I’m 5 weeks pregnant and we were rear ended today. We went to the ER and all checked out fine, but it was too early to pick up a heartbeat on the ultra sound. Anyone else experienced something similar and been okay? I’m nervous about it.
Currently pregnant with my second. 5 weeks is too early, my OB wouldn’t even see me until 8 weeks & even then, they did an ultrasound but told me it’d be best to wait on using a doppler until my 2nd appointment. Deep breaths. 🫶🏼🤍
They can do the blood work and make sure your levels are high! But honestly don’t stress I got rear ended one time with my seat belt and my oldest was completely safe in my belly! Relax and put your feet up as much as you can! Eat good and hydrate. First trimester is so critical….
Very early yet to hear the heartbeat. So much easier said than done but try not to stress too much. Take it easy. Prayers for a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Me! My second was like that, it’s just super super early!
This happend to me right before 5 weeks and I was terrified. They couldn’t even find her. I went back 2 weeks later and they found her and she was perfect.
I’d get a second opinion. We have always been able to get a heartbeat at 5 weeks.
An Amish horse nearly came through my windshield, on my side, when I was 16 weeks. I got checked out, but all was fine. Doctor said there’s a little cushion in there at that point as baby is still pretty small.
Yes! Couldn’t find the heartbeat until almost 10 week due to her positioning and it was on an ultrasound. Hang in there momma
I didn’t hear my children heartbeat till 8 weeks and I have 3 children. I wouldn’t worry especially if everything else checked out. In my experience it’s just too early. Good luck xoxo
They could not find my daughter’s heartbeat at 5 weeks but were able to at 6 1/2 weeks. It was a long week and a half wait until they found her. My OBGYN Sid that it was just slightly too early and he was right.
That early there is still so much space & cushion in there. You should be fine. I fell down a flight of stairs and broke my ankle at 8 weeks & baby was still happy lil nuggets growing away.
I would wait. That is very early for a definitive answer about heart beats
I’m not exactly sure but that seems like a little too early. I’ve had 5 babies, each of which heard the first heart beat around 8/9 weeks old on the Doppler.
It is too early to hear the heart beat. You should be able to hear the heart beat at 8 weeks.
I was around 8 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. We were in a really bad car accident. Totalled our car. I was banged up and bruised from head to foot. ER Drs are awful with these kinds of things with pregnant women. I saw my OB the following day and he told me that when you’re that early, the uterus, pelvis and your abdominal muscles do a really good job of keeping the baby safe. My son just turned 21. He was safe and healthy the entire pregnancy.
5 weeks is still very early. Don’t stress about it. I used to do ultrasound. We could typically pick up a heartbeat around 6 weeks, but 8 is more optimal.
Doctor had trouble finding mine at 10 weeks. Im not a doctor just wanted to say that. They had to dig really hard and real low.
We baby had a heart beat at 5 weeks apparently it’s not common though.
It’s common to not find it that early. I had a mild subchorionic hemorrhage and they didn’t find a heartbeat. My son is now 7.
First heartbeat was 7&1/2 weeks here
You’re still very early. So I wouldn’t freak out about not hearing the heart beat. The fetal pole hasn’t even formed yet ( I don’t think, can’t remember honestly ). I wouldn’t worry about it until there’s something to worry about
Its too early to tell. Usually 8-12 weeks is when they hear the beat. You should be ok. Very well protected in there. However if you cramp or bleed I would not hesitate to get checked out asap. Keep us posted.
6 weeks is usually when you hear a heartbeat if I remember correctly.
My doctor wouldn’t do an ultrasound until 8 weeks because it’s unlikely to hear or even see the heartbeat before that.
That is super early to hear a heartbeat. Check back at 8 weeks
I had a wreck the day after finding out I was pregnant and I’m going to give birth to her any day now. The doctors told me that the wreck wouldn’t affect the baby in any way that early on because there’s a whole lot of cushion in there. I was hit head on twice. As long as there’s no bleeding I wouldn’t worry too much.
Ive had this at 8w not being able to hear the heartbeat whichbis why im told they dont like to see mamas until 10w bc it freaks mamas out too much. Theyre just small. I heard that babys heartbeat at 12w. It was my earliest appt ive ever had. Im high risk and they still dont want to schedule me until 10w.
Ask for blood work, 5 weeks is a bit too early to pick up heartbeat, even with ultrasound. Seeing a sac/pole is typical though. They should be willing to do HCG blood work, would be drawn 1 day, wait another day or 2 and then draw again to see if it’s increasing or not. Depending on the severity of the accident though, I would bet babe is fine. try not to stress mama.
The Dr can monitor levels of hcg in your blood with simple blood draws and look for increases over a number of days. Sometimes it is too early to detect a baby’s heartbeat.
I’ve never got an ultrasound till 8 to 10 weeks with any of my 3 kids. I don’t know anyone who heard the heartbeat that early so definitely don’t stress It’s way too early
About three more weeks and they should be able to hear the heartbeat. Try to just stay relaxed and not stress yourself
That happened to me. And when we went back a few weeks later, they found the heartbeat. It’s still too early. Don’t stress
5 weeks is too early. Chill
5 weeks is too early for a heartbeat.
5 weeks is too early to hear a hb. I know it’s hard but wait until 8-10 weeks.
My mom says she was in a car accident when pregnant with me. I’m 40 something years old.
On both of my pregnancies, I went for an ultrasound too soon and found only a little black dot on the screen and being told maybe 4 to 5 weeks along. I received no blood work. Was just rescheduled to come back in about 2 weeks. Longest 2 weeks ever! In two weeks grow could be seen and a heart bearlt detected. I have 2 sons
Dude it barely has a head let alone a heart
Normally they can start seeing one anywhere from 6-8 weeks along.
You can’t hear it at 5 weeks only around after 9 -12 weeks
5 weeks is typically too early. My OB doesn’t even see woman until 8 weeks. The best way to tell if pregnancy is processing correctly would be HCG blood test to make sure numbers are doubling every couple days.
At 5 weeks I wouldn’t be too worried, contact the OBGYN your going to see, and they should send you for a repeat ultrasound in a few weeks.
I was in a bad accident where the car I was in was totaled at 11 weeks pregnant. Luckily I am 27 weeks today, and baby is healthy.
Other than some bad bruising, my whole family was okay.
Hoping it’s the same for you!
Ask them to check your hcg blood levels.
If those are going up, you should be fine
But 5 weeks is definitely too early.
Breathe. And try to remain calm .
Wait until 6 to 8 weeks mama this happened with my first and I was sick over it but the sick was morning all-day pregnant sickness and I had a my baby boy at the very end of 42 weeks so they def had his estimated conception incorrect, sometimes some sperm survive way longer and that’s why the dates get to 2ish weeks off over or under
At this stage the baby is very protected…you probably don’t need to worry. ( mom of 6)
Won’t be found prior to 6-7 weeks and even then can be difficult for many to locate.
At 5 weeks pregnant, you should only see a yolk sac and a gestational sac- and maybe not even those!
5weeks is wayyyy early sometimes heartbeat doesn’t start til 6 or 7 weeks. My son’s heartbeat could be seen on ultrasound at 6 weeks and 4 days.
Yah its very rare to pick up a heart beat at 5 weeks you normally can’t see it until about 6 weeks if you really look for it
Oh that’s right so bc I had a nuclear meltdown and mind you this is over 13vyrs ago they did the blood test to see my levels of hcg, that kinda helped ease my mind enough until the 8bweelk appt
Don’t stress, as long as your blood work is good. You and baby should be fine! You’ll see that heartbeat at 8 weeks
heartbeat usually isn’t heard till the 6 week at the earliest
What did the ultrasound show? Did it show the sac?
Did they do blood work? Are you bleeding?
Did the doctors make a follow up appointment?
When I was pregnant I went every week from 4 weeks pregnant for ultrasounds and watched how the sac and then the baby was forming. Every pregnancy is different. I’ve had an ectopic and a blighted ovum pregnancy before I got my first live baby
The ER ultrasound equipment isn’t always the best, I would call your OB Monday and get in if your truly worried, but like everyone has said 5 weeks is early
Same thing happened to me- it was just too early to detect. Go back in 1 week
I started bleeding from a SCH and went into my OB. I was measuring 6wks 1day and there was no heartbeat. I bled a lot more and went back in 2 days later to see if I had miscarried but there he was with a heartbeat this time measuring 6wks 3days.
Had the same at 6 weeks and panicked so much over next 3 weeks but at 9 weeks was a strong heartbeat. Goodluck xx
She is 11 now
Did they do a vaginal ultrasound or on your stomach? I was 5 weeks with my daughter & the only way they could hear her heartbeat was the vaginal ultrasound.
Everybody is different (depends on size of mama as well on how much they can see) with my first we saw little a little blob with a heart beat the day I found out at 6 weeks, with my second we saw a little blob with no heart beat at 5 weeks and had to go back a week later and with my last they could only see the sac at 5 weeks and I had to go back, both ended up being totally fine just too early
#1 reason why many states are trying to overturn strict abortion bans, most heartbeats aren’t heards/visible on most ultrasound equipment until at least 8 weeks
That’s too early there’s a slight possibility you could see a little flicker for the heart at 5 weeks but heartbeat would not be seen until at least 6 weeks.
My babies heart beat was starting at 6.4, please do not panic at 5 weeks, you’re too early. Sorry you had an accident, I hope you’re ok.