Can you take a pregnancy test 12 days after intercourse?

Has any mamas found out they were pregnant 12 days after having sex? If so what did the tests look like? And can you find out on a digital test you’re pregnant 12 days after having sex?


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It will highly depend on where you are in your cycle.

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Normally it’s after your first missed period for home pregnancy tests

Your best bet is to wait till after your missed period.

I wouldn’t worry about testing until your period is late.

I did with all 3 of mine and they all showed positive .

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I was 13dpo when I got my first positive.

12 days is probably too soon

Depends on when you ovulated

I tested positive 8 days after ovulation. So yes it’s possible as long as when you had intercourse it was around ovulation time.


Wait till your période is late

Most people are saying wait till your missed period but I had a period for 2 months when I was pregnant, I only knew I was pregnant because I was testing almost every week. If you had sex around your ovulation then you could probably take a test now

I always found out 2 weeks after my period so possibly.but may not show up or be very faint.wait another week or get double test do one now then another in a week.

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Yes I did at 10 days past intimacy and it was positive

9dpo faint positives

You’ll want to wait the full two weeks for an accurate result. It really depends on implantation and how many hours post implantation your body would start having enough hcg to be detected on a pregnancy test. Implantation can happen anywhere from 6 to 12dpo - hcg begins to rise enough about 48 hours after implantation. You can take one now but it may not be reliable and give you a false result

Earliest positive I got was 12dpo. But in ttc groups I’ve seen as early as 8dpo.

It’s probably too soon just depends on when you ovulated.

I had a faint, FAINT positive 12 days after conception.

Blood test if you want to find out which is more reliable

I did a clear blue and it said 1week with my youngest all other test were negative

Ive always had a positive test once implantation symptoms are done whether that is directly after small spotting or just some mild cramps after the spotting stopped i always tested a faint positive each time. Idk the time frame for that though i believe its 2 weeks post coital

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10 days after sex I got my positive with my first. He was a clomid baby and we only baby danced once. 10 days later exactly I got a positive on a 88 cent walmart test. And that same day I got a positive on a digital that could detect weeks.

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You can take a pregnancy test any time you would like.

I tested 16 days after ovulation and it was positive. That’s how many days my OBGYN suggested.

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Depends on your cycle length, but generally pregnancy can be detected by tests as soon as you miss your period

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You CAN take one whenever you want…lol

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12 days after you have ovulated yes.

It depends on when you ovulated. I’ve missed my period by 7 days and all my tests were negative until my 8th day.

l get paid over $ 175 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 21383 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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You could but it wouldn’t come up positive that’s too soon

Thankyou everyone! The only reason I’m asking is because my ex ended up having a 1 night stand w someone and exactly 12 days afterwards said she was pregnant. She was also w someone else during that time. And nothing lines up w her due date and I’ve never ever heard of finding out you’re pregnant 12 days after having intercourse. I appreciate everyone’s comments!