Cute pregnancy announcement ideas?

How did everyone announce pregnancy to their immediate families? Especially parents since baby will be first grandchild for both of our families. We’re struggling coming up with an idea on how to surprise them with our big news!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Cute pregnancy announcement ideas?

Through a dinner party and get everything cooks in baby sizes make it a game

I just announced my daughter due this year with her ultrasound and a onesize. This is mine. I didn’t announce her til I knew what she would be.

We announced at Easter. We hollowed out eggs and put little notes inside each one and sent them on an egg hunt to find the egg with their names on it—- each note inside the egg said “a little birdie told me your going to be….” And then we added a grandma/a grandpa or an aunt/uncle to the end of that phrase.


I said, “I’m pregnant.”


I got a bag with a card and cute baby elephant blankie, they only had pink and I had a boy lol

My 6 yr old granddaughter recently asked me if I took the “test”. When I asked what test, she replied “You know, like Mommies take a test to see if they’re Mommies, did you take one to see if you’d be a Nana?” :laughing:


I was given a onsie with ultrasound pic in a gift bag told was a gift for me just because

They wrapped the ultrasound pictures around one of my cats. We were in the garage and they said the cat looked like it had something wrong with him. So I went in to find my cat and saw the pictures around the cat. It was so awesome…

Put a bun in the oven and make notes toward where they should look next. Like a scavenger hunt ending in one ending in the oven with “what am I?”. A bun in the oven.

Give them a blue or pink lolly pop
With the same color ribbon wrapped around it

We told the kids with eggs in a basket on Easter.

“I’m pregnant”
The end


A fun one I have seen is to get them together for a group photo and then hit record and say on the count of 3 say (name of the mom to be) is pregnant those are fun to see and you get to record there reactions


We announced earlier this month this way, our youngest will be 3 in less then 2 weeks, we had a miscarriage in July of 2020, we’d been trying but both of us had basically secretly given up… then little marshmallow surprised us! Due September 22nd 2022(That’s what we’ve been calling the baby bc that’s what it looks like on the ultrasound!)

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A box that said choose wisely. Then it had my my name is stickers and we put different names for grandpa

Our dog was our first baby so we used him :rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My parents like scratch offs so I gave them one of these

6 Pack - Authentic Looking 4x6…

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We did ultrasound pics for the first

Second I sent a picture of snuggle this witch and snuggle this wizard for the second then used the boy one a few months later

We have the first grand daughter and grand boy on both sides

A shirt that says “Always read the fine print” fine print will say I’m Pregnant


I’d do a dinner party with them all, and tell them there. Maybe put an ultrasound picture under something

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I enjoyed my daughter coming to me & saying they are expecting. It worked very well with me, as well with all of my friends when their kids were expecting their babies .

Jump on videos and search “family pregnancy announcement” I have watched a TON of them. Anything from scavenger hunts to gifts with baby items. I personally just told my family. I was so scared the first time I told my mom before anyone

I think it’s super cute when you do a theme! I announced around Christmas so I did it with a gift for my family. I’m assuming you just found out so Easter is around the corner! Have a little egg hunt with your parents/in laws anyone you would like to find out and put in the ultrasound or something baby related. I’ve seen “we’re egg-specting” as cute Easter captions lol.


My Son and his Girlfriend announced it it way!:joy:


Since St Pattys day is coming soon you could do something at patty’s day theme! Like maybe “a little leprechaun is trapped and expected to escape on your due date” or make a leprechaun trap together and trap the ultrasound pic. I know it’s corny but you could totally have fun with it if your crafty or can build on my corny idea lol!

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1st was the ultrasound 2nd we did shoes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

This is how my husband told his parents - this was his first baby !

After waiting 6 years from our first daughter we waited until a special occasion (Christmas for us) to put my ultrasound pictures in a card for my mom and aunt but what really brought it together was that my little sister made a shirt that said “My Humping Put The Bump In June 2022” for my husband. My sister is also pregnant (currently in labor as we speak as I post this) and made her husband a shirt as well with their due month on it as well to match.

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I told my mom at lunch one day then showed my dad the ultrasound when he got back into town. We told his mom that she was going to be a grandma and she didn’t believe us :joy: we didn’t do anything special

This is how we did it. We wore those shirts and asked to meet his parents for dinner. My parents live far away so I just told them over the phone.

For my first I had a family party and just wore a shirt that said Mommy to Be and waited for someone to notice…though our parents already knew. My second I gave my first daughter a big sister shirt and ultrasound pictures for her bday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: As for Fb I changed my profile to a pic of ice cream and pickles :rofl::rofl:

Scratch off cute little cards :hugs:

With our first we found our in November. For Thanksgiving we go around the room and say what we are thankful for before we eat. When it was our turn we said we are thankful that next year there will be another member joining our Thanksgiving and pulled out the ultrasound. Both our families were there and almost everyone cried.

Have a family dinner together

St. Patrick’s day. “Luck of the irish”
(Regardless of your nationality)
You’re going to be grandparents.
Get them grandparents shirts.

For my second pregnancy announcement I got little gift boxes and put a pacifier wrapped in some tissue paper and put a note in the box saying something along the lines of are you ready to be called grammie and papa again? Lmao idr the exact thing i put on the note but thats what i did the second time around lol

My husband and I did a shirt reveal for our second. For the first I made onesies for the mom’s.

My brother hid it until they knew the gender and gave us all a shirt with the name on it. Took us a second!

My husband and mother already knew lmao :joy: I couldn’t even do a cute pregnancy announcement. Me and hubby were at ihop and I ran the bathroom cause I had to throw up. My hubby said “pregnant?” :joy: I said uh no. Cause at that time, I hadn’t taken a test but we were trying. And he was joking . We made a bet lol :joy: he said let’s go get a test, I bet it says pregnant. & I said no it won’t… I lost the bet lmao :joy: and when I called my mama, she yelled “Julio! She’s come to realization now?” :sob::sob: