Doctors found health issues on my unborn baby

Techs aren’t allowed to tell you anything. That’s not their responsibility. The doctor needs to do it. Get a second opinion. Mistakes have been made all the time in due dates, bad images, and other things. Get a second opinion, get more answers.


At 19 weeks my daughter had “abnormalities”. She was born completely healthy.


Pray and trust God for a miracle. ((((Hugs))))


The tech isn’t allowed to determine or say if there are any abnormalities. Their job is to do the ultrasound and send it to the doctors to interpret. You can always ask for a follow up ultrasound just to double check or get a second opinion. :sparkling_heart:


My baby had heart defects and ended up having open heart surgery at 6 days old he got diagnosed with DiGeorge Syndrome he is about to turn 5 on Thursday :two_hearts:

Pray and trust in God


sorry for you stress…hope they recheck it all soon so u can have piece of mind

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I was told my baby boy had alot of fluid in his brain, it was clearly visible…there were no other signs of downs so that was the only thing ruled out. They then proceeded to tell me I was still early enough to abort my baby, to which I refused. I continued with my pregnancy, started bleeding and cramping, discovered I went into early labour and baby was in distress. Checked on a scan what was happening, fluid was completely gone, absolutely no visible fluid in the brain, that was final scan before he was born 30 Min later via emergency c-section, healthy 3.6 baby boy.

After his birth he went to the NICU, due to “low sugar or Jaundice” they could never tell me what he was actually there for…one nurse didn’t even know my boy was there… anyway point is…he was ok after finding that fluid.

Please try and not stress to much about it and what ever you do DO NOT GOOGLE ANYTHING!!! Good luck to you and yours.


I was told my son had hydrocephaly (fluid around his brain). Had to see two different specialists. Turned out he just had a big head, no fluid

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Get another ultrasound done with specialists. Same thing happened to me this pregnancy and I went back to specialists and it turned out to be nothing.

l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16564 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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Kemmy Kemery Tey Bartlett

l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $29160 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

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The tech isn’t one who really looks too much into it that’s why they send it off to get looked
At im not a mom but had ultrasound done this is what they told me

Please get a second opinion

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Prayers for you and your baby!!! :pray::pray::pray:

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I’m so sorry. I know this is stressful. Please see a geneticist.

Yes techs aren’t supposed to tell you anything. The doctor has to diagnose.
My son had a mass in his lung which can cause issue with other organs. But luckily his did not. But all the parents I’ve talked to and read about that had the same condition with varying levels 99% are healthy toddlers now


I was told so much bs!!! They first told me my hcg levels dropped so low impossible to live he was dieing if not already dead er had no heartbeat refuse second ultra sound! Found another doctor at first was okay then was told perforated anus (no anus) then I was told he had swollen bowels, then was told he had a bloackage then was told that he possibly had cystic fibrosis then was told he was abnormally large ( found out I was pregnant when there wasn’t even a fetal pole) so my dates were exact! Then finally was told most likely have emergency surgery!!!

He was born March 23,2019 he had a golf ball sized knot in his cord all of the present nurses doctors and specialist all took pictures stating they had never seen anything like this or a child to survive something like this!!! Long story short cf was negative he had numerous xrays he was just consulates from birth to 2 years old about he had problems pooping but nothing horribly serious like they stated! And he had horrible acid reflux and was failur to thrive because of it! Fast forward we are in eating therapy and see gastro still but other then that nothing they claimed from ultrasound was accurate!!! I stressed and cried so much I developed severe anxiety still to this day it was always something every dr apt!

Not saying your situation is the same but in my case it was all assumptions nothing they could prove until after birth

l get paid over $115 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12561 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…


One of mine had abnormalities on the kidneys they seemed super concerned about. On the ultrasound but was born completely healthy

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l get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $22974 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Many have… so your not alone… see what the MD says and go from there. Follow your :heart:.


Tech is only there to do the ultrasound then your Dr. will give you the results yes techs could tell you something is not okay but they choose not to because they don’t wont do to liability what if they told you something wrong so it’s better for everyone to do their own jobs

My son had a mass on his back my entirely pregnancy, they told me he was deformed had downs etc and by my last few ultrasounds it all disappeared and he came out healthy as can be and my straight A student!


I had a cyst on my ovary and one was on my first Born’s umbilical cord as well as them thinking he had a spinal issue. He came out perfectly fine. However some children aren’t so lucky. What I would do is read up on what was diagnosed and prepare yourself for it best you can JUST IN CASE.

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My daughter was told the ultrasound showed a marker on her son’s heArt and somewhere else. I forget now. It was a worrisome time. Her son is 3 and healthy. Prayers for you and baby.

Radiology techs aren’t qualified to diagnose anyone in any way. What a strange person to blame.

I have a nephew they only gave hours to live with the diagnosis of baby in the womb she was about 6 months along …mom made the decision to have him . He had open heart surgery the day he was born. My nephew is now six years old. He is a happy child a miracle child. We are blessed. God has intervened in every aspect of his life. Never give up on hope.


Good luck to you, this is never an easy situation.