Do you think the weird things my kid is doing could be related to our roomate?

Always trust your gut, install cameras anywhere your child will be(except the bathroom, for obvious reasons)!!!

Listen to your gut. ALWAYS!

Get the hell out of there!!! Don’t risk your kids.


Just always trust your gut

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Thanks for all the advise just to answer a few questions I saw my other 3 kids chose to live with there father in SC they didn’t want to leave there schools an friends plus that is where they were raised I they come to me for the summer or last year when they were doing virtual they came more often so I didn’t lose them I honored they’re choice to stay, also this woman is 60 years old was like a mother figure to my boyfriend so supposed to be grandmother figure to our son, he let her move in with us cause for one she was homeless an 2 for some extra help so it would of been easier on us considering we both work full time an I was in school im getting close to my due date so I’m on leave from school an only working a few hours a week now so I’m home alot more an just noticing these strange new behaviors I talked to my boyfriend about mt concerns he agreed an she has till the 1st of the month to get out


My 10 month old thinks it’s funny when I give him a kiss and he sticks his tongue out, he also thinks it’s funny to try to bite my toes. He also has hip thruster himself to scooters himself around since he was around 6 months old. I’m with him all the time and he’s just being a kid.

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Always trust your gut. She has no reason to tell you or disagree with anything you say about how your child is brought up. Shes been there a few months now but could have got herself somewhere by now. I would either put her out or get a nanny cam set up to see exactly what’s going on when you’re not around. It could just be nothing but also it could be something and you owe it to your kid and yourself to find out

Follow ur instincts…n if I were u I would ask ur husband to get her to leave our home.u shouldn’t have to live in fear of anyone u dnt feel comfortable ur home.

Follow your gut! Take your child to the pediatrician and disclose all of this to them! Get the process started of removing her from your home immediately! If she doesn’t leave, and ur boyfriend gets mad, pack you and your kids up and leave. Your pediatrician will do what is needed and can get your child into the children’s justice center to interview the child and the truth will come out. Once you have that you can press charges IF anything happened. One thing is, kids don’t know things unless taught! Keep that in the back of your mind!

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something is definitely going on and even if there wasn’t these these going on with your child’s sudden behavior changes I would definitely tell her she needs to leave your home, she is trying to undermine you as a parent to your own child. also did your bf ask you before having this woman come into your home…like did the two of you sit down to discuss it and how does he know her??? bad vibes all around she needs to go

Trust your gut. The humping is normal behavior a lot of children do this to self soothe. The tongue kissing is not…has he seen this on tv? Is the woman alone with him at all. Get rid of her

Let us all know what happens??? Poor baby my sons 10 months old and couldn’t even imagine that! He sleeps on his tummy but nothing like that!!! I would be very concerned. Get to doctor get him checked and get cameras. Xx p

Simple solution never leave your child alone with her


Your instinc is what matters.get rid of her.

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My 17 month old is in the humping stage currently so they may just be a normal thing lol. But still if your gut is saying something is off, believe it.

Kick that nasty bitch to the curb.

Time for her to get out

Very important question…IS SHE EVER ALONE WITH YOUR SON???


Better to be safe then sorry, who cares even if u were overreacting or not, u have a gut feeling trust it. IDC who I offend when it comes to my kids & I literally offended my son’s dad’s best friend bcz he spent the night 1 night & my ex said he could sleep on the Xtra bed in our son’s room. I got he from work saw that woke him up n told he had to move to the couch. I explained I didn’t think he would do anything but I wasn’t going to chance it, I apologized for possibly offending him but his feelings were not my problem over my security for my kid. The open mouth kissing is extremely normal for babies n 1yr olds they’re just learning but if ur uncomfortable with her then tell her she has to go or better yet make him tell her since he invited her.

I have 4 kids and 1 grandchild and ALL 5 have done the open mouthed kissing. I thought it’s normal. Every toddler as some point, when asked for kisses, comes flying in with a big ole open mouth and tongue hangin out. It’s not actually learned. Honestly I’d be more worried about my SO letting some lady move into our house. :joy:

Sometimes I wonder if some of these guestions are made up. You know just to get a rise out of people.
I mean who let’s a non relative woman move in because it’s “like” a mom/grandma to her old man/husband/boyfriend or whatever? Ummm honey that’s probably his side piece. Nice cover though.
Then is questioning things a one year old does when you have older kids… oh wait they don’t live with you. So did you not ever raise a kid? One year olds put everything in their mouth.
I think you’re probably thinking the worse because you don’t like her. I’d get rid of her and if your man doesn’t agree get rid of him too.

It’s never overreacting when it comes to our kids, and you should definitely listen to your gut feeling!

Was your child alone with this woman? And if so, why? I would not accuse her but I would i form the BF it’s time for her to go

I can see why your older kids aren’t with you.

It’s time for her to go! Period. Trust your gut.

Gut always right…get out of situation

Ugh…all the kids are doing this right now. Majority of them don’t even know what it means.

I honestly think ya child is being a typical 1yo and you don’t like this lady so are trying to find reasons not to or to create a drama. The child is 1 for goodness sake…

I’m an infant teacher at a child care center and yes, ALL of those things are normal. Not all children do it, but some children do. I see it regularly.

You really shouldn’t judge people.

She’d long ago be gone if it were me

Kick her out!!! No questions asked!!!

maybe set up some cameras…?

Lololol I’ve never once tried to make out with my 2 daughters and both kissed me open mouth and tounge when they were babies. Haha its just how babies first kiss.


My 1 year old does all of that to me. Babies don’t know how to close their lips to kiss so he has always tries licking my mouth/ giving open mouth kisses. And he has also been very curious about my feet too. And gets a little odd about it BUT I know it’s because I’ve always kissed his feet and tickled them etc etc so I think he’s just copying what I do. It’s all he’s ever known. Also the up and down motion is something he’s done as well. Only when he’s tired though so I think that along with head banging, hair twirling and so on is just a soothing technique

Always follow your instincts!! Especially with your children.

If you feel something is wrong, trust your gut feeling. Do something about it, your child comes first :+1: