Could my spouse be cheating?

If you are questioning it the answers definitely is

Check the phone bill, track him. Lmao I would. Life360 I think it’s called. Or if you have an iPhone I think there’s something set up where you can track any of your contacts that also have iPhone. It sounds like he’s cheating, but what the heck do I know.

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I mean I play devils advocate here. You were in a parking lot right? Personally I know my cars Bluetooth doesn’t hook up if I’m more than a few feet away from my car. Theres no way my car would pick up my phone inside a store. It’s more than possible that someone else’s phone hooked up to your cars blue tooth tho. I mean that’s possible. Most of these passwords are 8 0s or 1s so it’s not unreasonable. But stay at work hours late is fishy af to me. I’d be checking on that.


Trust your intuition.
Look into it.


Go to his provider application under history go to call history and it gives you alll the incoming and outgoing calls . Check the time you saw it at and figure who that is .

Yes I got cheated on yes i found out this way.


Listen to your gut, it never lies. Go to his work and see if he is there when it’s normal time to get off. Do some research :sunglasses: check his call history on your bill.


That’s all mine did before I caught him cheating :pensive:
Caught him with the car connection too

Check your phone bill. It will tell you if he had a call and a number. He could have even erased the call history so check your phone bill online. There will be phone numbers, dates, times and minutes as well as texts.


Trust your gut… it’s never wrong


The same thing happened to me on a Bluetooth speaker I had playing music on and a call entered my phone and I quickly disconnected it my “husband” (before I get shitted on we aren’t together he’s not letting go after his actions/betrayal/lies) didn’t like that and accused me of cheating and YES the answer is yes I am talking to someone. So yes he is cheating on you.

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I second checking the phone bill, note the time of day and what day it was.


Show up after his hours are suppose to be done see with your own eyes what your gut is already telling you


Prior to the Bluetooth incident, did you suspect he was being unfaithful? My husband and I have had weirdness happen with our phones and Bluetooth, but never anything that sounded like a call connected. Check your phone records, they usually have those on your online account where you can see every call sent/received. Look to see if there is a call from that time frame and compare it to his call history. I don’t trust the phone call history even when no one is being suspicious. I can call my husband 5x back to back, and it will show on his side I called once.
Also consider the fact job, depending on his job, working late isn’t unbelievable. I worked an 8-5 job and there were times I didn’t get home until 9ish. :woman_shrugging:t4:
However, I am a firm believer in intuition, so if you believe he’s being unfaithful he probably is. My intuition has NEVER been wrong. I’d just do a little more detective work to verify because I like to know all the facts before confronting the issue.


Trust your gut you can either communicate with him let him know how you feel and be OK with what he tells you if you trust him or you can go though his phone still tell him how you feel and let him know you want to go through his phone and if he has nothing to hide then he wouldn’t mind not sure about his phone but on mines my trash message get save for up to 30 day same with my picture check his block box and block messages if he blocks a number while his with you he still get the messages and they go to the block box and he can read them later when he unblocks saw it on tic tok

Check his paycheck to see if there is overtime on it!


Is he being paid to stay late every day??? Red flag


Follow that gut. Hes cheating.


Listen to your gut! You know something is wrong! You just need the proof for your own self. Go get it!


He found someone else. Move on or step your game up. No one wants vanilla. Neopolitan is best

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Check the phone bill


Check the phone bill and also check his paystubs to match the hours he works to how much he got paid/ hours he said he worked. Trust your gut


Those are definitely classic red flags. :frowning:

I mean unless he’s the type to plan extravagant complex surprises, but if he were you’d have already written it off as that. :confused:

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He’s messing sround doing something.

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Could be cheating. Could be surprising you with something. Could be medical issue, mental issue, Could just be none of your business. Lol seriously, if you dont trust him over one thing like this, you shouldn’t be with him :woman_shrugging:t2:
The amount of comments that jump straight to “ he is cheating, move on” is ridiculous🤦🏻‍♀️


My bf of 4 years was calling me all the time, texting all day, leaving for work when he was supposed to, coming home from work when he was supposed to and he was cheating. I went to take him lunch and the girl was meeting him in the parking lot of his job.


Does his paycheck reflect the extra hours? If not, he has not been at work. Get a detailed phone bill or sign in to phone account online and pull the call records for his phone. It will show all calls even if he deleted the call from his phone. You can also check the trash bin on his phone he may not know to empty that as well. The trash bin holds text, calls, photos and documents deleted for 30 days.

Intuition usually doesn’t lie. My momma always says, if something doesn’t feel right, it’s for a reason.


Check the bill and you can see the call log


Go to and submit to: be on war of the roses. It’s a segment on their radio show. He always catches the cheaters & he does it so the man/woman doesn’t suspect anything. You want answers Jubal will get it for you.


call a p/i and have him followed. get pics and if he’s cheating on you have a plan for yourself and your kids. Don’t let him get away with it. Go to your bank and make sure you have access to the funds too. If you catch my drift. Dont’ let the snake get away with all the cash you’ll need to get a good lawyer too have all the ness. records you need to prove in court whatever to help your case too …


Turn the location on on his phone, and the next time he’s late, show up where he’s at. Bet you find what you’re looking for…


Get a copy of numbers being used from the phone bill I also know you can get copies of text messaging too my dad used to do it to me when I was younger

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My advice, if you feel like something is off deep down inside you, then don’t brush it off. You’re having that feeling for a reason


So listen. He’s working late? Does the paycheck reflect the time that he’s away from you?


Change your message from SO to SOB! He’s clearly up to no good. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t hide his stuff. My husband could look at my cell phone or computer anytime you wants…If he even wanted to. If your gut tells you something’s off then guess what honey, something is off


He’s cheating for sure

Holy crap talk to him ask him if he’s okay and tell him how you feel that he is distant lately and you’re worried about him. It doesn’t sound like he’s cheating it could have been nothing with the phone it could have just happened. Communication is better than worrying yourself sick assuming


Got to be yrust on both sides get counseling

Follow your gut! Look on your phone bill and see who’s number it is. Call them. Just be sure before you bring it up to him. Act like you have no clue until you do!


I would see if you two could possibly get out for a date night just the two of you and see if you’re able to initiate a conversation about your feelings and see how he reacts usually a man that is doing wrong will get on the defense mode instead of denying any of it first… best of luck to you it’s tough being a mom of 2 and keeping that flame :fire: going in your relationship but if you show him your down to have a civil conversation and see if there’s anywhere you’re lacking then he should use that to be truthful and to not cause any additional problems or a fight. You got this :pray:t4::two_hearts:

So I know my car automatically hooks up to Bluetooth as well and sometimes if I open my phone and hit the talk to text button it connects to the Bluetooth and acts like I am calling myself like my phone number dials and it hangs up when I hit the back button to stop the recording. So maybe that’s what happened? But if you feel something happened I would look more into it just to get a peace of mind.


Women have intuition for a reason. And it’s rarely if ever wrong.

Take your instinct, that never fails.

I would follow him. Also you can look in his settings to see where he has been.

:eyes: …yall let’s go help her…I’ll drive.


Call history’s should be online in yours acct history. Or, you call the provider & ask for an email if call the history.
If you feel off, something isn’t right.


Get positive proof, when, where, who. Make a plan on what and where you want to proceed. This has to be calculating, never ever scream at him, or cry in front of him. This is pay back time.


You know he’s not working late. As someone had said, check the phone records. Better still, get a babysitter and watch for him leaving work. He’s not going to admit it if he’s having an affair. You need to be detective here. Once you have the truth you can make an informed decision.


Go through your phone records. Take time off of work and follow him.

You can look at your phone call history through your service provider online, its pretty easy! Even if he deleted it off his phone it will still show up on the history. If you pay through an app or something like that you can do it through that.

Mmmm… he is cheating.

Check ur phone company girl, the data or texts/calls!

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Gut feelings are real

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Go to his work… when his working late… just check in… if he’s not there than yes he’s cheating


Ummm I think your intuition is telling you what you already figured out …


In my opinion if his pattern change in quit some time he up to no his moves every day I try to connect what is going on.learn from the past if love making went out the door abit then you can bet there is a replace ment.if he jump on and gets off from the love pattern then he’s just keeping you from Suspicion

Intuition and gut feelings are usually right… I’d definitely get creative and look into it further to be sure before causing a scene. But you’re not paranoid. He’s gaslighting you. If you SAW the Bluetooth connect to the call, & he deleted it and claimed there was “never a call” he’s definitely hiding something.

Let him go he will lie to get out of it save yourself the heartache

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I wouldn’t always go by the call cuz I’ve had that happen with my car and phone. I would look at his checks and see about overtime or get someone to watch the kids and spy on him

I mean if his paycheck hasn’t changed then you already know your answer… if you need proof then either contact your phone company or follow him after work in a friends car :woman_shrugging:t2:


Men sometimes think they have a right to be foot loose and fancy free and made up stories have a way of bringing their actions into the light of day ask him if he would like being in the center of a full lock down investigation.

Car tracker ! Works
Found mine cheating that way

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I’m not making excuses what so ever. My phone also Bluetooth to my car and this exact thing has happened to me multiple times. It also don’t show on my phone as a missed call or even a answered or ignored call it’s like it auto answered in my car but my phone wasn’t showing anything and immediately disconnected. My phone shows nothing but once I got back to my car the screen in my car showed the call that was the only way I knew there was even a call each time this had happened. Maybe he isn’t lieing and his phone/car is doing the same as mine did. Have him connect it to the car to show him the answered/missed call on the car screen. Also my husband is a service tech and sometimes he is off by 4 and others it can be 10 pm so maybe he isn’t lieing to you maybe he really is working and maybe the call really didn’t go to him maybe the car accepted the call and immediatly hung up. Be honest and talk to him .

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  1. Check his pay stubs. Is he really working overtime ?? Take it from there. OR… is there any other reason you DON’T trust him ???
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Sounds like it… Yep I’d be doin some research yep I’m crazy like that


Pay attention. Something else is going on.

If he has an iPhone unlock it with his face when he’s asleep that’s how i found my boyfriend was cheating on me and made sex videos with 10 women that were not me. Raw.

Is it normal for him to actually work late? My husband sometimes doesn’t want to have sex even though his sex drive can be really high so I wouldn’t worry to much about that unless it’s been over a month. But with everything you have said it does sound suspicious. What kind of job does he do?

Just investigate it. Look at paystubs look at bank account if shared I mean talk him into Life360 if he doesn’t have anything to hide he won’t mind joining?:woman_shrugging:t3: don’t assume just do your own investigation and believe me everything comes to light eventually. Nothing stays in the dark. :v:t3:


Check his call log online :woman_shrugging:t3:

Listen to your intuition. It’s always right.


I’ve had other people’s phones try to connect to our cars bluetooth. Even heard conversations a time or two.

Definitely cheating!!!

You guys are all psychotic whys it always come down to assuming the man is cheating? :joy::joy: Leave him alone and let that man work. You either want a busy man , or a broke man.

And over a phone call connecting to bluetooth ? Ive had people walk Past my car and their phones connect. Lol

When you love someone you can sense when something isn’t right. Trust your gut and keep tabs. Liars can’t keep up with their own lies.

I’ve used “Google” or “Siri” and it will connect to the cars audio like I’m using a phone. I’d check his pay stubs or his call log (the one you can request from the phone company) if you’re really that concerned


Trust your intuition :heart:

Idk what y’all are talking about with others phones connecting to your car bc I usually have mine connected for music and no one else interferes with mine ever