Could I have been pregnant?

I had my iud removed 2 weeks ago cause it had shifted and my strings were messed up. Before the removal I had nausea, lightheaded, and slipped a period. I had talked to my dr and gotten an appointment and we chalked it up to the iud being messed up. I started bleeding today and I had a huge clot in the toilet. About half the size of my palm. My question is does anyone think I could have been pregnant or is it simply because of my iud being messed up and missed a period? Before the removal I literally had the same symptoms with my two successful pregnancies. I’m lost right now waiting on my drs office to call back if anyone’s wondering.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Could I have been pregnant?

I used a mirena ius twice for 4 years each time and never experienced this. Honestly I know it sounds gross but I’d take that clot for a biopsy and also ask for an ultrasound to make sure everything is how it should be.

Depending on how long it was in. After I got off BC I had a similar clot and took it to the dr and had it biopsied, he said it was old blood from being on the pill so long


Get blood work to check hormone levels. It could also show levels dropping if you were pregnant and lost a child. Knowing your blood RH factor is important. If you were pregnant and have negative blood type you will need a shot to prevent any further miscarriages. Anyone with a negative blood type will know about this.

You could go to the doctor and have an ultrasound done. This happened during my first trimester, I lost a lot of blood, thought I had miscarried. ER doctor told me it’s normal.

When I miscarried at 2 months, it came out in one piece. I could distinguish baby in sac and placenta. Afterwards, I passed clots for a few days.

I had a huge clot and i messaged a few friends who experienced something similar and they just said that because the period was irregular it came out in a bigger clump. My period then was 2 weeks early not late though.

My friend had the same issue and it was so bad she thought she has miscarried but they said it was common to have that happen

Which IUD? I had the Mirena and when it was removed I wound up blowing clots.

I got pregnant with my IUD. But it has been in for 7 years

it depends on how long the iud was in for…i had mine in for years and had to get mine taken put due to it being stuck in the cerix…the clots are very normal and is just build up from the uterus. it took a good 2 weeks for it all to stop lol it was gross.

but if it doesnt stop obviously talk to your provider

IUD removal. If it persists call your obgyn.

nah im pretty sure miscarriages are painful?

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Take a pregnancy test. It might still read positive


I had alot if pain with a DUI and got itpregrant right away but contact your on Dr they have a lot of information the am most peo removed got ole do

I fell pregnant 7 days after having mine removed! Definitely possible

It could be just your body getting use to not having it so your uterus is shedding more

I only lasted on the IUD for like a week before I had to have them take it out so I’m not sure but miscarrying I have done and I had bad cramps with it along with the clots. If it had shifted you could have been pregnant but if your Dr did a blood test it should have picked it up, even super early (I was like 3 weeks pregnant when I found out this time).

You can take a pregnancy test to find our