I caught my husband looking at porn about a month ago. He was extremely apologetic and even cried over how bad he felt and that he “betrayed” me. He confessed he use to have a problem when he was with his ex because they were never intimate. I am 2 months postpartum and we have not been able to be intimate since i was about 7 months pregnant. I forgave him but i was on his phone the other day and saw that he is still looking at women online even though we are now having daily sometimes twice a day! Should i confront him? Is it cheating if all he is doing is looking? He is a very emotional guy and gets upset and shuts me out when he gets mad at himself for doing wrong or upsetting me and i dont want that but i also want him to know my feelings are hurt. And i will also have to admit i went through his phone, which im okay with, because he gave me a reason to!