Could I be pregnant?

If you don’t start in a week I’d test again just to be sure

I was on birth control for years. It took almost a year to get it out of my system. After that I could look at someone and get pregnant.

Try the ovulation test u can get them most anywhere WalMart Walgreens CVS that might help plus start prenatal vitamins even tho ur not pregnant yet

Probably not pregnant yet, seriously though, stop worrying about it because that’s when it happens. If you’re actively trying the stress of it can prevent it tbh, just relax. You’re not on birth control now so when it happens it will happen, and you can’t force it. Prenatal vitamins are good to start on even before you’re pregnant and watch out for any medications that say to beware of you plan to become pregnant too but otherwise, put it out of your mind and focus on the rest of life. I was on birth control with pretty much all of mine and if I was worrying about ending up pregnant it never happened, everytime I didn’t even think about it, boom! Baby. :woman_facepalming:t2::rofl: Good luck!

The pregnancy tests these days are pretty accurate. So there are 2 possibilities here… You’re either not pregnant or it’s just still a little too early for it to show up. Keep in mind that you just got off birth control and that can cause your cycle to be unpredictable initially.

Go to your doctor and find out…:woman_shrugging:t3:

Yeah no it can take weeks to show a positive test for some people I never showed until further along like 8 weeks seriously :woman_facepalming:t3: even my doctor was like yep your good not pregnant I looked him straight in the eye and told him nope your wrong and I know it :grimacing::eyes::no_mouth: yep I was write baby just wanted to start slow I guess my blood was never irregular after the beginning for hormones levels ps implanting bleeding is when I new with most :ok_hand:t2:

Get a blood test cause for some people including myself home pregnancy tests don’t work n won’t detect the hcg.

Sometimes doesn’t show till 8 weeks
Take a blood test

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Im not sure were you live but there is a brand clear blue early detection test that comes in a 3 pack try & get something like this & use your morning pee to do the test, also if a result doesn’t show up in the time estimated on the test, don’t throw it away keep in safe place for a day or two then look at it again. The reason I say this is I had this happen to me & test had a faint line stating I was pregnant, I then went to the doctors to confirm with blood test. Not that you need to know but I have had 7 children. I wish you the best of luck

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I think it’s way early I remember with my daughter not feeling any different until I missed that period then I tested myself immediately it was a positive same with my son I think too early can give false results

Ugh. Why do people laugh at fertility questions…
Most likely your cycle is still trying to adjust to the change in hormones so your times are going to be different for a bit making it hard to know when to test exactly. If you’re unsure, wait a few days and test again. Eventually you’ll either get a positive or a period
Sometimes it’s too early, sometimes the tests are weak, and with multiples the test can be overwhelmed and read negative until months into pregnancy
good luck though!!

More than likely its a negative on that. The longer you were on birth control, typically the longer it takes you to get pregnant. Are you and your spouse tracking your fertility with opks, cervical positions, cm, body temperature? If not look into all those things.

Being physically active, eating right, already being on a prenatal, these are things recommended to give a sort of boost to your body.

I have had 4 miscarriages, 2 premature births & all together 5 years of ttc my 2 successful pregnancies feel free to message me OP.

I think I got a positive pregnancy test on my 7th day my period was late. BUT my periods were regular because I was on the pill. I think I missed a day and it threw my cycle off and I ended up pregnant. Try using a period tracker app - it can predict when you’re ovulating once it has an “idea” of how your cycles are. It’s not 100% accurate obviously but it might help

Those tests go through being packaged and shipped to various warehouses and then shipped again to stores. They all have defectives. Lots of things an cause periods to be late. Anything from your diet to your stress level. Breath give it 3 days and retest. If negative again call for an appointment for a blood test. It will probably be a couple days before you can get into to see the doctor. If you get your period before the appointment you can always call and cancel. The biggest thing is to keep your mind occupied and not dwell on it. Stressing about being pregnant can cause a false pregnancy. No I don’t understand how that works but I have literally seen a friend test positive and then ultrasound done and no fetus. It’s like you trick your mind into it or something 🤷 best of luck hun

Take a test in the next week or so. I was the nexaplon for 9 years and then switched to the pills for 6 months and then got off of birth control and 3 months later I was pregnant.

For some it was months of trying before any success! And one person I know got pregnant even with the implant!

Those test. Are. Accurate

Took me 6 months after I got the implant out to get pregnant. Took me 1 year to get pregnant after the depo shot

Was on nexplanon for 9 years got it out Sept 11 2020 got pregnant in Dec or January Due with a beautiful baby girl in October💜 every woman is different but it all depends

Why do people still ask these questions. If you had sex you could be pregnant. Go to the Dr or a clinic.

I took out implanon and fell pregnant 6 days after. :sweat_smile:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Could I be pregnant? - Mamas Uncut

It is possible, you may be too early to test. Give yourself another week and see what happens.

It is possible, just buy another test in a week or two.

Yes and no. Periods can be so wonky after baby. Breastfeeding can be a factor but you are more fertile right after. And possibly too early


Yes, if you’re thinking you are, go to your doctor and have your blood drawn

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This exact thing happened to me I ended up ovulating 2 weeks late the week that my period was supposed to show up. Thought I was 7 weeks pregnant but was only 5.

Its definitely possible i got pregnant 4-5months after i had my daughter i caught it right when i was barely able to get a line. Wait another week and test again

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Yes, it is possible. You could have ovulated two weeks after period so it’s not enough to show up on a test yet. Take another one in a week.

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Yes I got pregnant 8 weeks pp. no symptoms or anything. lol.

It’s definitely possible. I would test again in a few days and use a pink dye test. Good luck

Blood test at docs or give it a couple days she might be late…but yes you can be pregnant.

If you had unprotected sex, you could very well be pregnant. Wait 5-7 days, if nothing… test again.

Yes. My boys are one day shy of 10 months apart. I never had my second period.

Yes can be, test again with the first pee and it will let you know

Yes. I’d take another text. If it’s negative I’d make an appointment.

It is possible however if you are breastfeeding this can cause delays in your menstrual cycle as well

Yes it’s possible. Anytime u have unprotected sex u can get pregnant

It’s definitely possible. It happened to me with my 2nd. Test again in a week or two.

It’s possible. Having a baby also messes up your cycle. It may not be regular for awhile if ever.

Irish twins my kids are literally 11 months and 6 days apart

I’ll just say it Congrats :partying_face: lol

It’s possible take another test if no period still in a week or two. Remember it’s the holidays you got a 9 month old baby so it could be stress related also.

Possible to get pregnant less than a month after giving birth no joke my boys are less than 11 months apart.

I was pregnant. Irish twins.

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Grab a test from the dollar tree, I know it sounds odd, but they work great for early detection. I found out at 5 weeks with one of those tests


Are your periods normally just 3 weeks apart?

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It’s always a possibility if you are sexually active test with your morning pee. But also keep in mind it can take the body time to get back on a cycle


Are you breast feeding??

i dont think so, mine always starts on the 15th sane day every month. so maybe yours will too.

It’s very possible. Ask for a blood test from your doctor.

My periods became irregular after I had my last baby. I can go 1-3mos at a time without one.

I conceived around Oct. 22nd of last year and tested Nov. 30th and it was positive as soon as the pee hit the test. Maybe give it another week or so…

If the first day of your last period was October 28th you’d only be 3 weeks and 1 day, which may not necessarily pick up on a pregnancy test that early. if you don’t get your period within the next week i would take another test, make sure it’s with your first morning urine for best results since HCG is typically higher in the mornings. I hope you get the results you’re hoping for!! Best of Luck Hun!

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Are you nursing your baby ?

I’m sure one of the people in this group could tell u


It is possible. But it does take a while for your body to go back to normal after having a baby. It could just be a weird cycle and your body adjusting. If you are breastfeeding it could be even more inconsistent. There are a lot of factors. If you don’t start soon and tests are negative and you aren’t breastfeeding then talk to your dr.


My kiddos are 14 months apart… they lied when they said you can’t get pregnant while nursing :woman_facepalming:t3:


I mean you are extra fertile a few weeks after your pregnancy

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I got pregnant when my baby was 3 months old.

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Maybe it’s just a couple days late?

Go get a blood test :joy:

Do you normally only have like 20 day cycles?

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According to my crystal ball :crystal_ball: if you had sex you could be pregnant.

I have a son and a daughter that are 11 months apart. Yes, you could be if you’re sexually active and dont use protection. The breastfeeding thing is a myth. I breastfed all my kids and i have an 11 month gap, 17 month gap, and 23 month gap.


Don’t mean to sound rude , but no one is this group will know if your pregnant…. Take another test first thing in the morning if it says negative make a doctors appointment so he can send you for blood work

Possibly. I’d wait another week and test again

Normally Cycles are 28 days. I truly never heard of 20 days, unless you have irregular periods then you should go to drs.

You could be pregnant but your baby is still very young so your hormones could still be regulating. I had one period when babe was 4 months then it stopped until he was 7 months and then I had it regular again

First of all, I’m assuming you have had sex. But when? If it was a few days ago it might be too early to tell. Give it another Week and if no periods go to your doctor and get tested

I took a test at the end of sept and it came back negative took at test literally 2 weeks late came back positive. Our due date is Jun 22. #ourrainbowbaby

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Could I be pregnant? - Mamas Uncut

You should probably book an appointment with your doctor just to safe.


You could be. If you don’t get your period in the next couple days take another test FIRST MORNING PEE. Idc what anyone says. Ur first pee is the best pee. :wink: good luck


I’m happy to answer since I have my internet degree.

I’d see a dr.


It is very possible " as you know everyone is different , I had my period for 3 months in a row and was pregnant the entire time. You just never know

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I found the cheap dollar tree tests worked the best. I agree with always using first morning pee, as it will give clearest results.


My last weird was the same day. I found out a week early

My last weird was the same day. I found out a week early

If you always ovulated 13 days after, then ovulated 7 days late, your period will be delayed 7 days as your luteal phase very rarely changes unless there’s hormone issues. You may be and it may not be showing up yet on a home test.

It might be to early to test , call dr and get blood test


Hmm yeah we all can predict whats going on with your body… Go take a blood test lol


Yes you are. Make an appointment soon

As long as you’re having sex, especially unprotected, there’s always a chance you can be pregnant. I would go in to have blood work done to see if you are.

Is your cycle like clock work?

My ovulation prediction is off on apps by at least 3 days. I’d go by the OPK. Have you tried different brands of test? Honestly cheap pink dye. ones seem to do best. You can call and see if they’ll do a blood test?

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Yes. There’s always a possibility

My cousin could become one of those shows, ‘I didn’t know I was pregnant!’ Recently, she was taken to the ER because her mom thought she has a GallBladder or a Appendicitis. They told her she was in active labor. She told them she wasn’t pregnant, they told her yes you are. Always had a spotty period, never real regular, only gained about 7 lbs., she is a little heavy but not real bad. Thank the lord he is a very healthy baby boy, full term and all. Don’t ask me more because I don’t see her much and haven’t wanted to really pry. But still, as everyone has said, check with your Dr. please.


It’s probably implantation bleeding

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How is ur period late when according to u u had a period


I had negative tests until 2 days before I went to get screened for cancer and I had a positive blood test I was 4 weeks when they found out

Can’t say it’s not possible. It is. But if you bled and multiple pregnancy tests are coming out negative, you’re most likely not pregnant

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I was supposed to have my period the week of October 26 but that was when I ended up ovulating! Found out when I was a week late I was pregnant and thought that I was 7 weeks when I went to doctors but was only 5… it is totally possible

Im willing to bet the vast majority of us are not medical professionals qualified to answer this question… go to the doctors or wait a week or 2 and test again.

I had implantation bleeding when I was pregnant just had a Gush of blood and I thought it was my period I took a test neg waited a week. Positive 1-2 weeks

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You could be but, I had the same situation and I just had a light period that month. I also work in a hospital as a surgical tech.

You know who would know? A doctor.


Honestly I enjoy being apart of this page but I can’t stand the “am I pregnant” well… there’s a few ways to find out. Take a test, if it’s negative, wait a couple days and test again. Otherwise go to your doctor for a blood test. It’s literally common sense. You shouldn’t be asking these questions🤦🏼‍♀️


Girl we don’t know, go to a Dr


Do you want to be pregnant? If so, wait a week and test again. Cross your fingers.

If not - go to the doctor NOW. Urgent care can do blood tests if necessary. If you’re quick enough it’s as simple as taking a pill to induce your period.

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