Could I be pregnant with tubes tied and used a condom?

I got pregnant, never even had sex, yes it’s possible

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Things happen. Take a test. See your doctor.

Just take a test :woman_shrugging:. Dollar store has them cheap.

Technically it’s possible. It’s very very unlikely though

If so name it Houdini

Take a test only way to find out x

If you are covid vaccinated it is a possible side effect of the vaccine. There have been lots of cases of reported with women having issues with their cycle since the vaccine here in Ireland. Hope you are ok x

These comments are scaring me :woozy_face:

The chance of being pregnant increases based upon whom you had sex with: some examples are sex with…husband 20%, sex with neighbor 40%, sex with a pick up at bar 50%, sex with husbands best friend 75%, sex with husbands brother 90%.

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Ariel Welch go get a hysterectomy

Cori Hayden I didn’t know it was possible ?

Brittany Alexa Green

Get a pregnancy test

Odds are against pregnancy . See your Doctor . .

Did you get the vaccine? Because if so you need to look into that… check my page for a post.

Period flu its a thing

Either that or covid :heart_eyes::skull_and_crossbones::disguised_face:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Could I be pregnant with tubes tied and used a condom?

Nobody can tell you via Facebook if you are pregnant. Take a test :woman_shrugging:


I know a lady that her tubes were tied 10 years and she has a 1 year old now. So yes it could happen


Unlikely, but certainly still possible.


My grandmother got pregnant with my uncle 17 years after she had my mom. She had her tubes cut, tied, and burned. But they came undone and grew back together and she got pregnant.


Could be a tubal pregnancy. You still have pregnancy symptoms when this happens. I had a tubal pregnancy 12 yrs ago, and had to have emergency surgery cause my tube burst. Then a couple yrs ago I got my tubes tied and was told that I had an even higher chance of having another tubal pregnancy.

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Been here. Found out I have ovarian cysts. They can disrupt your cycle, put you in agonizing pain and then, one day it pops, you get your unwanted monthly visitor and life carries on until the next one

My fiances sister had her tubes tied and a few years later ended up with 3 more kids so yeah it’s possible. Take a test though or go see your doctor they would know more about what’s going on than we will


Yes it’s very possible. Exactly why I had mine completely removed. I wasn’t taking any chances.

I mean life finds a way to steal a Jurassic park quote.
I got pregnant on the pill and with an iud.
I’ve heard of several people who had tubes tied but years later had a baby or a vasectomy that somehow healed and now they have a baby.

I had a baby 4 years after my tubes were tied and burned. My left tube grew back together. I now have 6 daughters…

You could be. I would go to your doctor and see if it’s a pregnancy or something else. But I was pregnant with my first when I went to the doctor and met a woman who had her tubes tied years before and her youngest just left for college. We were both 7 months pregnant :grimacing:

There is a possibility of being pregnant with your tubes tied or an etopic pregnancy…

After 10 years there is even more of a chance of becoming pregnant because your body can naturally heal the tubes…

Ive had mine done for 12 years and my period never comes on time and when it does its horrible…

Also be on the lookout for tubal litigation syndrome

You’re gonna have to let us know if you are, i had my tubes tied after my daughter was born and ive regretted since she was about 2 months old

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My DIL had her 4rd baby after she had hers done. After that baby she had the tubes TAKEN OUT.

I had my tubes tied almost 12 year’s ago. I haven’t had a period since March! I had bloodwork done, internal ultrasound done, everything normal. So OBGYN started me on Prevara for 10 day’s. I finished it 4 day’s ago. Now I have light pink when I wipe. It’s coming. They chalked it up to being because I’ve gained weight in the past 2 years. No other reason was given. I’m working on it and losing weight. I guess it just happens with some women.

I had my tubes tied and got pregnant 14 months later…

Yes. I had mine done twice because I got pregnant 4 years after I had it done the first time. I recommend finding out and quickly, it can be dangerous

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The statistics say 1 out of 200 women who have their tubes tied will become pregnant. Get tested.
I was advised that with ANY pregnancy symptoms I should get seen right away as it will most likely be an ectopic pregnancy which is life threatening.

I used a diaphragm he used a condom my dear daughter Jasmine is now 30 and mother of 3

You used a condom & unless it broke I doubt you conceived that night.

I don’t want to know about your personal life.

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Tubals where the tubes are left but just are clamped, cut, burnt etc have a failure rate similar to the coil/IUD.
Soooooo I’d be getting a test…just in case.
As it’s not uncommon for the body to “fix” the tubes.
It’s why when I got my tubal…I took those babies all the way out! lol

Some of these operations come undone.

Tubes can and do come untied. It csn happen.

I had two back to back after my ligation failed! It can happen

I’d get a test, but be aware cyst will also cause a positive test.

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Take a pregnancy test, it’s highly unlikely that you are but seeing as neither condoms or having your tubes cut and tied are 100% effective there’s still a slim possibility

The only way to know is do a test or go to doctor

I knew tubes could untie but what I didn’t know is they could grow back if cut & burned :woozy_face::woozy_face: now I’m ready to yeet myself outta a canyon

Take a home test or go to the doctor!

taking a test is going to be the easiest way to figure this out! i’ve heard of people getting pregnant after they’ve had their tubes tied! yes.

So many judgy people when she just needs her mind put to ease, or worried validated, etc,til she can confirm. Stop judging and criticizing for seeing advice/experience from others first. So many valid reasons she may have to wait to confirm things either way. advice or share your experiences or scroll on. Geeze.

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Take a pregnancy test :joy::woman_facepalming:t2:

I have my tubes tied and am in my mid 30’s. There are times my periods late and there have been times I’ve had it twice in one month. I’m pre-menopausal so that can be an issue with you as well. Having your tubes tied can cause menopause to come early.

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reaching on this one, I know… how about a pregnancy test?


Maybe? My MIL got pregnant with my husband after she got her tubes tied :sweat_smile: miracle baby

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Pregnancy in your tubes is a risk with tubes tied. Not extremely common but it can happen. I’d see a doctor immediately. Just to ease your own mind and to make sure you’re in good health.

Dollar store PT work great

Jesus some of you are just quite rude

Welp aaaah now you just gotta let us know if you are or not. Lol.

I had my tubes tired after my 4th cseaction nearly 4 yrs later I fell pregnant

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Don’t know why people are laughing at this ? If it’s meant to be its going to happen! I got pregnant while on the pill and a condom was used :face_with_monocle: i believe it could

It’s possible however unlikely take a test.

If you think your pregnant then why not do a test. Only way to know

Not to add to the stress but I would definitely see a doctor because I know of 3 people personally whose gotten pregnant after having their tubes tied. One of them who happens to be my sister got pregnant with her 4th while using the birth control injection and then got her tubes tied and ended up getting pregnant again. Pretty sure she’s sworn off sex in general now lol but on the plus side I have 3 beautiful nieces and 2 very handsome nephews from her

Possibly tubal Pregnancy my aunt got pregnant after having tubes tied

I used a condom, I was on the pill, we did the pull out method all within a session… My baby still pushed thru to my uterus n I never understood how… However, lady next door to me was screaming in labor pushing out twins. Nurse said that woman had tubes tied at 40 and she was there at 50 giving birth. That there are no guarantees (as I was wheeled out to go have mine tied) I yelled for them to put me out before I change my mind… :flushed::smirk::person_shrugging: