Custody question

Schedule pickup is every other Friday at 6pm. If I offer up my Saturday-Sunday in order to get him to pick up our son at 8:30 instead on a Friday . And he says yes. & takes my Saturday & Sunday. Can he change his mind later on and pick up our son at 6?

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Custody question

Do u have court orders currently ??

Really regardless he can change his mind

Only way to truly change a custody agreement is through the courts.

This is why things need to be thru court. If u guys have a court order already then stick to what the order says n not switching it up for there’s no issues later on.

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If there is already a court order in place then yes he can just change his mind. But if he does that then he wouldn’t be able to have your Saturday and sunday. He cant just do what he wants.its either gotta gony the court order or you 2 have to agree.

I guess my question is. Why are you giving up your Saturday and Sundays? Are you working or is it for you time? Is it through the court or just a verbal agreement? Because I mean honestly why make him wait 2 1/2 more hours to get him if you are already giving him your days?

My court papers (In Ohio) state that we can change the times, but they have to be 24 hours in advance. If we can’t agree, it goes based on the paper. If he is even an hour late picking up my child I can refuse his visitation (If he did not give me a 24 hour notice and I would happen to work and drop him off at a sitter)

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Don’t deviate from the court order. It can and will be used against you. Doesn’t matter if he agrees now, that’s playing with fire.

If I am reading right then yes.

Unless the courts say you can’t, the custodial and non custodial parent can make whatever agreement they want. They can deviate from their order as long as they both agree. Sometimes they even actually include that language in the order.
The order is the required schedule that must be followed when the two parents do not agree.
Example. So your ex gets 1st, 3rd, 5th weekends. Pickup and drop off times are 6pm. Say he gets off at 3 and says hey, can I just pick them up from school on my Fridays?
Unless yall have been told he cannot have extra time, then you are free to say “yeah sure, go ahead and pick them up from school on your fridays”
If you don’t agree with that because you want to see them Friday evening before they leave, that’s fine too. But you do have to let him get them at 6, per your order.
Family codes do vary by state. I am in Texas.
You should be able to find an attorney that offers free consultations if you don’t already have one, and set up a consultation. They can take a look at your actual order and answer your question.