idea, although some women don’t get anything before birth and that’s completely normal and no way means you won’t have any when baby is born/won’t be able to breastfeed.

Thirdly, you guys need to stop giving advice if you don’t know what the fuck you’re going on about.


I sure is angel asked that question :worried:

Yes! Collecting colostrum prior to having baby can be a great way to help encourage your milk to come in once baby comes in. I hand expressed and pumped from 37 weeks on and my milk came in 24 hours after having my daughter :smiling_face:

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Dont pump it could cause early labor. At 37 weeks u will be fine but I wouldn’t purposely do anything 2 send myself into labor. If u absolutely feel u need 2 get some relief of engorgement, hand Express it. Otherwise just get the breast cups (amazon, walmart)2 collect whatever u maybe leaking.

Im a first time mom and I wanted to do the same thing and it is definitely best to wait. That little bit of colostrum you make in the beginning once you start breastfeeding is the best thing for your baby.

No, It will cause labor. Breastfeeding or pumping make uterus muscles to contract.

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Yes it’s perfectly fine and recommended as you can collect colostrum and freeze it for baby xxx

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you pump while pregnant?

You can hand express and freeze the colostrum. Loads of vids online showing you how. Dont pump though the colostrum will get lost in the pump. Speak to your midwife first, mine advised me to start at 36 weeks and gave me the syringes to do so. Im 37 weeks pregnant x x

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No you want to wait til after the baby is born. The first milk is colostrum(don’t know spelling) and full of nutrients and all for baby


Nipple stimulation can bring on labor so even hand expression isn’t recommended. Ask your doctor closer to your due date if you can try nipple stimulation to bring on labor. Once the baby comes you can pump or have them nurse.


,NO! The baby needs the colustrium (sp) and it will contract your uterine muscles.


Just curious , is there a reason to why you would want to pump before the baby is born


I actually nursed my daughter until about 3 months before my son was born and then stopped so he could get the colostrum but I wouldn’t start if it’s not something you were already doing.

I’m pretty sure that would bring on labor


No. The colostrum is extremely important for baby during the first few hours-days. If you pump, you will pump it out.

Pumping is not recommended during pregnancy. Breast stimulation releases oxytocin, the hormone that causes uterine contractions during labor. You don’t want to cause premature labor by using a pump at 36 weeks.


the first milk is also very nutritious for the baby…im sure fresh would be best for the child…


You can hand express through massaging of the side of your breast but not pumping.


I wouldn’t recommend it till after birth


NO. It could start preterm labor

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Can you pump while pregnant?

You can hand express colostrum from 37 weeks to save and freeze for when baby is born but you should seek advice from your midwife before starting. There are lots of videos on YouTube of how to safely do this. There is a small risk it can induce early labour but if u felt tightening you should stop. It doesn’t automatically put u in labour… if it was that simple they would simply Be getting women to pump instead of administering all types of drugs to induce labour…

I’m 36 weeks & 1 day and I’ve been pumping for a while and it has not induced labor, I leak so much constantly I’d rather have it pumped out and saved instead of being wasted on my clothes! Every time I pump I get about 3-4oz every time and so far I have almost 80oz in my deep freezer! The way I see it is you’ll make more I did the same with my first born and I had a decent stash before he was even born as well

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You’re literally pumping out your liquid gold :pleading_face: save it for baby and alao BABY needs to determine milk supply, not the pump. I threw myself into oversupply and my son nearly drown from milk let down spray.

I started pumping at 37 weeks bc my poor boobs were engorged. I couldn’t see wasting it on my clothes.

I did and saved it only because I knew my son would be born early and I wanted to have that extra to keep his sugars up at birth. I would check with your doctor though.

Not a good idea
Pumping can cause premature labor

No, it’ll start labor.

It can induce labor and the early supply is called colostrum and full of good stuff for baby at birth. Unless you are already breastfeeding another baby and have been advised by your doctor that you can continue that- there is no reason for it.

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You can hand express colostrum.

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Why? Early milk is colostrum…your baby needs that at birth.


No. I have heard in can induce labor.

This is a doctor question. Only they know the right answer for you.


No. Why risk preterm labor

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My OB said absolutely not

No but you can express some with your hands and save it! You WILL NOT run out of colostrum. Your body is constantly making it until after the baby is born.

Can induce early labor!!

No it will throw you into early labor

Is it for another child? Then yes.
If it’s for this baby, no.


It will induce labour. Please don’t .

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No ur will induce labor and ur baby will.come early

There’s no milk to pump at 36 weeks. You are producing colostrum which isn’t necessary to pump and save. Baby will get plenty when they’re born. You’re milk doesn’t come in until a few days after labor

You are better off hand expressing and using syringes to keep it in! As long as you aren’t high risk it is safe to hand express colostrum into syringes. It can be really helpful if you want to breastfeed and potentially have a slow sleepy start! If you’ve got harvested colostrum it can save using formula if it’s not what you want to do and you’d rather bf xx

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No it can induce labor and you want to go into labor completely naturally unless directed by a doctor

It’s odd that everyone says milk doesn’t come in until baby gets here but I’m 37wks pregnant today and I pinched my nipple in the shower last night and milk flowed right out… is this not normal should i be concerned?? It was a milky white and clear could that be colostrum not milk??

I was told too and to freeze it as I was over producing whist pregnant and leaking.

Cant think of any reason you’d want to tbh…but milk doesn’t appear till after birth.

You’ll go into early labor. Not worth it. Just wait

Noo !!! Ur baby needs the colostrum that first feeding !!!

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It can cause you to go into labor

I wouldn’t your milk won’t fully come in until after baby is born. Colostrum is hard to pump I reccomend breastfeeding the colostrum, until your milk comes in before pumping

I wouldn’t! Baby will latch and then kick start your body into producing what you need, the pump might confuse your body and make you produce more than needed which can cause a over supply or even clogged milk ducts (baby on breast helps relieve and if you don’t have baby yet you might be hurting tell baby gets here).

I know people that did it and also breastfed their babies while pregnant

Id wait or ask a doctor first. Too much nipple stimulation can send you into labor because it causes your uterus to contract.

My midwife gave me the go ahead I was already 1cm dialated so I was expressing and freezing for bubs

Noooo. You’ll put yourself in early labor. If you have already breast feeding this whole time, then it’s fine, but if this is your first don’t do it until 37+ weeks. And it’s not milk, you can collect colostrum to freeze, after 37+ weeks your milk will come in after the baby is born.

Usually ask your doctor but most of the time after 36 weeks of pregnancy it’s fine to do so, but always check with your doctor first. Chances are you’d be expressing colostrum, which is great for baby and is perfectly fine to express.

Noooo pumping will cause early labor!!

I breastfed/pumped throughout all my 4 pregnancies, never went into early labour, it’s different for everyone I guess.

Pumping causes contractions and can cause you to go into premature labor.

People say it induced labor but it doesnt, it causes tightening but that’s completely different than labor. I pumped from 36 weeks on with both my pregnancy’s just save whatever you get for baby :slightly_smiling_face: trust me itll save ur boobs when you need a 2 hr break :joy:

I’m 26 weeks and I’m still breastfeeding, this is the second pregnancy that I’ve breastfed though, I’ve been breastfeeding the last 56 months and tandem fed for 6 months. I haven’t pumped but I’ve never had any issue with supply. Also, the uterine contractions that are caused by breastfeeding do not induce labor.