Do I need to get permission to change my daughter’s last name to mine/my husband’s last name? She was born before we got married, and she got my last name, but I’m married now with a new baby and haven’t changed my last name yet because I don’t wanna make her feel left out of the family. I’m probably just gonna hyphenate, so I have both last names buy is there any way I can just give her his last name since she has my last name anyway? I live in Utah.
I think you would probably need the dads permission!
You will have to file in court and both you and the father will go in front of the judge ans they will ask both of you and then make a decision
Is the father your husband? If not the father will have to sign off on it.
My husband had to adopt her and bioparent had to sign over rights but im in pa
If she has a different father, then yes I think you will have to get permission. Also how old is she? If she’s not a baby/toddler, I wouldn’t even bother trying to change her last name.
I changed my daughters last name in 96. At that time I was legally allowed to change her name because I had full custody. But my then husband could not adopt because real father was on the live birth certificate. I am sure there has been some changes since then
You should be able to I would call someone like a court or even the hospital and ask how you would go about it, I’m located in utah too.
He needs to adopt at least that’s what I did
It depends on your state but most the time the rule is both parents must agree to the name change unless parent gave up custody
If he isn’t her bio dad, you will need to petition the courts for the name change. Bio father might have to sign off on it depending on the laws in your area. My oldest has his father last name and he is 18. It really hasn’t been an issue. Even with my last name being my husbands and his 2 siblings. Try not to think to far into it.
If it was within 90 days of birth you can call the hospital and tell them there was an error. If longer then you have to file with the courts to change the child’s name. If the child isn’t your husbands then it will make the process harder, you usually will have to take the father to court and have him agree to the change.
We did it when my son was 4. We got married, and I applied for a birth certificate amendment to change his last name. We both had to sign saying he was his father, and that we agreed. Simple. New birth certificate was mailed a few weeks later. Changing his name at school was a pain though, they still had the old last name on file for years!
All you had to say is Utah. It seems you are hung up on what others might think or say, you have a new husband and baby I get it you want to go places and blend in you don’t want the awkward questions when she gets older You didn’t mention if the Bio Dad was in the picture either
Does her father have legal rights to her? Cause that will be a determining factor
State may require paternity test since the child was born out of wedlock. But yes it can be done
No file and he will have to defend why you shouldn’t. If he does show its done. I did it.
Baby. If. You. Don’t. Have. Dads. Last. Name. On. It. Get. Birth. Cirtificate. Fill. Out. Put. His. Name. In. Fathers. Name. My. Son. And. Daughter. In. Law. Did.
We did my grandson in CA, we went to the online Courthouse filled in the docs, ran it in the paper 3 weeks in a row, had in served, his grandpa showed up but judge granted anyway.
Is her dad on the birth certificate? Then yes you need his permission.
You should be able to have him sign an acknowledge of paternity
Then re-apply for.a new birth certificate after signing and then ssn card.
You’ll need his & a judges permission. If he agrees & nobody comes forward to say you’re doing it for illegal reasons the judge is going to sign off on it. It will cost you. Personally id hyphenate your & all your kids names. He can hyphenate his to match if he wishes. The tradition of a woman having to change to her husband’s name is to show ownership. Show equality by creating your own family name.
In Georgia, changing your name is cumbersome. For my daughter, who I initially had full custody over, to change her last name (even with a judges order that I had sole custody) I would have to post in the paper for several weeks and it go uncontested plus pay fees. The same goes for my husband just to add Senior to his name since we’ve had a son and named him a junior on his birth certificate. Good luck.
Yeah for me I had to have his dad’s signature. Well that was impossible so left it until he was 18. His name was hyphenated but didn’t matter.
My daughter got two middle names one my grandmother’s and one my mom’s and mine and then her daughter got her first name a middle name and both last names is her legal name it’s cool to do that
I believe so…but that’s if the father is noted on the birth certificate and he’s involved and such.
me an my so aren’t married and our daughter is 10 months old
She has his last name I wrote it on the birth certificate
My friends daughter gave her son her grandmas last name. Her dad was out of the picture, mom had her exes last name girl didnt want that name as the stepdad molested her. So her son has g-mas last name.
Where i live if hes not on the birth certificate. He has no rights. He basically doesn’t exist unless hes on the birth certificate.
He would have to adopt child in order for child to take his last name. In wisconsin the biological father has to have had no attempt at contact ( visits phone calls or letters) for a full year before it would be granted
yes i did her father did not want to we chased him down one day litterly and my daughter yelled out the window drop dead needless to say he signed
Yes go to the courthouse
I’m sure it has to go through courts. They issue a new birth certificate or court order . Then you do SS and all other places
Let me just say, if your child is old enough to be used to her current last name, this is a discussion you need to have with your child before you just do it. I had my mother’s maiden name until I was 11 or 12. My mom was in Court for some stuff and had my last name changed to my step dads last name with no mention to me before hand. I hated it and wanted it changed back. It did not help that he was the worst kind of person. He beat my mom, abused my brother (his son) drank, did drugs and smoked. He never abused me because the one time he raised his hand to me I told him if he did I would tell my grandfather and he was afraid of my grandfather. My point is, the name change affects your child so consider the child and talk to them first before you do it. I was stuck with that loosers last name until I married at 20. They have been divorced for years and she remarried before I got married and still I was stuck with the loosers last name.
Contact the health department where you live as they hold the official birth records and issue the certificates. There are some instances you can change the name without needing a court order. If dad is on the birth certificate or signed a paternity affidavit when the child was born I imagine you could change it. Otherwise you would need a court order to change a name.
why dont you people seek legal opinions instead of laymens views?
I believe you can petition the court. It’s usually simple process if everyone is in agreement
All you have to do is get a lawyer, he will draw up the papers. It will be posted in the paper to make sure she has no debts. It takes a few week and you will get the paper with her new name. Changed my sons last son was 4 at the time and had no debts but it has to be posted just incase. There is a fee.