Do the Makena shots work?

so I had my first son at 30 weeks, currently 19 weeks with my second. my OB has put me on the MAKENA shots to prevent preterm labor… Has anyone else been on these & how was your experience? did they work for you?

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I have not personally used them but I know two people who have and one had three babies no complications and one had a baby in the nicu for a short amount of time that’s all I can share

I took the shots with all three kids and I can’t say for a fact that they work because I also combined it with lots of bed rest. So I will say that until you are out of the woods with your baby (at least 32 weeks), try to take the shots but also stay off of your feet and get rest. Best of luck to you
Edit: they are a bit painful as it’s intravenous. So they rotate hips every week. I did experience a bit of pain and aches by the time I got up to about week 30 as it was continuous shots on my hips.

I’ve never had to use them but i know my friends and family have had steroid shots to help the baby be perpared for early birth

I did with my third, had to be induced cause he didn’t want to come out :confused:

Do not use the birth control shots it only works for a year but you will find the beginnings of minimal hair loss ; just use the regular pull-out method and know your cycle as of when not to have sex.

I had it with 3 of my 4 pregnancies yes it helps but the same time your body will dow hate it wants either way

I just got a few shots at the hospital then i was put on a pill from 31wks too 36

With my first, my water broke at 31 &6 & I stayed in the hospital till I was induced at 34 weeks. My second, I was on them because of this & I still went into labor at 35 weeks on my own.

I had one preterm baby (28 weeks) so they put me on the shots with my second pregnancy. Ended up carrying a week past my due date, then I went into labor naturally before they could talk about inducing me.

I had my first son at 28 weeks they gave me these shots with my second some and he still came early he was born 31 weeks

I’ve had the makenna shots because both my pregnancies were high risk due to uterus malformation and a placenta abruption. The shots didn’t necessarily help pre term labor but was designed to help development of the major organs for early delivery. Had my daughter not had those shots (born at 29 weeks); she would have been in the NICU another month. They put the shot in my arm. Luckily, one arm was evidentially a better fit and didn’t hurt as much so I used that arm primarily for the shots. If the doctor says you need it and worried about pre term labor, do it. They will cause some discomfort but you and baby will be a lot safer in the end. :relieved: