Can you tan while pregnant?

Is it bad to be in the sun when pregnant? I have a beach day trip with my family and I’m 6 months pregnant… we are doing my maternity photos at the beach & decided to make it a day trip. I’m buying a big umbrella to sit on and everything but my MIL keeps saying I can’t be in the sun that long or it’s going to heat up the fetus… and she freaks out asking if I have umbrellas and everything every time I mention going to the beach. Is this true? Do/did you go to the beach while pregnant??? What precautions did you take? I’m obviously a first time mom & a nervous wreck lol.


Jesus christ shes so paranoid. You’re FINE. Just stay hydrated. It’s hot as hell in my house and we are just fine.


Just stay shaded. I went to the beach 18 weeks pregnant & like an idiot didn’t take anything to sit under. I had factor 50 suncream on & made sure I stayed hydrated all day. I swear to god I was burnt to a crisp, iv never had sunburn in my life! & we spend so much time at the beach in summer! So you do need to be extra careful because pregnancy completely changes how your skin reacts to the sun iv never heard about the foetus heating up tho! Aslong as your shaded and hydrated you’ll be fine xx

Heat up the baby jeez does she think your stomach is a microwave. Tell her to stop being so bloody paranoid. If she’s like this now she’ll be giving you earache when the baby’s born!


Stay hydrated and use strong sunscreen :slight_smile:

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Just stay hydrated. More than usual. Try and stay in the shade as much as you can. You’re just more likely to get dehydrated faster but if you stay hydrated, water, Gatorade or even pedalyte, and drink more than you actually would and wear sunscreen. You’ll be fine. Put a timer on your phone to keep reapplying the sunscreen. Use a higher SPF.

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And no, your fetus won’t cook inside of you. Your body protects that baby more than it does you lol. Sorry but your MIL isn’t so quick in the head is she?


You’ll be fine! I went to the beach when I was about 6 months pregnant & even laid out for short periods of time. Just stay hydrated & don’t overheat.

Stay hydrated, factor 50 all the way and stay in the shade as much as you can.

You just need to be cautious, your body temp in naturally higher in pregnancy so sun can make you feel light headed & dizzy so stay hydrated, also your skin is more delicate due to a hormone so you burn much easier, enjoy your day at the beach but make sure you get plenty of time in the shade, stay hydrated and always wear sun screen… Ps I was soooo sunburnt when I went into labour, it is not nice! X

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Vitamin D is good for you and the sun is a big source, I’ve never heard being in the sun was bad but you dont want to be getting burned or dehydrated, go enjoy one of the last times you go without chasing or catering to kids.

Lol your not going to cook the baby :joy: just stay hydrated and find some shade. Just common knowledge you don’t stay in the sun all day even she your not pregnant so you don’t get heat stroke

You will be fine!!! I still go to the beach and I’m 37 wks pregnant!!! Just bring lots of drinks. The sun is fine. Bring an umbrella to get some shade. But even stepping in the ocean cooling yourself off helps . Enjoy the beach!

Just take lots of water. I was out in the sun all day maybe a week before giving birth, and I spent every nice day we had leading up to the day my daughter was born outside. I just drank a pile if water and would sit in the shade often. Listen to your body and you will be fine, all the sun is going to do is give you extra vitamins, and some color if your careful and dont abuse it.

Gheez…sun is actually good both to you and baby…full of vitamin D…make sure you stay hydrated use sunscreen and don’t overdo it…I live in the UK and was pregnant last summer which was scorching hot…for a change…I spent almost every day sunbathing :wink:

I am currently pregnant and take my boys constantly! Its summer and its hot. Also when i was pregnant with my 2nd we yook a beach vacation and was out on the beach daily. I was totally fine. I just make sure I have plenty of liquids. And I took grapes and watermelons etc to snack on :slight_smile:

… that’s not how that works. I’m almost 8 months pregnant and have been to the beach/waterpark/pool several times. Just stay hydrated, in some shade and listen to your body about the heat.


When i was preg with my youngest 2 i was at the beach almost every day and preg all summer long Sept n Oct babies. When id get hot id cool off in the water. Make sure you stay hydrated. Make sure you use sunscreen and enjoy yourday. Im sure you wont be the only preg lady on the beach that day.

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I live by beach and I always went when I was pregnant just keep drinking water and sunscreen will be your best friend.

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I’ve never heard of a “well done” fetus. I think you’re safe. It’s healthy for you to be in the sun. Don’t take parenting advice from your MIL. Ever.


I laid in the sun all the time when pregnant. I had to stay off my feet so the sun and chaise lounge were my refuge. I also felt better with some color to my body. My doctor knew cause of the lines where my stretch shorts were. He never said a thing. I felt pretty I think, having some color. Don’t worry about it, baby will be fine!!

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Thats not how this works. Thats not how any of this works. :joy:


Feel bad for you girl, you’ve got 99 problems and your MIL will be 97 of them! Buckle up, your MIL is going to give you a run for your money


You will be just fine! Just remember to drink lots and lots of water and chill in the shade when you need it because your body temp is higher then normal

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I spent eight days at the beach when I was six months pregnant

It’s not an egg, she won’t hard boil. Lol. Just don’t get sunburnt, use sunscreen & spend most of your time in the shade. Put sunscreen on before you start to feel like you’re burning. I’ve overheated before from trying to apply sunscreen after I was already getting burnt & overheated, it trapped in the heat I guess. Stay well hydrated like you would whether you’re pregnant or not. Drink plenty of water & snack on fruit. If you start to feel too hot, apply a cool rag to your neck & go sit in the car with the AC on. Just don’t turn it on full blast immediately, you don’t want to bring down your temp too fast. I wouldn’t plan on spending the whole day there, but I think it’s fine to go. Maybe go early morning or afternoon so it’s a lil cooler. If yall are staying most of the day…maybe yall can go somewhere indoors for lunch.


If that were true all my babies would be dead. We live in Ocean City, Md and I went to the beach pregnant with all 4 and they started going as newborns. Just wear lots of sunscreen bc sun can cause melasma on your face, I got it bad from too much sun. The beach has a calming effect, it’s good for you, not bad.


You’ll be fine. Our ancestors worked on farms in the sun until they had their babies. Just stay hydrated.


That wont happen but I ak going be 7 months next Wednesday And I cant stand being outside so i hope you the best being out in the heat pregant and all lol

Inwas pregnant with all my kids in the summer time and all it is you’ll get hot obviously. Just drink extra water and if you get to hot find shade. You and baby will be perfectly fine.

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What about women in Africa? Their babies dont cook. Lol.


Tell mil to chill. The sun wont cook your unborn baby. Ask her what she did prego??

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I think its okay. As long as you keep hydrated😊 go on enjoy the sun mama

Just stay well hydrated, you and baby will be fine :wink:

Sadie Lou read these comments :joy::joy::joy::joy:

I had the most beautiful tan when I was prego during the summer… I even dug a hole in the sand for my big belly! Never heard of heating up the baby…lol

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This takes “I’m baking a baby” or “it’s cooking away in there” to a whole new level :joy::joy:

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If all else ask your ob… but I have never heard of such things…lol

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I pushed mowed my yard when it was 100 degrees outside when I was 8 months pregnant I think you’ll be fine just drink plenty so u don’t get dehydrated.

You will be fine as long as you stay hydrated and don’t get overheated.

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I spent all 4 pregnancies outside in the sun all summer I have a June bsby,july September and January babies. You yourselves just might get hot faster so keep hydrated

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Drink plenty of water and you’ll be fine. I spent most of my summer at the beach while I was pregnant and would dig a hole in the sand so I could comfortably lay on my belly to tan my back side :joy:

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Stay hydrated and watch to much direct sunlight for too long of periods. You can get chloasma.

Girl i live in arizona and was pregnant w my daughter in the summer in 110+ degree weather. Your baby will be fine. Shade and sunblock and keep hydrated! :heart:


Just wear a safe (mineral bases not chemical based) sunscreen. Your skin is photosensitive when pregnant making it much easier to burn.
Sunscreen brands that are mineral based if you are looking

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I tan frequently outside :joy: you shouldn’t tan in a bed as they heat up a lot faster than the sun but being in the natural sun won’t hurt your baby… drink lots of water and just make sure your belly doesnt get too hot (it’ll bug you before the baby, trust me :joy:)

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Just make sure you have a shaded area also use sunscreen and drink plenty to stay hydrated. You’ll be fine

Lol that’s a new one. Hot tubs can overheat your body moreso like that but not the sun. There is a certain type of sunblock you are encouraged to use when pregnant because of the chemicals in it, I can’t remember which one. I always just used baby sunblock and called it good. Stay hydrated!

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Drink water put on sunscreen you will be ok

I went to Florida for two weeks last August to visit my mom and I was 12 weeks I delivered in February a perfect healthy baby girl. I spent a whole day in the sun at Disney, plus multiple days sitting on the beach. I also flew. I think you will be fine for a few hours under an umbrella. Have fun & keep hydrated!

Go have fun in the sun . the mil dont know what she is talking about.

I used to lay in the sun pregnant

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Sounds like your taking all the precautions so i would tellmy mil to buzz off that shes wrong anyway think of.tje pioneers and indians they the sun a lot


I went on a cruise to the Bahamas while pregnant. Just stay well hydrated and use the umbrella you will be fine .


Stay hydrated and have plenty of sunscreen. You should be fine. I’ve never heard of the sun causing any problems to a fetus. You may overheat a little quicker, that’s why you need to stay hydrated. Sounds like you won’t be doing anything strenuous like running or anything, so I don’t see a problem.

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My doctor told me to limit my direct sunlight to no more then 30 minutes at a time if I was at the beach so to make sure I had an umbrella to sit under. She said water water water make sure you stay hydrated.

I went on a 6 hour river float while pregnant. My daughter is 3 and perfectly fine. Just stay hydrated and if you get light headed or too hot, you should find somewhere to cool down and something to eat.

Enjoy the sun and fresh air!

Again, the beach is great for you and baby. Vitamin D and exercise; just remember: extra hydration, sunscreen, shade, rest and enjoy!


It’s almost impossible for the sun to over heat your baby as long as you yourself are not overheated and hydrated

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use sun screen as usual and you’ll be fine :joy: moms in AZ and other desert areas survive the 100+ degree summers all the time. as a socal mom i can assure you - beach time is fine! fresh air is good for you :grin: but yeah… sunscreen.

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Lots of water is all you need :heart: keep yourself comfortable with shade or no shade. Your baby is a constant 98°ish environment so dont worry about over heating it.

Depending on where you’re planning to go to the beach be more worried about the bacteria in the water and sand then the sun. Gulf coast beaches are closed due to a toxic algae bloom.

Took my youngest two to Disney world while pregnant with my third. She was just fine.

Just wear some sunscreen and stay hydrated. No reason to not be in the the sun other than dehydration

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I love my MIL! She’s amazing. I just feel like she’s being kind of paranoid as there’s new “studies” all the time… back when my mother had me she said none of these precautions existed lol… thank you everyone

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Heat up the fetus? Really…no. that’s why YOU sweat. To regulate your body temperature. But sitting under an umbrella you will be fine. And drink plenty of fluids. You will be fine. People think when you’re pregnant that you’re so fragile and can’t be outside. I went to the beach all the time when I was pregnant. Also had a few pictures done there also. My daughter loves the beach and is a little mermaid in the pool.


Hydrate a lot, sun protection and shade. You should be fine.

I went to the beach all the time with my last one

The baby is safe in your womb.Just save yourself from too much sun and heat exposure and thats is for everybody pregnant or not.

Girl you will be fine. Stay cool, hydrated, and wear some sunscreen.

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I went to the beach when I was 6 months pregnant and have a happy healthy 3 year old… and I didn’t wear sunscreen or use umbrellas.

Honey, I have lived in Alabama and went through 2 pregnancies and spent time outside a lot and both kids are fine. I have lived in New Mexico and got pregnant with my 3 yr old and I am currently pregnant and we’re always outside, I just stay hydrated and find shade as much as possible.

Vitamin d is good for you and the baby just make you drink plenty of fluids and wear sunscreen

Noooo your not having (delivering) The baby on the beach for crying out loud you’ll be fine plenty of girls layout in the sun and sunbathe at the beach when they’re pregnant but usually you just can’t stand to be that hot. Just keep hydrated mama and you’ll be fine enjoy the day try not to let your mother-in-law ruin it😂

I was out on a boat from 10am until 6-7pm in the blazing sun when I was around 6 months pregnant and I just had to sit in the shade every now and again. Sit under an umbrella because it can hurt the fetus if your stomach gets to hot! Have fun and enjoy yourself though you’re allowed in the sun just don’t get to hot!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being in the sun when your pregnant other than the fact that you can get heated more quickly. Stay hydrated, plenty of sunscreen bc sunburn is not what would benefit you, and use the umbrella when you need a break from the sun. The sun will in no way harm the fetus. MIL’s!! Enjoy!!

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Just drink lots of water and sit in some shade every once in a while. With my first we went to the beach every day up until a week before I went into labor :joy:

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No you’re fine. She’s old school. The doctor will tell you to not stay in a hot bath too long is all.

MIL needs to… well, anyway, watch out for sunscreens read labels. Have fun

I know for. A fact you wont even like staying out there for long though youre going to become frustrated fast

I spent a week in the sun at a cottage and I was fine ( besides the HORRABLE sunburn I got which my feet swelled up really bad) it had no running water or electricity! Other then the sunburn I just kept hydrated made sure I ate every meal etc and I did fine my son was not harmed !

Don’t cook the baby!! :joy::joy:

You’ll be fine just stay hydrated and cool off when needed

Only hot tubs are to be avoided for that reason.

:joy::joy::joy: oh yes for sure, baby gonna come out burnt to a crisp. Lol no sweetie you can go in the sun.

You’ll be fine… stay hydrated stay in the shade as much as possible. Dont over heat yourself and get sick…

I flew from Michigan to California when I was pregnant and went to the beach quite often while there…I went in the sun …I stayed hydrated and had no problems!!

Baby is in your womb it will be fine and so will you

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Wear sunblock and use the umbrella, drink lots of water

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You can’t heat up the baby anymore that you heat up yourself. You can dehydrate, so drink plenty enjoy more shade than direct sun just so you don’t burn and enjoy yourself you will be fine.

I have two healthy kids. 4 & 7 those are the two I birthed anyways. My bath water heater never went down. I lived in a dessert and went outside. Your not gonna over heat your fetus. It just old school. Just because your pregnant doesn’t mean your broken alot of older women will say alot of things that dont apply. Back then they were much more cautious mostly cause health care wasn’t as good as it is today.

My mom loved in the beach and all five of us are fine lol, she would dig a home in the sand for her belly so she could get son in her back and belly would be cool but no none of us every got cooked and neither did any of my own 5. Put on sun screen so you don’t get burned and have fun.

Babies get born safely in the tropics and Africa, you will be fine as long as you don’t dehydrate or get sunstroke.

Gosh, what do moms in equatorial or desert countries do? :joy: Just don’t get overheated or sunburned. And please don’t sit ON an umbrella. Under one is better.:wink: