Does my mom have a right to be mad at me?

Mommy rant: So me, my brother and all our kids (7 total, 3 are mines) hanging out at my moms house, typical day. My mom is a very welcoming person literally no person especially kids ever go hungry if she’s around. So the neighbors little girl comes over to play with my 3yo son and 6yo nephew which is nvr a problem. My mom asks me to make a store run and as I’m pulling bck in front of my moms house I see my son is riding the little girl scooter but before I could even get out of my car I see the little girls mom come out and take my 3yo off the scooter and take it into the house so instead of making a scene I yelled out my window to my mom “I’ll be right back”. So my house is less than 10 mins away so I run home to get his scooter, skateboard, roller skates and remote control car. Rush bck to only find my mother is livid with me!!! stating I overreacted and it wasn’t that serious. My question is did I!?!??My mom raised me and my siblings to believe we nvr have to ask for anything because we already have our own!! So my natural instinct was to go get his things. I dnt want my mom upset but my children will always have there own


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum.

I dont think you over reacted.


You were looking out for your kids. She should do the same

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I don’t think u did! I would of done the same thing🤷🏽‍♀️

i would of been fuming if im honest


Over reacting would be yelling screaming trying to fight the other childs mother. All you did was get your childs toys i dont see the big deal.


Your children. Your move.


You did not over react at all


Good time to teach your kids that just because something is available didn’t mean they can have access to it. It’s your mom’s neighbor, you should’ve let her deal with it. And you were being overly petty bringing all the extra stuff over there. You could’ve left it at scooter, but you had to do the most, so yeah, you overreacted. Find teachable moments rather than creating privileged ones.


I think you did the right thing. For the life of me, I cannot understand why your mom got upset, even if she didn’t want the neighbor to see what you were doing. What a nasty person that next door neighbor is and what a poor example to children. We do need to teach our children to share.


Your mother’s the one over reacting. Personally I’d have said something to the child’s mother :person_shrugging: you don’t put your hands on someone else’s kids regardless of them having your child’s toy or not. You ask the parent or child to hand it back respectfully. I feel bad for the girl because of her mother’s attitude, she isn’t teaching her to be a nice person and share .


You could’ve sent the little girl home and said once her mama learns how to share if she expects her kid to be allowed to touch yalls kids toys then she could come back…… that would’ve been over reacting.


I don’t know where you over reacted? You went and got your sons things with extra to share? Did you yell at the mom have a snide comment or something? If mom didn’t want to share the scooter you went and got your kids idk what the issue is. I would be more mad at the mom for taking your kid off forcefully :woman_shrugging: we have neighbor girls and the kids share literally everything here


I don’t see how you over reacted at all. You left and got your sons things so he could play without being taken off another kids’ scooter. Like WTH :woman_facepalming: You didn’t make a scene and start yelling at the neighbor. Had you done that, I’m sure your mother would be even angrier. What are you supposed to do? Watch your kid watch everyone play? As your children’s grandmother she shouldn’t have been mad at you for what you did


A scooter, no.

All that, yes.


Did you say nana nana boo boo he has this and you can’t play with it? Because that would be the only way that would be a overrated.


I think you can do whatever you want with your kid and his things. The lil girl wasn’t sharing so you got his stuff to play at your mom’s. How’s it overreacting?


You were rt in every way!

Sounds like there’s something missing of story maybe…
I’m not reading anything that I’d see mom (grandma) to be upset about.


“Instead of making a scene”…you passive aggressively demonstrated to your child that entitlement to other people’s property is fine.:woman_shrugging:


you handled that 10 times better then i would have.


If I lived close I would have done the same thing as you. Your not over reacting. You brought different things for your son to play with and he can share if he wants to with his cousins and friends.


I would’ve asked what the problem was with the scooter. Maybe he was being dangerous with it, not taking turns etc. If that was the case then you rewarded his behavior by getting his own stuff. Communication is the key here. It seems like emotions were so high neither of you communicated well.


Why not grab extra just incase he wants to play with something else ? That’s not bad at all. Sounds pretty rude how the neighbour did that and your mother shouldn’t be getting mad at you. Also… no one had a right to touch your child at all even if it’s just picking him up off a scooter. She should’ve approached you his mother first. I honestly would snap if someone touched any of my kids.

I find that usually there is a middle. Especially when it comes to someone who loves you. Maybe you overreacted a little, maybe she did too. Just let her know you didn’t mean to upset anyone and move past it. She won’t be mad forever.

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Id have been mad at someone else touching my child. If she doesnt want her child to share with others then she should keep her child and her toys in her own garden.


She shouldn’t have put her hands on your son. That’s NOT ok.


Ya ur being petty and rude… she was probably trying to prevent ur 3 year old from being hurt :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: say thank you

You were nicer than me, put your hands on my child and find out!


I feel like something may be missing. Was your son doing something on the scooter that he shouldn’t have been? Is there a reason the mom removed him? Was she nervous because he didn’t have a helmet or protection on? It seems like if your mom thinks you overreacted then maybe there’s a reason why the scooter was taken away, especially since you were gone and only came back for that part.


No dear. Mom didn’t over react. U did da rite. It does look like u were just showing da neighbor mom I don’t need your scooty. My child has more. Well. The problem is not your mom, u or your child. It’s da adult neighbor with an attitude. She should keep her baby at home if she does not want her child’s toys not 2be shared

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I don’t see what your mom had to be upset about. You went and got enough stuff that everybody could play. That’s not a big deal. What was a big deal was the little neighbor girl being allowed to bring her scooter over if she was the only one allowed to play with it.

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You ligit did. Othing wrong. It’s your kid, your stuff, and I’m sure you’ll be bringing rhem back at the end of the visit. It may just be me but I wouldn’t want to be over there for a while if that is gonna be her attitude.

We’re the kids possibly fighting over the scooter before you saw her take it. That’s the only reason I would have removed the toy personally. I would have asked thr other mom if gheh were fighting over it and let her know that you would go and grab your sons real quick so they all had something to play with


I’m not sure what she’s mad about??? :thinking:. I would’ve done the same thing, it’s not like you yelled at the neighbor or even made it noticeable that you were upset about the situation… :woman_shrugging:t2: 


My thoughts…when you seen the neighbor removing your son from the scooter. You could’ve checked as to why. Maybe they was leaving. Even though your mom raised you a curtain way. In your adult life and as a parent. Those ways your mom taught you should be updated and adjusted accordingly.


I think it’s important to address the issue at hand. When you saw the incident going directly to the person taking the scooter away is your best bet. Your child needs to learn how to handle confrontation and watching you handle it would have been a great learning lesson. As far as your mother being mad at you goes that’s a loose loose because I feel everyone at that point would have handled it differently and see it wrong if it isn’t handled that way. Let her be mad and parent your kids how you see fit. Not everyone will agree or be happy with it.


I mean you could have taken the stuff from the store inside first lol


Something is missing bc huh


Your mom sounds whack. What is there to be mad about?
Also, if someone touched my son like that, words would be exchanged.

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No. I don’t see the problem

You over-reacted. A better response would have been to stop, find out why your son was removed from the scooter and then, if it seemed like he just needed a scooter to play on, gone and picked one up from home. Instead, without knowing why he was removed from the scooter, you drove 10 minutes away, presumably with your mom’s groceries still in the car and got not only his scooter, but also a skateboard, roller skates and a remote car? That just seems like overkill. I think your mom was probably right and it wasn’t that serious.


I’m so confused about literally everything in this post :joy:
Why would your mom be upset?
Why did the neighbor take the scooter?
Why did you need to be over the top and bring extra shit?
Did you child NEED a scooter ASAP?
Did you take the groceries in first?

You did nothing wrong

What exactly was she upset about? Maybe bc she needed the things from the store and you took longer than expected? We need more info

You did not overreact. Maybe the neighbor felt some type of way and mentioned her feelings to your mom. Oh well

Remind your mom who the parent is. Simple as that.


You reacted properly. She’s more worried about the neighbors


The child’s mom didn’t want your kid riding the scooter so you drove 20 mins (10 there and back) to load up a bunch of unnecessary stuff and for why? You could have just parked the car, told your son that was her scooter, next time we come to grandma’s house we’ll bring yours! Then just redirected play? You totally went a little overkill on that.


I would’ve did the same thing :woman_shrugging:t2:

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There is something missing. Do you know if a conversation was had between aren’t and your child before you got back? Y didn’t you talk to parent first? Yeah you overreacted

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If I lived that close, I would’ve grabbed my child’s stuff too……not to be dramatic, but so they could play together….


You are not in the wrong. I think your mom over-reacted. You went and got your sons own things to entertain himself with, nothing wrong with that.

Maybe speak to that childs mother and figure out if there was a problem first? My child is never expected to share her toys just because some other child wants it. There’s always the possibility her child wanted their own toy & your child had commandeered it so to prevent her child from potentially escalating behaviors or being upset she removed the toy. That’s exactly what I would do in that situation. There’s also a possibility her child was told not to bring that toy outside/ share it and did anyways so when mom noticed she removed the toy. Most likely this situation had nothing to do with your child at all BUT I don’t agree that you bringing your child toys he’s clearly interested in is an issue unless you brought his “coolest” or “most desirable” toys with the intentions of making a show about not letting that neighbor’s child play with them which wasn’t stated in this post.


Kids first!! I would have done same! I mean you didn’t start no drama right!


Remember, your mom has to live next door to this “karen”, so fluff it off, next time take your kids stuff with you, get some sidewalk chalk too…:grinning:

If someone put their hands on my kid, that scooter would be the last of her worry.


I might not have grabbed as much but I would’ve done the same thing.

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I totally agree w/ how you handled it.

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She is mad at you because you brought over your child’s toys? I don’t know why anyone would be mad at that.


Does your mom have the right to be mad? I guess anyone has the right, but no, I don’t think her anger is justified.


Maybe your son was giving grief about the scooter. If that was the case, I’d take the scooter away too regardless of who was on it. No sense in fighting over nonsense.


So her kid can come over eat food and play with all you have but god forbid your child ride their scooter … with that said tho it’s not the kids fault the mom is a hag but at the same time nobody is touching or disciplining my child or anything that isn’t me or my husband or a close family member


She shouldn’t be upset.!!!
She over reacted


There’s literally nothing wrong with giving your child his own toys. He wanted something to play with and you gave him his own stuff… your mom can get over herself.


No no she didn’t. She’s totally unjustified in her behavior.


I feel like something is missing from this story


U did absolutely NOTHING wrong it would’ve been wrong if u caused a scene but u avoided that


Classic case of a 1 upper then we wonder where kids get the entitlement


Some people just don’t like to share .that’s a issue she is dealing with no your child or hers. But herself…the kids don’t even know what’s going on but will be watching. That’s a gact. Everything starts at home.

So I agree with a few comments about not making my kids share.

The ONLY thing that is bugging me is the part of the neighbor putting hands on the child who is not hers!! I would’ve stopped my car and gotten out! That’s a huge no fore


I would have done the same


Maybe the kids were arguing over it or something so she came and put it up if they play together all the time are you sure that your kid didn’t do something not saying he did but shouldn’t you ask first maybe that’s what happened your mom didn’t want to start trouble with the neighbors

I would have done the same thing and let the little girl play with it too

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I think you should have spoken to your mom first to what what the problem was. Were they fighting over it etc. So no I don’t think she was wrong. Kids don’t have to have it all and I think everyone needs to learn to share.

So the mom can bring herself and her child over and eat and have fun but can’t share her child’s scooter? That’s rude. I would have stopped and asked first why is was such a problem that your son was on their scooter. Then just went back and grabbed your son his own. Your mom should probably stay out of something so little.

Something is missing here. How does yelling out you would be back overreacting? Is it because yo got your boys stuff?


She has the right to be mad at you, should you care ? ABSOLUTELY NOT , you didn’t anything wrong , if they are friends and always play wich each other toys I do not see the issue of your son using the scooter ( the only thing my daughter can’t share or borrow was electronic games, because they are expensive and delicate )you handle the situation better than me , and I will make sure that those kids don’t use any of my kids toys ever :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Neither of you did anything wrong

I don’t get why your mom is mad…nothing in this scenario says to me that you have anything to be sorry for. Don’t even worry about it


No what you did was smart!


I would have done the same thing I don’t think you are wrong at all I’m sure your child had hurt feelings and reinforcing your support for your child that’s your job and I’m sorry but if hurting someone else’s feelings because you are being supportive then they need to take that to their parents so they can adjust their attitudes

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I would’ve done the same thing. I’d even tried to bring a pool. Why was this neighbor touching your child. I wouldn’t have been mad over the scooter, I’d been mad cause she touched my kid without permission.


I would not care if my son wants to ride a scooter and someone went out of their way to remove him from the scooter and take it inside then :boom: boom my son has it all and nothing will stop him from having it if I can help. I would tell my mother to mind her business.


What was wrong? I would have done the same thing.

You handled it right no reason for her to be upset. I could see if you caused a scene, but you didn’t even do that.


Was your son upset over it?

I’m thinking a little outside the box. She stated her mom sent her to the store and as she came back she seen the situation with the kids. Did she maybe not bring in the food first and her mom was annoyed by that. Like give me the food than go get his toys? Maybe I’m far off


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You wanted to make sure your child had things to play with. That mother didn’t want him to use her child’s and even took him off of it and put it in her house so he couldn’t. Your mom should have understood and not have been upset.


How did you over react? If I seen my neighbor didn’t want my kids using their children’s toys and I had some I could quickly get, then I’d get them. I don’t care why the mother took it. It’s not like you Karened this woman like she was evil she took your child off you simply brought your child’s over. I see no over reaction as long as you didn’t have some sort of fit when there was no need. If they are saying something about you bringing your own child’s stuff over then they are in the wrong. Ignore your mom if she thinks this was wrong that’s bs, because it’s not. The other mom had every right to take in her child’s toy and you had every right to bring over your children’s toys. No issue here in my eyes


Why is she upset you went to get your kid his own things to play with. Seems silly.


I seen this same post over a month ago


If your child can’t play with the neighbor kids toys then the neighbor kid can’t come over and play with your kids toys. The other mom was wrong and can take her kid home


Does she have the right? Sure But that doesn’t make it rite. I mean, ya could have handled it alot worse, like poppin that heifer 1 good time for physically movin ur kid n wasn’t even doing anything wrong​:woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: Seems to me u done rite momma!


Nope your right and the other kid needs to learn sharing is caring


I think your mother over reacted honestly


I think your response was great. You did yell or say anything rude or inappropriate ; you just went to get your kids stuff. I don’t get why your mom is upset about that ….

I think the fact that you brought all those toys back with you was PETTY! Your mom may have noticed it too and was embarrassed by your actions. The other mom was fine to take your child off of her kids scooter and take it inside if she didn’t want the kids playing with it. YOUR child is not entitled to other kids toys and maybe your kids are too rough.

Your mom isn’t wrong.