Did anyone breastfeed through their pregnancy?

Has anyone here got pregnant while breastfeeding and continued to breastfeed throughout your pregnancy? We want to start trying to conceive in march but my 1 year old is showing no signs of slowing down on nursing. How did it go once baby was born? Did you tandem nurse? Did your doctor/OB pressure you to wean? Any contractions during let down?

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My son is older but I got pregnant while nursing. I didn’t think he would stop anytime soon. It was at the end of 1st trimester I gradually dried up. He used to nurse to sleep and then all of a sudden stopped. After not getting any out he realized there was no reason to continue. I’m so glad honestly I was having morning sickness and miserably touched out. It helped me mentally and he gained a healthy bedtime routine.

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My son was a little over 2 but nursing consistently when I got pregnant and weaned himself naturally a few months into the pregnancy. It was easy. I was prepared to tandem nurse but didn’t need to. I’ve heard this happen to a few people. I think is because the milk changes again to colostrum. The same thing happened when I got pregnant when my daughter was close to 2 years old

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