Does anyone else have an 18/19 month old that PREFERS to crawl vs walk?? We were referred to physical therapy but it’s not like he can’t walk, he walks halfway across the room without problem. He just seems more comfortable crawling
Yes. My eldest was too nervous to walk even though she could, but when she got her 18 month immunisations, her arms got sore and she started walking confidently after that.
Yes. My daughter is 19m in a few days and can do upto 12 steps but would much rather crawl.
I think toddlers just find it quicker to crawl than walking
My oldest walked at 8mo. My other 3 were all different times. They all develop at different times. No worries momma
If he prefers to crawl, it could definitely be that he needs help with certain muscles or motor skills. I would definitely at least do the PT eval. It’s easier to find and fix an issue at this age than wait and see if it’s an issue at age 5.
My granddaughter loves walking on her knees
Mine used to when he was that age
Yes. My eldest was too nervous to walk even though she could, but when she got her 18 month immunisations, her arms got sore and she started walking confidently after that.
Take him to a podiatrist.
All kids do things in their own time
Don’t gauge it off Other kids of the
Same age
my 2 year old walks/runs just fine but occasionally he’ll just take off crawling faster than lightning thru the hall😂
My second daughter loved to crawl she could really crawl fast even when she was 2 she became a runner and a mother. Relax it will be fine
My daughter never even really crawled until she learned to walk because she would scoot or roll. However she would get annoyed and walk halfway to where she was going fall and crawl the rest of the way
They will do what comes easiest and fastest. If he’s walking and you can see that he’s fully able just maybe not so willing then I wouldn’t be super worried. If the doc is recommending therapy for it I don’t see any harm in doing so just incase but I also don’t think there is anything wrong with giving him some more time as well. Kids do things at their own pace and it’s just how the cookie crumbles. My daughter is 9 now but she refused to talk. Right before her 4th birthday the doctor finally set up speech therapy and sure enough the day before her first session she started talking my ear off. She was able just didn’t want too just keep encouraging the walking and I’m sure he will start to choose it over crawling more and more as the days go on. I had an activity table that had a seat attached that allowed them to walk around the entire table. The seat supported them in a standing position and they could circle the table and i swear it’s the reason my 2 younger children walked way before my 1st ever did. The table built up their leg muscles and encouraged the walking
My daughter started walking at 14months but preferred to crawl instead and gorilla walk instead for almost a month but now she walks and doesn’t crawl at all or gorilla walk. A physio will be able to help rule out anything sooner then later but don’t stress mum every kid is different and will do things in their own time and pace. Your child Is probably more confident and comfortable at crawling at the moment.