Could I be pregnant?

Yes, you COULD be! The best way to find out is to take a test, and if you mean the 14th of May, I’d wait a couple more weeks. Or get a blood test.

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Honestly it’s a good chance. I used to follow my ovulation and I decided to have sex a few days before thinking I will be ok and then the next month i had two little pink lines on a stick! I hope you have! Good luck to you and your spouse!!

I had sex lastnight could I be pregnant

Sperm can live in the vagina for like 5 days

If your périodes are mate take a test

Omg…how old are you?? Guess what sweetie…everytime you have sex and don’t use protection, you risk the chance of getting pregnant…Just an FYI in case you didnt know :roll_eyes:

relax and wait a few weeks

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I mean you did have sex so you can always maybe be pregnant :woozy_face:

If you are pregnant you can get a positive pregnancy test 14 days or less after

I guess you should take a test next month to see. It’s possible



Sperm lives for up to 5 days inside the body . So you actually are more likely to conceive if you have intercourse in the days leading up to ovulation day as the egg released starts to die after 36-48 hours so naturally it’s more likely if there is sperms there waiting on it when it releases from the ovary

I think sperm can live in you for up to 5 days.

The term “fall pregnant” and “fell pregnant” is commonly used in some parts of the world. Maybe we shouldn’t be making fun of that term…


Google will tell you that ovulation days vary and that sperm can live inside you for days

Wait and take a test. There isn’t 1 solid answer that works for everyone

It will happen when Abba thinks you are ready

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Someone sits in an office and makes this shit up.

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There is absolutely NO way to know when you ovulated without being monitored by your specialist.


I’m guessing if you’re recording when you’re ovulating, you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while. Take a deep breath, and relax. Some tests can give you an accurate result in about 3 weeks, or the week before your period is due.

There is a good chance, if all the conditions on the inside are all good.


You should ask your ob/gyn.

get a pregnancy test or go to the doctors? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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The responses in these comments are sickening. So many people out there struggle with infertility and anxiety surrounding getting pregnant.
It costs literally zero dollars to be nice. Sincerely hope none of y’all bitter witches have children


If you definitely ovulated when you expected to it is still possible as sperm is still able to impregnate up to 48 hours after ejaculation

Gosh please don’t have a child


You could get pregnant any time. Wait 2 weeks then test

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Some cab feel when your body is about to ovulate.
I say wait until your missed period and live like you are pregnant. Vitamins and all.


When sperm are inside women’s body, they can live for up to 5 days. If you’re a man and you have sex even a few days before your partner ovulates, there’s chance they may get pregnant

Have more sex and morein about a month if you do not get the visitor, You can be so have fun.

I got pregnant just looking at my man’s weiner, so yes, yes their is maybe a huge possibility you could be pregnant, probably.


Slim to none wait and see

It honestly sickens me how many trolls are on the “mom support groups”. Not everyone has a proper understanding of sexual education. And you know what that’s perfectly okay. This woman asked a question wanting to know the chances if other moms thought she could be pregnant. Instead of getting support y’all are being so cruel. Being a mom, wanting to be pregnant, and all the struggles with being a woman is already hard enough. Don’t join a support group if all you’re going to do is spread negativity. I’m honestly so disgusted I will be removing myself from this group. I wish all of you mommas the very best for you and your babies.

For the lady that asked this question I would definitely take a test in the next month. If you are trying for a baby I pray you get your baby and have a healthy pregnancy and easy delivery. :yellow_heart:


How long have you been trying? With unprotected sex there is always a chance maybe a slim one but still a chance. Give it 2 weeks and take a test.

Chances are pretty good because semen can remain active and viable for almost a week, inside a woman.

Sperm can live inside you for days , it’s possible.

Just because you have sex during ovulation it doesn’t mean your automatically pregnant. Sometimes it takes months, years, etc. please do research.

Definitely a possibility… I did the deed on March 18th and ovulated around the 20th of March. I’m now 9 weeks. Fingers crossed for you.


You don’t have to have sex when you ovulate to get pregnant, just within 7 days of ovulation.

If you’re trying to get pregnant, I’d be having sex more often than that.

Ovulation starts the 13th day as soon as you start your period.

Sperm can last 24 hours in you or on your clothes

My suggestion is don’t think about it because your thinking about it and calculating it, then it will put more stress on your body then it won’t happen then you will get frustrated and your making the deed more into a more of a schedule to do it then you can fall pregnant, relax its meant to be an enjoyable thing between you and your partner not a stressful experience or on a schedule to do it. Make plans to go away for the weekend or the week through the summer and just relax have fun be spontaneous or rather going away just be more spontaneous surprise him wear something kinky or do something different spice things up in the bedroom just have fun and don’t think about it.


3 days before, day of and 3 days after highest risk of getting pg.


Sperm can survive a couple days inside you so there could be a possibility of you being pregnant

Absolutely possible… especially with a girl because girl sperm live longer than boys…

Sperm can live up to five days so high chance.

If you have to ask a whole bunch of strangers about your own body, maybe you should reconsider procreation. Just sayin


I hope you’re pregnant if that’s what you’re hoping and praying for :heart:


From what I remember there is a few days where ovulation occurs and you can be fertile and it is entirely some swimmers are still ready to meet their prize. From memory doing Family Planning eg no unnatural contraceptives. It is a window of about 3 or 4 days. Good luck!


Pretty good and will be a girl.


Your chances of getting pregnant 2 days before ovulation are actually higher than on the day of ovulation🙂


Sperm can survive up to 5 days. :slightly_smiling_face: Fingers crossed it’s your cycle. Xx :heart:

Sperm lives 72 hours. Just saying

You could be take a test here in a few days and see best of luck to you if thats what your wanting is to get pregnant I hope you do get pregnant or are pregnant sending baby dust your way

Considering that sperm can live inside a womens body for up to 5 days then I would say there’s a chance you could get pregnant

Swimmers can stay alive inside women for a while.

Swimmers can survive up to 5 days waiting for the egg :relaxed:

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If you know for sure you ovulated the 16 then there’s a 30% chance (same as every month) but if you’re relying on an app to guess then it could be way off. I ovulated a week before the app guessed I would based on ultrasound dating. I would just wait for your next period and if it’s late, test.

Ovulation matters??? and i told my man. Imagine if we had heats like our dogs and that’s the only time we could get pregnant. Guess we do have “heats” :joy: I’m buzzed leave me alone lol

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Take a test and you may need to wait several months for the BC to fully clear your system. Get some ovulation tests and then start checking daily.

I got my IUD taken out December 4th by late January I was pregnant

I got off birth control and didn’t have a period for about 6mo. I think it’s your bodies way of getting back without the hormones

I got pregnant the same week I got my mirena taken out and I started a period once it was removed and still got pregnant while having that period.

Yes you could b it happened to me

It is possible to already be pregnant. Heck I got pregnant while on birth control. I’d recommend waiting another month and then taking a pregnancy test. Sometimes your body just wants to take its time to adjust to you no longer being on birth control before you get your period back. Sometimes your pregnant.

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I went off birth control and did not ever get a period before testing positive, was pregnant immediately after stopping them.

2 reasons. Pregnant or body trying get bk into a ryhthem wit bo B.C x

I got pregnant without a period coming off b/c not the pill though, but its deff possible

Yep! You can get pregnant without a period. As long as you ovulated.

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Stopped in September was pregnant in October. I was on the pill for 4 yrs. You definitely could be pregnant.

It may take some time for your body to get back to a normal cycle after stopping birth control. Reach out to your doctor.

I got pregnant the same month I quit taking my birth control…u could be …take a test

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You could be it happen to me.

Yes, but also you have manipulated hormones for a long time. Your body will take some time to get back to a normal state, so treating your body as if you were until you can take a test is a good idea.

You cpuld be pregnant but it could be hormones from the bc. I was on mirena for 5 yrs ans i did get pregnant quickly but bc of the hormones still in my body i had a early miscarriage. Told it can take up to a year for those hormones to normalize. And it did take another 9 months from that miscarriage to have a successful pregnancy for me. And you can get pregnant before your period returns as i have experienced myself after my 1st child. Lol i never had a period and of course ovulated bc thats what our bodies do and an egg was fertilized and i was pregnant again 3 months pp.

Pregnant off the pill one month later
Pregnant off depo one year to the day of first bleed after stopping, so actually 1.5 years

As long as you did the deed and as long as you ovulated, there’s always a chance you could be pregnant.

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it could take awhile for your period to come back. You said about a month ago. So it hasn’t even been a full month. Also you could be pregnant.


You can track how many times you had unprotected sex and then you can make a guess as to when it happened.

But no real way of knowing. Bc even on birth control its not 100%

If you’re having sex, there’s always a chance you could be pregnant even on birth control. Go to a doctor and get a more legitimate test.

It takes 6 months to regulate hormones after ending birth control.

Sounds like you’re going to start soon… 6 days late would definitely have a positive by now


Happened to me and I’m now 21 weeks pregnant! Try another test in a few days! Good luck!:four_leaf_clover:

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Nothing to worry about until there is something to worry about. Eat right, get your rest, take care of your mental health, and put pregnancy out of your mind. Listen to your body and figure out what is going on with you. Give it a week and time will tell. If you’re pregnant, be happy you are healthy. If you’re not, get to the bottom of you health concerns own way and the other. First things first. You.


Could be stress, weight gain/loss, change in lifestyle, medication and several other things. Give it a few more days to a week and if you still don’t get a period, retest. If it still comes out negative, go to your doctor for a blood test. In the meantime, RELAX.


I spotted with dark brown and a little too with both! & you can take the early missed preg tests at the Walgreens, Walmart

I seriously question who writes these in sometimes

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Birth control could be causing this. Also your period might be trying to start. I missed my period last month and started over the weekend and it started out just droplets went from light pink to red to dark red to brown mixture droplets and then that night it officially started in a flow.

Sounds like the start of your period.

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Could be that. Mine always starts slow like that and weird. And never on time

Go to the doctor; they will have you pee in a cup and you’ll know for sure.

Take another test…$ store has them.

Alor of stuff can cause this….

What does your doctor say

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There is any number of things that can cause those symptoms

I hope your outcome is what you want but brown blood is just a indicator that its old. Tubes tied here and my periods every month start and end with brown blood.


If you have brown blood I’d seek medical advice

Sometimes it is too early for some ppls pee to tell in a pee test. Maybe ask your primary about a blood test.

I’m on the pill and I may have a period that’s spotting or a may not have one for 3 months. Just wait and take another test.

Why don’t you go to your dr who can tell you for sure not people on fb

Go to the doctor and not social media to find out.